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a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.


this is a work of fiction.
names , characters ,
businesses , places ,
events , locales , and
incidents are either the
products of the author's
imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. any
resemblance to actual
persons , living or dead ,
or actual events is purely


©️ 2019 peterswalkman

all rights reserved. no
part of this publication
may be reproduced ,
distributed , or transmitted
in any form or by any means.


set during the wings era - ???
alternate universe.


started : july twenty nineteen
ended :
edited :
competed :


this book may contain scenes
of graphic violence , murder ,
use of various weapons ,
explicit language , misuse of
alcohol & other substances ,
domestic abuse , mentions of
mental illnesses & unreliable


to my baby zara
who deserves all the
love in the world.

I love you !


I sincerely hope you all
enjoy this little murder
mystery novel. there are
a few notes I want to give
before we continue !

this book will be solely
focused on taehyung and his
journey , but the other members
will be featured !

this story was born after I
read the save me webtoon with
a splashes of the wings music videos. some events in this
book will be inspired from that.

━ the way bts are portrayed in
this story is now way how they
are in real life !

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