Chapter One: Attacked

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It's one thing to read legends and mythes but another to be living in one. I never believed in those childish ghost stories but certain attacks and missing people counter my belief as more and more evidence points to them. But I still couldn't believe it- even now I don't.

I was sprawled out on my top bunk in the middle of the night while my younger sister snored and my two older brothers across the room made small noises in their sleep. It was annoying yet comforting to know that, even if I can't see them, they're still breathing, they're still there. I stared out the large window at the foot of my bed to see the forest that surrounded our house. Mom wants to move but dad doesn't want to, seeing that he built this house, himself, just for us.

The more and more I think the sleepier and sleepier I get, now I'm almost asleep but first I placed my pillow closer to the window so I could look at the stars. My eyes were closing and fast, it's only a matter of seconds before I slip into dream land. But I didn't want that, I didn't want to sleep yet...

There was a long, low sound that came from above my head. My eyes opened slightly, oh, I must have fallen asleep! I sat up only to hit my head on the slanted ceiling. I rubbed the sore spot and glanced out the window, I didn't see anything. I did another scan just to make sure... There! A pair of yellow eyes were glaring at me with a feral glow. I stared at the yellow eyes until they disappeared in the darkness. A million ideas of what the eyes could belong to raced through my head until I heard a long, feral sound that resembled a wolf's howl but this sound held something almost... Human to it. That's when the answer rolled through my head and the world seemed to stop and everything turned to silence, except for the one word...


I had to get mom, get dad, wake up my siblings, and hide somewhere! Werewolves are the smartest animals out there considering they often start out as humans... I shook my head and slipped down the ladder with ease. The first thing I did was I woke up Bella, my little sister. She tried to brush me away but soon sat up and looked at me with annoyance.

"What do you want?"

"Bella, there's werewolves! We need to get everyone! Hurry!" I watched as fear slowly crossed her face and entered her green eyes. The only answer she gave me was a nod before she got up and started waking up Trevor, our eldest brother.

I went to Jack, second oldest, and climbed into bed with him- no, it's not what you think. Once I positioned myself between the wall and his sleeping form I pushed my back into his and used my feet to push off from the wall. Within minutes he was groaning on the floor after landing with a thud. I looked down at him and decided against the grin that was threatening to fill my features.


"Werewolves." When I said that one word a look of pure fear spread itself across his face and he immediately got up and went to help Bella with Trevor. I just stood by the door and waited for them. It was quiet- too quiet. It made my heart race and set me on edge. Then a bark came from somewhere outside, shushing all of us. Two orbs of blue appeared in the darkness, growing too. They grew and grew until a mist covered the window and a wet, black nose pressed against the glass. It was to dark to decipher what color it was and I really don't think any of my siblings cared at the moment.

The thing bared it's white teeth and barked, terrifying us all into scrambling for the door and running to our parents room. We barreled through the door and started talking all at once as both mom and dad opened their eyes in slight anger.

"What do you kids want?" Mom asked in both annoyance and anger.

"Werewolves!" All four of us said that one word together and dad was up in a second, pulling a gun from under the bed. Mom stood and held Bella close to her chest, if your wondering. Bella is twelve, I'm fifteen, Jack is sixteen, and Trevor just turned eighteen.

Dad loaded the gun as a another howl escaped one of those creatures' jaws. He closed the bedroom doors and mom comforted us, she said everything would be alright. Though only Bella believed her.

There was a crash as a window shattered, four claws clicking on the wooden floor. A growl was heard from the direction of the livingroom, which would be to our left. Another window shattered, it came from our right this time; the bathroom. Another spinetingling howl rang out, several other howls responded.

By this time I was breathing hard, I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my heart was beating so loud that I thought they could hear me from all the way to China. Bella was almost in tears, Trevor held Jack by the shoulder to comfort him, mom was trying to keep us quiet, and dad stood by the door with his gun and listened.

Another window broke, this one was...

.... Right....

.... Behind....

.... Us....

All of our heads turned to one of the windows next to the bed, an unnaturally large, pure white wolf with blue eyes was standing there. It's teeth were bared and sharp while it's claws shined in the dim light.

Mom screamed and threw one of her heels from her closet at it and surprisingly hit it on the side of it's head. It turned and glared at her before blocking her way back to us. The wolf stood tall and proud as it approached her, it's eyes held gruesome intentions that were as clear as day to me. It sought to end our mom!

Bella, as shy and timid as she was, lunged for the wolf, catching it by surprise. She wrapped her arms around it's furry neck, it looked as if she was hugging it but tears stained her cheeks and she was squeezing much to hard. Then the wolf stood upright on it's hind legs, stumbling to the side and dragging Bella with it. The white devil spun and landed on all fours, it flung Bella into the wall with a sickening crack. Her head hung low and she was limp, I wanted to run to her but the wolf blocked us from her and mom.

I, then, turned to see dad aiming the gun between the wolf's eyes, aiming for the brain. He was about to pull the trigger when another wolf, larger and brown in color, burst from the second window. It landed and gave dad a low growl. Dad's hands started to tremble and weaken as he was now facing two werewolves at once and only silver could kill a werewolf.

Trevor let go of Jack and stood before us, blocking the wolves. He would rather die than watch us murdered.

The brown wolf looked to the white one as if looking for permission. The white wolf gave a soft bark that I could only hope was a 'no'. Then the brown wolf turned to us, baring it's teeth widely and walking closer. Trevor held his ground, though. He was always the reckless and stupid one but when it came to family he would be the first one to stand up and fight back.

I wished I could be as brave as him, I wished I could look death in the face and laugh. But I was a wimp, I couldn't even talk back let alone fight...

The wolf lunged, it sank it's sharp k-nines into Trevor's arm, making him scream. The brown wolf lashed, twisting it's head at odd angels. The jerking motion ripped a chunk of meat right off Trevor's arm. Blood spurted and created a waterfall down to the floor. The worst part though, was when the wolf gulped the chunk down and it's yellow eyes become greedy and blood-thirsty.

Trevor screamed again as the wolf attacked, this time it hit his legs and made him fall then it tore at his face. Ripping his once handsome face to ribbons.

Dad aimed again and shot without hesitation this time. The bullet hit the wolf in the shoulder and it limped behind the white wolf to heal. The white one snarled, teeth bared, and lunged. Within minutes blood was everywhere and Trevor was no longer living among us.

Bella.... Trevor.... They're gone, like the wind that blows through the trees at night. Mom was unconscious but I could tell she wouldn't survive unless these monsters overlook her. Dad was probably going to die for injuring one, Jack would likely die trying to defend me, and me..? I would just sit in a corner and wait my turn...

I know I'm pathetic.

Then the white wolf lunged for dad while the injured one went after mom. Dad was down in a second and mom... She had lost her head... Literally. Dad died before Jack could help him, he died from a slash to the windpipe. Now it was just me and Jack, the two closest ages left to die together.

Jack stood in front of me and I knew it was over in a flash. I sealed my eyes closed and listened to his dying scream then the side of my head erupted in pain and I collapsed on the cold wooden floor. I opened my eyes one more time before darkness overtook my mind and I fell victim to death....

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