Chapter Nine

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Why did I end up in this situation? Lesley thought while squinting her eyes closed.

Her gripped on the rope tightened for support while riding the horse. She was sitting sideways since she couldn't sit on the horse in the usual way because of her clothes.

"You okay there Lesley?" She heard him asked her.

Gusion was also riding the horse, he was on her back– or beside her rather since she was sitting sideways. Their hands were almost touching since he was holding the ropes too.

"H-how– What?" Lesley mumbled while her eyes were still wide open as she looked at the man in front of her.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" Gusion asked her, "You're bruising my ego as one of the strongest hybrid of mage and assassin in Land of Dawn."

"But why search for me? I already left..." She trailed.

"Left without clear explanation and valid reasons." Gusion said with his grim face, "Did we ever made you feel that you were a burden to us? You are part of our family, Lesley. So why leave all of a sudden?"

Lesley felt her tears formed in the corner of her eyes, "No, you didn't. But my guilt was all over me. I know you are all willing to help me, but I can't take it that I'm dividing your attention from the Dark Abyss to help me."

Gusion didn't speak and just looked at her impassively. His facial expression was telling her that her reason wasn't enough for her to leave them.

"I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. My mind is telling me that this matter should be done by myself all alone." She said, her tears were now falling from her face, "I really appreciate that you put an effort on finding me, but I think you need to go back to the castle now Gus. The empire needs you more."

Lesley gave him a sad smile, "Thank you Gusion. I hope you won't forget me once the whole Land of Dawn recognize your power."

She was about to leave with the horse when he quickly dashed in front of her to stop her.

"Do you really think I will let you go?" Gusion whispered while holding both of her arms, "You broke what you promised me that night you left. I shouldn't be searching for you but here I am."

"I'm sorry for bothering you–"

"I'm saying that I want to help you Les!" Gusion hissed, "Can't you fucking understand that?"

Lesley frowned, "Are you cursing on me?"

Gusion seemed appalled, panic could be seen in his eyes, "N-no– it was just an expression– I'll never curse at you."

She looked at him while he was trying to explain. She mentally laughed since it was quite entertaining to see the known rude Gusion panicked.

She came back to her senses when she felt his fingers brushed to her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

Their faces were now dangerously close to each other. One wrong move and their lips would touch.

Lesley cleared her throat and slightly pushed him away, "So what now?"

She saw Gusion looked at her from head to toe before looking at other direction, "I think you need to change clothes."

Lesley gasped and looked down on her clothing, "Pervert!" She then threw one of her grenades between them.

The sun wasn't still rising so she didn't have the chance to dry her clothes.

She even put her leather jacket in front of her because– well, her clothes was quite showing too much skin.

"You said you're headed to Eruditio right?" Gusion asked her all of a sudden.

"Yes." She nodded, "A woman told me that maybe going to Eruditio can make me find Harley faster."

"As far as I know, SABER Squad's headquarters was around the city of Eruditio. Do you want to talk to them?" Gusion suggested.

"Let me think about it. I know they already have lots of things on their hands–"

"Les." He cut her, "Stop thinking that you will be a burden because you're not. They will help you because they care."

"Like you?"

Gusion looked away from her, "You could say that."

Lesley smiled, she knew he was just being shy to tell her. "Thank you Gus. I really appreciate it."

They continued to travel, the sun was now slowly rising.

"Oh, can I ask something?" Lesley said.

"Fire away."

"Are you with Granger? He was on the previous town."

She felt Gusion's grip on the rope tightened. She even saw his jaw clenched.

"No." Gusion simply answered, "I left the castle to find you when I woke up three days after you left."

Lesley hummed and nodded, "I'm sorry."

Gusion looked at her, as if telling her the reason why she was apologizing.

"I'm sorry for breaking that promise." She said in a low voice.

Gusion pulled the rope to halt the horse from walking, "It's okay Les. I won't make you promise such things again." He patted her head, "Because from now on, wherever you go, I will always find you." He then smiled at her.


They reached the next town before noon. Lesley argued that she wanted to dry her clothes first but Gusion told her that they would just buy her a new set of clothes which she totally didn't agree because it would make her bag too heavy.

Gusion just laughed at her and told her what was his purpose for?

In the end, Gusion won. Lesley forgot how stubborn he was. He could really get anything he wanted.

They entered a clothes' store and they were greeted immediately by a girl.

"Good day Sir. How can I help you?" The girl even battered her eyes to Gusion.

Does her eyes can only see men? Hello, I'm here. I'm the one who is going to buy clothes.

Lesley just chuckled with what she thought then scanned the racks of clothes, leaving them.

But Gusion, being the rude Gusion, didn't even glance or talk to the girl and followed Lesley at female section of the store.

"Sir, what clothes are you looking for? We have shirts, sweaters– is it for your mother or sister? We have–"

"It's for me." Gusion said in a serious tone, "Just go fucking away from me."

Rude Gusion is on.

The girl was frozen from embarassment and quickly walked away from them.

Lesley grabbed a blue dress and put it in front of Gusion, "This will look good on you." She said, riding what he said to the sales girl.

Gusion rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up."

Lesley laughed out loud and continued searching for clothes.

"This will suit you." Gusion said after a while. He handed her a red tailcoat and dirty white pants with embroidery style.

Lesley smiled and quickly grabbed the clothes before changing into them. She let out a relief sigh.

Finally, a comfortable clothing.

She went out of the changing room and found Gusion wasn't there. She glanced at the male section and she found him there.

Lesley made her way to him, with her former clothes in her hand. She planned on using the clothes now. There was no way she was going to use these revealing clothes again.

"Hello Madam, are there any clothes you want?" A male approached her, one of the store's staff perhaps.

"Do you have another colors of tailcoats?" She asked.

"Yes. What can I get for you?"

"Green, black and purple. Plus three leather pants, two black and one white. Thank you." She smiled at him.

The guy was stunned and didn't move.

Lesley frowned and snapped at the guy, "Mister?"

"Stop staring at her or I'll be poking your eyeballs out using my dagger. Just get the fucking clothes she told you, will you?"

The guy seemed to be awakened his senses once again and quickly went away to get the clothes she requested.

She frowned at Gusion who looked like he was ready to murder someone now.

Lesley hit his arm, "That was too much."

Gusion huffed and didn't speak even after they paid for the clothes.

Lesley was about to ask him where they would be eating lunch but a newspaper man who was running made her stop.

"Breaking news! Breaking news! A photograph of one of the three intruders was taken!"

Lesley's eyes widened and immediately grabbed a newspaper from the man. Gusion was just following her and read at the newspaper she was reading.

The picture was like an big insect with antannae. Its back was facing the camera. The picture was actually kind of blurry but it looked familiar to her.

Scenes from the night when Harley was taken flashed through Lesley. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

"Les, what's wrong?" Gusion asked her worriedly.

"It's one of those who took Harley that night Gusion. I'm sure of it. I remember how it looks like." She answered with a shaking voice.


The scientist slammed hard the newspaper on the table, startling Vespid who was now quivering.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful?" Dr. Leo said while gritting his teeth, "Then what the hell is this Vespid?" He shouted.

"I– I'm sorry Dr. Leo. I was careless." Vespid almost cried while apologizing.

Dr. Leo let out a frustrated sigh before removing his eyeglasses then pinched the corner of his eyes, "You can still go with Octopus and Monitor Lizard in search operation. But you have to stay in the vehicle now."

Vespid wanted to argue but she stopped herself because she knew it would anger the mad scientist more.

"So, it's only the two of us?" Octopus asked while pointing himself and Monitor Lizard back and forth.

The mad scientist put back his eyeglasses and a devilish grin appeared in his lips, "No." He then reached for the remoteand pushed a button on it.

The capsule that had the woman in it opened, the green liquid was now leaking on the floor.

The woman with a jet black hair in a high ponytail and mask slowly opened her eyes and got up then walked in front of them.

"Nephilia will be joining you from now on." Dr. Leo said while letting out an evil laugh.


Too fast I know. XD

I told you, this will only have twenty chapters or less. HAHAHAHA.

I regret having two ongoing books and a one shot compilation book at the same time. XD

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