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"Are you sure you'll be fine alone?" Chaeyoung asked with concerned eyes looking at y/n who was eating chips off the bowl on her stomach.

"Of course." Y/n dismissed. "Jun's gonna be home an hour later anyway." 

It was Soobin and Chaeyoung's date night and the boys had gone out too dragging poor jieun with them meaning Y/n would be alone.

"Call us if anything happens, Bye!" Soobin waved and a defeaning silence fell over y/n who stood there in her neon cat night dress wondering what to do.

Not even a second later loud music waws blaring through the TV system as y/n jumped around from couch to couch dancing along to Twice's the feels. She really was having the time of her life.

Yeonjun bewildered, walked into the house hearing the music from the block away he thought there might be party going on but no, it was just y/n dancing to Twice and a smile automatically made its way to his face.

Y/n energetically turned around with a huge smile and froze in place seeing Yeonjun who was also frozen in place.

He had seen it all.

And not even ten minutes later y/n and Yeonjun were applying face masks on each other with Y/n's legs tangled with his own. 

"How bout we make cookies while this dries?" Yeonjun suggested and y/n turned to look at the clock.

"Isn't it too late for cookies?"
"It's never too late for cookies." 

Y/n agreed.

The two were now in the kitchen bringing out the ingredients with music playing softly in the back. Y/n was slowly bopping her head while Yeonjun  hummed to the lyrics it was overall like a mini date but at home.

They both needed it. A lot had gone down in the past month and they did not have time to spend with each other and this seemed to make up for everything as they silently brushed past each other grabbing things.

Y/n pulled out a bowl and held the packet of flour while Yeonjun went to pick a call. Y/n tried and tried to open the packet but failed. Spotting the scissor, she immediately reached out for it and cut through the tough packet and a plume of flour rose up and infiltrated her nostrils and she sneezed.

Yeonjun walked back inside only to see Y/n covered in flour standing in the middle of the kitchen and he burst out laughing.

"You think this is funny?" Y/n scoffed coughing out white powder. Yeonjun would not stop laughing.

So y/n stomped toward him and threw a handful of flour on him making him dramatically gasp while looking at y/n's somewhat terrified face.

"You're asking for it now." Yeonjun said and began to chase y/n all over the house. Up the stairs and down, into a bedroom and out before they ended up in Y/n's room and in her bathroom where y/n turned her shower on drenching them both.


"Hey atleast i can see clearly now." Y/n protested before she realised.

She was in the shower

With her boyfriend

who is a man

and her clothes are probably giving through

And she's just inches away from him.

Y/n consciously crossed her arms over her chest with a red face while Yeonjun coughed looking away.

"Do you want me to get out?" He asked and a small smirk pulled up on his lips. "Or do you want to shower with me?"

Y/n's stomach erupted into butterflies but she smiled and said, "I think I'd like showering with you." 

Yeonjun's cocky expression was wiped away as his ears and face turned red. He had not expected his plan to backfire but he wasn't one to give up so easily.

"Is that so?" He whispered closing the distance between them and trapping y/n with one of his hands on the wall behind her head. "Better start stripping then." 

Y/n bit her lip to contain her butterflies that were threatening to burst through. "Right after you, Choi." 

Yeonjun couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed y/n's nape before crashing his lips passionately onto hers as she returned the kiss with the same amount of energy. 

Her hands walked through his soaking blond hair, tugging on it whenever he bit her lip, pulling him closer.

Her hands gripped Yeonjun's shoulder in alarm as his teeth nibbled on the  skin of her neck  when they heard the alarm of their oven go off.

Y/n  pushed back Yeonjun who panted  heavily and yelled 'my cookies' before sprinting out the room with a trail of water behind her.

Y/n came back to see Yeonjun rubbing his hair with a towel and only in sweatpants, his shirt missing. She hurried into the bathroom.

The two, embarrassed for the first time quietly walked past each other as y/n changed in the bathroom, the scenes replaying over and over again.

The two got down the stairs to see their TV on and nobody else there before someone from the TV spoke again.

"This voice message is scheduled exactly for two hours when you two will be home alone to remind you not to do the nasty in any of our rooms and finish before we get home. Oh and USE PROTECTION I DONT WANT MINI YEONJUN'S AND Y/N'S RUNNING AROUND THE HOUSE. Yours truly Soobin."

Both y/n and Yeonjun glanced at each other with cheeky smiles before he placed a kiss on y/n's damp hair and pulling her to the kitchen to finish baking.

Another hour passed and the couple were huddled under a blanket watching a movie while munching on their choco chip cookies as if that thing in the bathroom never happened.

"Babe." Yeonjun called dusting his hands. "I have something to tell you." 

"Hm?" Y/n shifted her attention to the boy. "What is it?"

"I won't be home tomorrow," Yeonjun fiddled with his fingers and y/n wondered why he was being so nervous before it clicked.

It was their one year anniversary.

And he wouldn't be home.

Yeonjun noticed how y/n's expression visibly fell sighed sadly before taking her hands in his and placing a kiss on her knuckles. "I promise to make it up to you angel. I'm sorry."

Y/n awoke the next day to an empty bed and her exploding phone which was what caused her to wake up.

Gang gang shi


Soobin: I thought ChaeBin was your fav ship smh 


Taeyong: Naur only i can call yall kids

Jieun: Why tf is my phone blowing up early in the morning

Taehyun: Its 1 pm

Jieun: And?

Thank you guys it means a lot <33

Huening K: You must be upset that hyung isn't here :(( 

Im fine hueka, he did promise to make it up to me :3

Chaeyoung: OTP MFS

Beomgyu: INDEED

Inside Y/n did feel a tad bit upset. It was their first anniversary and she had so many things in mind but she pushed away her sadness, telling herself to be understanding and got off the bed to get ready for the day. 

Y/n decided to go to work since she had nothing planned today and finish her upcoming work early so she'd have time to spend with Yeonjun when he got back.

Atleast that was the plan.

"Yeonjun made you breakfast before he left." Taeyong smiled down at the girl who was staring at the plate of food which consisted of heart shaped pancakes, a red velvet cake and a glass of strawberry milkshake. He really went all out.

Y/n bit back her grin as she savoured the taste of her boyfriend's hardwork and thoughtfulness because he knew she would skip breakfast and he also knew she would eat if he made it himself. She had to give it to him for thinking that far ahead.

After finishing her breakfast, she packed the cake into an air tight container to eat at work and left after telling everyone bye.

"She's upset isn't she?" Beomgyu slightly frowned and Taeyong stood up from his seat.

"She is. And she's going to call herself selfish for wanting to spend her anniversary with her boyfriend." Taeyong said and small frowns graced everyones faces.

"We should do something." Chaeyoung muttered picking on the blueberry on her plate with her fork. 

"I don't think we should. We'll just be reminding her that her significant other isn't here. It'll be like salt in her wounds." Jieun spoke up and Taehyun glanced at her from opposite the table.

"As much as I hate to say it, the rebel is actually right." He said and got a kick on his leg from the said girl.

Soobin sighed. "Come on boys, we have places to be."

The day passed by and it was soon evening. Y/n was seated in her swivel chair, having successfully diverted her mind but now that she was all alone, her eyes fell onto the photo frame next to her computer, the picture of them that Yeonjun had taken on their first date in which their faces were smooshed together with goofy smiles painted onto their faces.

Y/n sighed and turned the frame to the side and picked on her red velvet cake pushing away the tears that were pricking her eyes.

"Happy anniversary to me i guess." She mumbled taking a bite of the cake.

Y/n's phone dinged and she saw Chaeyoung's name.

Y/n can you please come to the beach near school? Im in trouble

Y/n immediately grabbed her car keys and her purse and dashed out the office, leaving her cake on the desk.

Y/n wasn't one to rash drive but seeing Chaeyoung's text she had no other choice. A lot of people yelled curses at her but she paid no heed and drove quickly and before she knew it she was running down the stairs and onto the soft beige sand of the beach.

"Chae!" Y/n yelled looking around but she saw nobody and nothing her heart racing in panic.

The lamposts on the beach flickered before they turned off leaving y/n standing in the dark with only the sound of the waves echoing in her ears.

"W-who's there?" Y/n stuttered still somewhat shook from the sudden blackout. 

Then y/n felt her hand being gently taken in silence and Y/n didn't question it, she knew exactly who it was.




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