AGAIN?: Chapter 8

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This event happened 1 day after Terrie enrolls into Fritruful

Unknown POV

"Alexis WAKE UP" I yelled at my exceed. "A-WHA-5 more minutes..." He mumbled."well I guess while I go enroll, you'll just stay here! I heard there's other exceed's!" I say, pretending to open the door. "OK FINE!" He says, flowing me out. "That's better." I say. Today, I'm enrolling for Fritruful!

Time skip to guild Hall

Ok! I'm here! "Oh hello, did you need anything?" A girl said. I saw a girl with purple hair, and an exceed that was pastel pink. "Ugh I came here to enroll..." I mumbled. "Oh ok, I'm the guild master!"she said."another person!" She said, smiling."Another person?" I asked, confused."Yeah, yesterday I accepted someone into Fritruful!" She said. "Oh yeah, by the way I'm PurpleHeart, but my real name is Esther. " she said. "Uhh ok," I said."Well I need to test your power, so let's go to a training place!" She said.

Time skip to at the Training facility

"Ok, test your power on this dummy." She explains. I decided to use black beam."BLACK BEAM!" A beam of black magic hit the dummy so that the dummy has disentergrated."Great job!!" She said. Next she said, "alright, here's another dummy. Focus your magic onto your movements. Now, do that on the dummy!" She explained. After I was done, it was gone in 2 kicks and 3 punches.
Time skip after all the training XD

"Alright!" She said. "Tomorrow at 2 Pm, bring your enrollment paper. I  tell you if you passed, ok?" "Ok!" I replied. "See you tommorow!" "You too!"

The next day

"Come on Alexis, we gots to go!" I said to my exceed. "Alright I'm going!!" He said. Today we're finding out if I passed.
At the guild

Ok, we made it. It's 2:00 PM! "Oh hi!" The girl from yesterday said. "Hello."  "Ok, Preston, you passed!" "Awesom-how do you know my name?" "Your enrollment paper, duh!" "Oh ok." "Alright bye!" "Ok see you tomorrow at the guild!"

This chapter's member is Preston_Zhukov  hope you enjoyed!

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