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The funny part 

About all of this 

Is that I thought 

I honestly and truly thought

That everything was fine. 

It had been mere weeks since we met 

Mere weeks since you first 

Held my hand 

Smiled at me

Held me close

And made me feel 

Complete in this incomplete world 

I had been lost 

Searching for a home 

For a hand to hold 

For a shoulder to lean on

And here you were 

Standing before me 

O glorious God you sent me an angel

And to you I was but a mortal. 

The funny thing here was 

I was okay

I was better

I was coping 

I was alive 

And then it came 

The painful truth 

In the form of a message 

Sent through codes and bits 

Formed into words 

Into sentences

Into paragraphs 

That screamed. 

"I think we should just be friends."

The funny part 

Was that all I could think of 

Was your happiness 

When mine 

Was never your priority

The funny part 

Was that I thought of your smile 

And prioritized that 

Over my own

Broken amongst memories of us

Tears fell like a waterfall 

And yet

I replied to you and smiled 

And said I understood

Understood that now 

I can never love again. 

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro