Chapter 31: Mad Hatter

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"Where the heck is Lils?" asked Madeline.

"She got caught up in a paper due on Monday," explained Jamaica, looking at her phone. "She said she's on her way, though."

"We need to open now," I told them. "We can't fuck this up."

Jamaica nodded. "We can manage while she's not here." She tucked her phone in her pocket, and added, "C'mon, girls. We can do this."

The three of us faced the crowd waiting for the carnival to open. I had no idea how we thought we could pull this off with just the four of us organizing every bit of it but here we were with our group mission.

We asked the school for permission to use the soccer field for the event today. Most organizations used this open space for charity events, anyway.

The next couple of hours, the three of us were busy making sure everything was going smoothly. We didn't expect a lot of people to show up. But then again, everyone wanted an excuse to take a break from school.

What better way to spend the weekend than at a charity carnival where you could enjoy yourself and still feel good about yourself, right?

The KPK executives looked happy and impressed as they tried out the booths, so that was awesome. Everything was going according to plan. Our group mission was turning out to be a complete and utter success.

As I was making the rounds with Honor, I caught Jamaica and Madeline talking in hushed whispers behind the fortune telling booth. I excused myself from talking to Honor, and walked up to them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

With her hands on her hips, Madeline turned to me and said, "Lils is still not here. We're getting worried."

My eyes widened. "It's been more than two hours."

"Exactly," said Jamaica, in a grim tone.

I frowned, pulling out my phone to call our friend.

"She's not answering," said Jamaica. "I already tried."

"Fuck," I muttered, when it went to voicemail.

"I tried asking the other sisters if any of them saw her," began Madeline, "and no one has seen her since this morning."

Jamaica crossed her arms, looking more worried by the second. "She was able to text me earlier so something must have happened on her way here."

"It's broad daylight on a Sunday," I pointed out. "I doubt any serial killer would be dumb enough to target her in a crowded college campus like this. Plus, she blends in so well barely anyone would notice her presence unless it's intentional."

I nipped the tip of my thumb as I thought about it. I could feel Madeline's eyes on me, as she asked, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"No!" Jamaica gasped. "Zeta Theta?" she added in a whisper, confirming what we were all thinking.

"I'm gonna kill those Zits," growled Madeline, scowling.

"Hold on," warned Jamaica. "We don't know for sure."

"Then, let's make fucking sure," I grumbled, turning to my phone and scrolling through my contacts.

I swear I'm going to fucking grill them alive if they even so much as touch a hair on Lilian's hair. She has the purest, most kindest soul on earth – next to Halo.

When I found his name, I immediately pressed 'call.' As I expected, he answered on the first ring.

"Hey," greeted Scout. "We're on our way there."

"Is Lilian with you?"

There was a pause.

"No, why?"

I told him what was up, trying not to panic. Nothing bad could have happened. No fucking way. I almost lost Frisco last year, there was no way I could almost lose another friend just the following year. What kind of bad karma was that?

"Do you want us to check the library?" asked Scout, his voice grave.

I sighed. "Yeah, that would be a huge help. Thanks." I tried to keep my panic at bay. It wouldn't help right now. "We'll talk to the execs and inform them what's going on so we can leave and look for Lilian."

"Alright, I'll call you back."


"You go get the car ready," Jamaica told me, throwing me the keys as soon as I hung up. "I'll go tell the execs."

She didn't wait for a reply, and just quickly ran to the other direction. Without a word, Madeline and I hurried to Jamaica's car in the parking lot. After I unlocked it, we didn't waste time and we just jumped inside.

"Where should we go first?" asked Madeline, from the backseat.

I thought about it as I started the engine.

"The main suspect," I replied, thinking of a particular brunette barbie from Zeta Theta I'd very much like to get acquainted with my fist.

The door from the passenger's side opened and Jamaica climbed inside. She put on her seatbelt and looked at me with a determined expression.

"Let's go."

* * * * *

We found Shirley in her dorm room, comfortably doing her makeup.

Thanks to Jamaica's friendly connections, it was easy for us to find out where she lived. We wasted no time interrogating her, too. We just fucking barged in, locked the door, and started asking questions.

Honestly, we didn't have time for any more of her bullshit.

"Look, I like giving you shit but I'm not a kidnapper." She glared at me, her eyes shooting daggers before she turned her attention to Madeline and Jamaica. "Despite what you skanks think, I don't want to disappoint my father more than I already have."

Wow, look at that. The bitch had a heart.

Shirley's eyes pierced mine. "You're not worth losing my life over."

Huh, I knew she wasn't stupid.

"If not you," I started, "then who the fuck would dare—"

She cursed under her breath. "Marion."

Madeline grimaced. "Your sidekick?"

Shirley shot Madeline a dirty look. "She wants to beat me for the top spot in the game." No need to explain that fucked up contest they have at Zeta Theta.

"What does that have to do with Lilian?" demanded Jamaica.

Shirley rolled her eyes, before looking at Jamaica like she was stupid. "She's the only weak link left from the Kappa pledges."

"Fuck," I muttered, hanging my head.

"Where are they?" questioned Madeline.

"Hell if I know," answered Shirley, who seemed like she couldn't care less.

"Give us that cocksucker's number," I deadpanned. "Now."

"You're not the boss of me," she scoffed.

I didn't have time for this shit.

Without bothering to give her a warning, I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her up, spraying her makeup from her vanity all over the floor.

"Go ahead," sneered Shirley, taunting me. "Go and prove to everyone how much of a white trash you are."

"I'd love to, but I'm in a hurry." I turned to Madeline. "Get her phone."

Madeline grabbed it from the table and used Shirley's thumb to unlock it. The bitch tried to struggle but Madeline was stronger. It was the athlete in her.

Madeline stepped away, scrolling through the contacts. Before you know it, she had the phone against her ear, clearing her throat and mimicking Shirley's voice.

"Hey, where are you right now? I'm bored."

Shirley snorted but didn't say anything. Jamaica and I exchanged glances, a bit surprised that Madeline was able to imitate the bitch's voice that easy.

It was fucking uncanny.

"Hmm, what if I tell you I got those two hot Aces to take us out for drinks?" Madeline's eyes darted to Jamaica. "Yeah, of course Brody's one of them."

Jamaica's body grew tensed, but she schooled her expression before anyone else could notice. I already caught it, though. I hoped those two could just work shit out. It was obvious they were still hot for each other.

"Great! Meet you at the Brick? Okay, see ya." Madeline hung up and turned to us with a grim look. "Library."

That made me frown. Scout and the guys already checked there right before we came up here, and they said Lilian was nowhere to be found.

Jamaica shook her head. "How did you...?"

"It's my hidden talent." Madeline shrugged. "I mastered imitating voices when I needed to fake my mother's to get out of school."

I always knew we were meant to be friends.

"Well, can you dictate that bitch Marion's number?" asked Jamaica, holding her phone at the ready. "Just in case we'll need it again."

Madeline quickly dictated the numbers to Jamaica while I let go of Shirley and shoved her away. She stumbled a little, but managed to stay upright. She fixed her hair and clothes, before facing us again.

"You should know Marion has a boyfriend," she mentioned.

Madeline frowned at Shirley. "But she agreed—"

"She's been wanting to get back at him for cheating on her during rush week."

"Why doesn't she just break up with him?"

"They've been together since high school." Shirley sat cross-legged on her bed as she looked up at us with a bored expression. "He promised to stay faithful, but I doubt it. Once a cheater, always a cheater."

Jamaica's eyes turned to slits. "Why are you telling us all this?"

"Is this your screwed up way of apologizing?" Madeline guessed, with her hands on her hips.

Shirley only smirked. I tilted my head as I watched her. She looked like she was doing us a favor.

Ah, so that's what it is.

"No," I said, studying the evil bitch in pink sitting in front of us. "She's giving us the information we need for payback."

Madeline and Jamaica exchanged looks, before turning back to Shirley. They knew as well as I did to never trust a selfish skank like this very one in front of us.

"What's the catch?" asked Madeline warily.

Shirley threw her palms up and smiled. "No catch."

"Why?" demanded Jamaica.

I answered for her. "'Cause she knows that if we crush Marion, that'll be one less competition for her."

Jamaica made a face. "She's your sister."

"Not yet, she's not," argued Shirley, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Sick," whispered Madeline, shaking her head like she had never seen a more messed up person.

"Let's go," I told them, turning to leave. "We have to find Lilian."

"Try the basement," suggested Shirley. "There's a storeroom where they keep old editions of classic literature books. Barely anyone goes there."

I looked over my shoulder. "How do you know that?"

"One of my professors took me there."

Ugh, no need to ask why, given what she did to get good grades.

Jamaica drove this time, while I called Scout and updated him. We agreed to meet at the library in ten minutes.

In no time, we met up with the guys and we were all running to the basement, not minding the eyes that followed us wondering what the fuck we were doing.

As soon as I saw the wooden door with a 'classic literature' sign outside, I banged on it and yelled, "Lils!"

"Cons?" a voice called out, small and unsure.

"Oh, thank God," whimpered Jamaica, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Lilian," called Madeline, knocking on the door.

"There's a padlock," I said, touching the heavy metal.

"I'll get the keys," stated Brody, already jogging away.

I looked around the basement and realized that we were the only ones here. It was too quiet, and the smell of old books was getting to me. It must be why there were barely any people who stayed around here.

God, I hope Lilian was holding up just fine.

"You okay in there, Lilian?" asked Scout, leaning forward.

"Yes, quite."

I couldn't tell much from her reply. Her voice was muffled through the door. Fuck, if only I was strong enough to knock over this damn door.

"Hold tight, baby girl," Gaige told Lilian. "We'll get you outta there."

"No hurries!"

I frowned at that perky response. I exchanged a confused look with Madeline, to which she only shrugged.

Just then, Brody came back and dangled the keys.

"The librarian insisted that he come, but I told him we got this." We stepped out of the way while he keyed in the lock and opened the door. He grinned, looking pretty pleased with himself. "There's nothing a little bribe can't do."

Jamaica shot him a look, before shaking her head and running inside. The rest of us quickly followed after her.

"What?" Brody called out. "Money gets things done."

For once, I didn't argue with him.

"LILS!" shrieked Jamaica.

Our queen bee friend lost all her composure as she smothered Lilian, while the latter only smiled and patted her back. Lilian looked like her usual self. It was as if she wasn't locked in this small room for hours.

"I'm alright," she assured Jamaica.

Madeline hugged them both, but not before she sniffed. I sighed and spread my arms, joining the group hug. I couldn't even begin to describe the relief I felt inside me. I was just so happy Lilian was okay.

"Sorry for worrying you girls."

The hug broke off, and Jamaica frowned. "You have nothing to be sorry about!"

"This is not your fault," I added.

"Yeah, Lils," agreed Madeline. "You're the one who got locked in here."

Lilian shrugged. "I don't mind."

We stared at her like she lost her mind, making her giggle.

"Look around, I'm surrounded by my favorite fiction books," she said happily. "Really, whoever locked me in here did me a favor. I didn't know this section of the library existed until now."

Gaige shifted his body, as he looked up at the ceiling. Scout rubbed the back of his neck, while Brody looked around and checked out the books on the shelves.

"You're not mad?" I asked carefully, studying her.

"Oh, I am." Lilian gave us a close-lipped smile. "I'm only looking at the brighter side of things. But it doesn't mean that that Marion girl won't get what's coming for her. And unlike me, she won't get to see any silver lining."

It didn't occur to me until then that while I was usually the mastermind in the squad, and Madeline was the crazy brave enforcer, and Jamaica was the influential queen bee...

It was Lilian that was the most dangerous of us all.


Sorry for the day-late update! I thought this one required the major revision. While I did revise this chapter, the one I was really talking about was Chapter 33. Haha! 

Next update: Thursday (April 23)

Coming up next..... Chapter 32: Love Me Tender


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