Judging Criteria

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Cover (10 marks)
In the Savant Awards, covers are going to play a great role. As because we are to give awards to the best cover in all the genres, we have given it a lot of importance.

These are some grading points to help new judges:
* Is the cover eye-catching?
* Is it unique?
* Have you seen a similar cover I'm Wattpad?

Title and Blurb (10 marks)
Title and blurb play a huge role in a book. Title is literally the identity of the book and blurb advertises it and makes a reader read that book. So most definately both are greatly important.

Points to be graded:
* Is the title unique or cliche?
* Is the title is relevant to the Story?
* Is the blurb interesting?
* Is it too long or too short?
* Does it hooks the reader to read more?
* Does it give away a lot of the story?

Plot (10 marks)
There's no book without a plot. Even fanfiction needs to have a unique and beautiful plot.

Points to be graded:
* Is the plot interesting?
* Does it makes you read more?
* Is it relatable?
* Can you feel the plot/imagine the scenes?

Protagonist (5 marks)
Again it's a super important part for the Savant Awards since there is a seperate award for the best protagonist. The protagonist is the main character of the book.

Judges to grade the protagonist based on the points below:
* Is the protagonist relatable?
* Can you imagine him/her?
* Is the protagonist too good to be true?
* Can you feel the emotions of the protagonist?

Antagonist (5 marks)
The antagonist is the rival character to the protagonist. Without the antagonist it would not make the protagonist in your story grow and develop.

Judges to grade the antagonist based on the points below:
* Is the antagonist clearly stated/shown in the Story?
* Does the antagonist prevents the protagonist from achieving his/her goal?
* Can you relate to the antagonist?/ Do you feel like smashing the antagonist?

Supporting character (5 marks)
Judges to grade the supporting character based on the points below:
* Is/are the supporting character(s) clearly stated/shown in the Story?
* How do they help the protagonist?

Anticipation (5 marks)
Points to be graded:
* Did the the plot/Story made you anticipate what was going to happen next?
* Did it make you read till the end?

Plot Development (10 marks)
As the story progresses so does the plot. Hence it plays a vital part in the story.

Points to be graded:
* Was the pace too fast or too slow?
* Were the events in the Story guessed easily?
* Was the twist necessary? Was it too sudden or awkward?

Enjoyment (10 marks)
A story is written for the enjoyment of others. That's why it's important to judge.

Points to be graded:
* Did you enjoy the story ?
* Was it natural and easy to get into ?
* Did it hook you?

Grammar and punctuation errors (10 marks)
This (These) can basically happen to anyone . Sometimes even due to malfunctioning keyboards . (See my point?)

Points to be graded:
* Were there too many errors?
* Was it frequent and repetitive?
* Were the punctuations misused?
* Were the adjectives and verbs misused?

Follow (10 marks)
Did your participants follow you? If not then please deduct ten marks. This should be the easiest ten marks but if your participants have not followed the rules, we will be strict about this.

Rules (10 marks)
If a certain participant doesn't follow the rules then we will deduct ten marks from them.

Total Score : 100

Judges you are given a week's time to complete judging five books. You have to read minimum of three chapters. As for poetry everything is going to be the same except a few things which we'll inform later.

Please follow the rules and make this awards possible and fun for all. Thanks for participating. ❤️

- From the admins of TheSavantGirls💃🏻🥰

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