Hope: Chapter 6

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While PurpleHeart is walking around town this is what the people are thinking.

Sayomi's POV

I don't get it. We should be going head on to them right? WE NEED TO GET YURI? I wonder what's so important about that gem...huh. Maybe I'll ask the others. "HEY GUYS! WHAT DOES THE RED GEM DO?"

Bea's POV

"HEY GUYS! WHAT DOES THE RED GEM DO?" Sayomi shouted. Shoot, I don't think we thought about that! What is so special about that gem? Hmmm...

Celestia's POV

"HEY GUYS! WHAT DOES THE RED GEM DO?" Sayomi shouted. Yeah...I wondered. She's right, what does it do? Oh! Maybe, we should go to the library and investigate! "Um, guys?" I said quietly, although Bea heard it.

3rd Person POV

"Um, guys?" Celestia said, quietly, although Bea heard it. "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! I THINK CELESTIA HAS AN IDEA!" Bea screamed. Sayomi came over, saying,"Seriously! COOL!" Celestia sweat dropped, really not wanting to talk. Everyone thigh she was just cold and serious. "Um, well if we really want to know, shouldn't we go to the library with PurpleHeart?" Celestia stated. After 2 seconds, they realized. Where's PurpleHeart. "O NO WE LOST HER TO?!" Sayomi shouted, crying fake anime tears. Then Bea said," No idiot there's a note on the table." "Oh." Sayomi said. "The note says, while thinking, I needed fresh air. Brb! -PurpleHeart" Bea announced. Then they ate some food, and went back to thinking.

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