Chapter 3: Sworn Brothers And A Letter From A Friend

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So his coming huh. Well its been a long time since I saw him. When was it ah yes when the three of them were just little. If any of you flocks are wandering where I am, I'm at the front gate reading a letter that was sent just a moment ago by a Tengu. The letter came from the Zen family meaning that Zen himself was going to pay us a visit. 

With the letter in hand I head inside the Mansion. I give the letter to the Commander for him to read it. He told me to welcome him when he gets here to the Mansion and what better way to greet him in my Yokai form.

Now here I am back in the front gates coil in a circle waiting for Zen to arrive and for a few hours I spotted the demon carriage which landed on the road and the ones riding him came out. The first who came out was a snake yokai wearing a yukata and the second was a short haired blonde man who look to be in his Twenties wearing a grey yukata.

I slither to there side and bow down or lower my head. "I welcome you Zen-Sama to the main house" I greeted the blonde haired man who had a surprised look on his face. "Kaneki-nii-san? Is that you" Zen ask me as my slight eyes look at him. "Its good to see you again Zen" I said as I chuckled and he smiled glad to see me. I then slither over the gates. "Shall we head inside" I said to him and he nodded as I guide him inside the mansion.

As we were walking well Zen and his subordinate while I slither, Zen told me why he was here. He said he want to talk to Rikuo about him being the next heir and he seems to be excited but I told that he wasn't here at the moment. So he said he'll wait for him to come home.

When I was about to head out when I sense something about that snake yokai but I just shrug it off and went out to do my chores. Sweeping the fallen leaves that fall into the ground. As I sweep I remember something.

A package that fell from the sky came and hit me dead on the head and let me tell you something it hurts a lot. Inside the bow was a letter and two Advent Decks which I know of. As I was about to pick it up my Advent Deck float out of my coat and merge itself with the two Advent Decks. After that nothing happened but when I check the contents of my deck new cards were added. Then I opened and it said 'This will help you on your mission in the future'. 

If it will be of help then I will use them to the fullest of my powers.


Hours have past and Rikuo Sama has gotten back and usual I greeted him as I tend the plants with care. I told him that there's someone that's looking for him inside and he went in.

Finish with my job I walk on the halls and head towards my room and I pass Zens subordinate. I felt it again that dark feeling from that snake yokai. I need to be careful.

I was put out of my train of thought when I heard Zen shouting and saw him head out of the mansion and leaving. Then Rikuo went out to follow him as the sun was almost setting. I do not need to follow where he is going because I already know he'll be okay so I went back to what I was doing only to be stop by fluttering wings.

Hearing the noise I look up to see a familiar Karasu Tengu. This Tengu was the size of a normal human holding a spear of his right hand and a letter on the other. He was also wearing a armor with a symbol of a golden cobra on the chest. He then landed beside me and kneeled down as he reach the envelope to me.

"Its good to see you Gale I believe this is for me" I ask Gale who then nodded. "Yes Master Kaneki its from Komori-Sama" Gale said as I took the envelope and opened it up. I then read the letter ' Kaneki. Me, Sasori, Raio and Tora will be coming there and not because I need to escape my beautiful yet yandere wife Hina but I have something to give to you which came from Lord Watcher but I do believe it has already gotten there and I have a feeling that something will happen there

-From head of defense Komori ' I cant help but to chuckle at the wife part but I quickly regain my composure. What Komori just wrote is true as for sometime I feel something malevolent been going on for a while now.

I cant help but to let out a sigh. When I first got here which was a thousand years back with some fellow Guardians I became a leader of a Yokai Clan known as the Chimera Clan. Its a peaceful and yet powerful clan of different kinds if Yokai who only wants peace in there life. Helping me with my Clan are Komori/Dark Kiva, Sasori/Sasword, Raio/Beast and Tora/Tiger.

Each of us has a job to do in my Clan where as Komori is the chief of defense and both Sasori and Tora in Assault Squad although Tora's a bit of a lazy bone. I still cant believe that he got married to a hard working girl like Okami who's a wolf Yokai. And Raio the head chef. Well most of us are basically beings who live over a hundred years of age and was reincarnated into yokai's. 

"Thank you Gale you can go now" I ordered him as he then readied his wings to fly. "Thank you Lord Kaneki" he said as he fly back to the Chimera Clans land.

What a day it has been and when Rikuo came back he was in his Night form which he then turn back as he walk past the gates. A happy Karasu Tengu then pick him up and put him on bed.

(For the names of the new three kamen rider I literary look for there Japanese meaning because I thought it suits them -Ren)    


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