Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Roman could do nothing as he watched Virgil fell out of sight. He ran to the edge, looking down in desperation. His dark prince was falling out of sight, his mouth wide open in a silent scream of terror. He vanished underneath the misty clouds. 

"NO!!" he screamed, tears filling his eyes as a hopelessness settled in his chest. 

Virgil was gone. He was truly gone this time. How could he survive a fall like that in the state he was in let alone at all? Roman felt himself beginning to cry as rage overtook him.

He turned on the man responsible as fire rushed through his veins. The prince's hands lit up with magical flames as he prepared to attack Tsyla Tac. He wasn't even sure he could stop himself from trying to kill this man if he tried. "You're going to pay for that you bastard."

"Oh will I, Prince Roman?" he questioned, tilting his head calmly. 

Roman nodded and shot fire at him with a furious yell. The man in front of him laughed and just before the fire hit him, he disappeared from sight. The prince ran forward as the wind whipped at his hair. He spun around frantically, looking for where the man went. Tsyla appeared behind him and hit him from the back, sending him flying across the tower top. 

He hit a pillar hard and slumped down with a wince. As he recovered, he didn't see his enemy throwing something at him. They were throwing daggers. They stabbed into his shoulders, pinning him to the pillar behind him. He screamed in pain as the blades penetrated his skin. A burning sensation came from them, like the weapons were enchanted. He felt panic set in as his vision went blurry. Any attempt to move his arms was futile and Tsyla was approaching. 

"I'm afraid I have to kill you now," he said as he knelt down to look him in the eye. "But don't feel bad, it's inevitable that your life will end."

Roman tried to struggle as he began to reach out his hand toward him, but suddenly there was a tremor in the earth. Both of them froze at the sound. They could feel the vibrations ripple up the tower under them. 

There was movement in the sky behind Tsyla that caught the prince's eye. He gasped, causing his attacker to turn around. Virgil was hovering in the air with black and purple energy crackling and swirling around him. When he opened his eyes, they were solid purple. He stared at his captor as he floated down to the tower's platform and landed gracefully. Electricity crackled from his feet and black mist surrounded him. He focused on Tsyla with his glowing purple eyes. His voice was deep and echoing as he spoke."Get the fuck away from him."

"V-Virgil?" he whispered as he got closer to them. He felt like he was looking at a ghost again, like that night at the celebration a few days ago. 

The dark prince looked toward him and for a brief moment, he felt terrified he didn't know who he was. "Are you okay?" he asked, voice still echoing but concern clear in his voice. Roman sighed in relief and winced in pain.

"I mean, I've got some cursed daggers impaling both of my shoulders, but I'm otherwise great, how are you, love?" he said with a pained laugh.

Virgil chuckled low and then focused on Tsyla Tac, who was approaching him with a devious smirk. "So what, Virge? You think you're strong enough to take me on? After falling over a hundred feet you've suddenly realized your magical potential?" the man questioned. "By all means, fight me. By the time you understand what you've done, it'll be too late."

"Enough talk," he said, raising his hands. They were black and clawed, pulsing with energy and power. "I tolerated your tortures this last year, but you hurt Roman, so now I'm pissed."

He swirled his hands as he summoned a massive ball of electricity and threw it at him. Tsyla disappeared and the lighting hit the ground in the center of the tower, sending a vibration through the whole building. 

As they began to fight, Roman struggled against the daggers. It hurt like all hell, but he reached up and yanked the dagger lodged in his right shoulder out. He hissed and blood began to flow, but he knew how to cauterize wounds. Steeling himself for intense pain, he heated up his hand and pressed it into the stab wound. He bit back a scream as his eyes watered; he hadn't had to cauterize a wound in a long, long time. Once it was done, he yanked out the other dagger and cauterized that stab wound as well. 

He stumbled to his feet, grabbing his sword as he raced to assist Virgil. Tsyla was throwing daggers at the dark prince, who was blocking and dodging them as he sent shock waves at him in response. Roman raised a hand and shot a fireball at Tsyla's back. It made contact, making him stumble forward as he was caught off guard. Virgil added to the attack with a black of electricity that sent him whirling against one of the pillars. 

Their enemy collapsed to the ground, panting faintly with pain as they approached side-by-side. "I told you I was pissed off that you hurt him," Virgil said as Roman hoisted the man up and pinned him against the pillar. 

"And I told you that you'd pay for what you did to him," the prince said, nodding to the boy he loved. 

Tsyla just laughed and looked between them. "It's amazing that the two of you are so blind that you haven't figured it out," he said, his voice broken as though it was fighting its way out of his throat. "You can't kill me. I'll just move on. I'll become someone else's problem. I'll never go away, and besides, I served my purpose in his world anyway."

With that, he shoved Roman off of him and took out a dagger. Virgil steeled himself to continue fighting, but the man stabbed the weapon into his own chest and began to fall to his knees. As he hit the ground, his body disappeared into blood red mist.

"What... What just happened?" the prince asked in confusion. 

"He's gone..." Virgil replied, voice and eyes returned to normal. He shook his head. "But I don't understand, I can feel something. Something's still coming, something... familiar... what was he talking about when he said what I..."

His eyes went wide. "Oh no..."

The world was beginning to shake around them and the sky was going dark. Roman looked at his dark prince in confusion. "What? What's happening?"

"He's been summoning him again," he breathed. "All he needed was a power surge from me to kick-start the process back into motion. He was trying to bring back Dorchadas again and I think I've just helped him get one step closer to succeeding."

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