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"Now, you girls behave yourselves tomorrow," a distorted, male voice said sweetly, venom lathered under it. His voice came from one of the dark corners of the room, where a speaker and security camera were placed, the filmy lens of the camera catching the light as it went back and forth, up and down the line of half-naked women lined up against the lit up wall, some human, some monster. "And Frisk," the mentioned human girl lifted her head up a little bit, showing she had heard, "try to express yourself this time. Some wealthy buyers are coming, and I can't disappoint them. It would be bad reputation for me, and punishment for you. I know what you have been through, but keep up your current attitude and I won't be able to protect you anymore. Try not to disappoint me."

A door opened as the man finished talking, and the women walked single file out of the room, only to be led by personal "bodyguards" to their own, separate rooms.

"Don't worry," Frisk's bodyguard tried to reassure her, his prim uniform catching the dust-filled light, "I'm sure someone will buy you. And who knows. Maybe that guy will be better than any of the others you have had."

"I hope so," Frisk whispered, her head down once again, her eyes to the filthy floor. This was all behind-the-scenes work. No buyer saw how cruelly the seller was treating his product in his own warehouse. In this black market case, the product was women suitable for torture. In other words, young teens, children, and elderly were left alone, while others in the remaining age range weren't, and those who became elderly were taken away and never seen again.

"Good luck tomorrow," the guy said, leaving her in her own dark, tiny room and closing the door. A lock was heard outside, then footsteps walking away. Frisk tugged at her collar, one that indicated that it had become uncomfortable, not that she was trying to get it off. She had learned what happened before when one tries to take off their collar. The hard way.

She sighed and sat down in the farthest corner away from the door, her back to the wall. Her expression was blank, as it had been for a while. She stared at the door, her gaze and mind focused on nothing. Not to say her mind didn't focus on one thing for long before going to another thought, but simply the abstractness of nothing itself.

Meanwhile, in another town

The six-story building shook, and two fashionably dressed up skeletons and an unconscious, silver-haired female in their arms ran out the entrance, a cloud of dust following behind them. Waiting for them was a black van. The side door on their side opened, a blue-scaled, red-haired, fish monster waiting inside, pulling out a gun as she opened the door.

"Get your asses in here, punks!" she shouted, firing her weapon as the building's security showed up. The two skeletons lifted the girl into the van first before hopping in themselves, pulling out their weapons to fire as well. "Papyrus, step on it!" the fish lady yelled to the driver, who was also a skeleton. The van roared to life and sped off, leaving the security people to stop and fume in frustration as they got away.

"i fuckin' told ya we would be found out," one of the suited skeletons, the shortest of the three there, snapped at the tallest one, the one who was his partner on this mission. "we can't help anymore of 'em here, now. we're just lucky we got out with this one alive."

"Maybe if you disobeyed my orders every once in a while, this wouldn't have happened, Sans," the other suited skeleton replied calmly. "Just because I'm a senior member of the CIA doesn't mean you have to follow my orders all the time. This was your mission after all."

"Can you both just shut up?" the irritated fish monster interrupted. "Just be glad we're all okay and managed to make it out with her." She pointed at the unconscious girl, who was now being looked over by the last person in the van, a yellow dinosaur/lizard-like monster. A first aid kit was next to her, and she began to immediately patch her up, using healing magic in the form of a green aura on wounds that seemed more serious.

"E-Each new one you r-rescue is w-worse than the last," she commented in a whisper, so it was most likely to herself.

"we rescue the ones in the worst kind of state, alphys," Sans said to her. "admittedly, it's the best we can do without spendin' our whole salary." She didn't protest anymore after that.

"THE HEALTHIER ONES ARE MORE EXPENSIVE, RIGHT BROTHER?" the skeleton driver asked, the youngest member there.

"yep. if we weren't found out so quickly, we might've been able to save more of the so-called cheaper ones."


"Yeah, I agree with you, Papyrus," the fish monster agreed, glancing over at the driver before going to Alphys and the girl. "Same place as the others, right Sans?" she asked without turning to the short skeleton.

"yep. i'll get someone to look after her while we look for her parents. just hope it's not me to look after her. got too much on my shoulders without another burden to carry."

"After all the females we've saved, I'm surprised none of them have yet to catch your eye. Some of them I've even found attracting."

"i'd rather not have 'you saved my life' as somethin' that would always be brought up in conversation or arguments. it's an easy get out of jail free card that has unlimited uses until they save my life. a life-threatenin' situation, mind ya all," Sans added, as though he knew what everyone was thinking, "where my magic somehow didn't work, and there was no one else skilled enough to save me. we'll be pullin' up to mtt's limo here shortly," he said, suddenly changing the subject. "should give us all enough time to get a nap in before we arrive at home."


"If he's still alive when we get to Home, then I'm sure he is doing a good job."

"wonderful train of thought ya got there, gaster. really doesn't put a thought of doubt in one's mind at all."

"Maybe Asgore should have chosen you to watch over Chara instead, if you think Asriel is too unqualified to do his task."

"i already told ya i don't need some brat on my heels every second! an' i never said i doubted his abilities."

"Can you both shut up?!" the fish lady shouted. "Again?! It would take a miracle for any of us to get back to Home in one piece if you two girls are going to squabble all the way! Now behave yourselves until we get there. I don't want any more of your 'family drama' crap. Plus, how do you think the human will react to a bunch of shouting monsters when she wakes up?"

"fine. have it your way, undyne," Sans huffed, moving to sit in the passenger seat for the rest of the ride.

《Tem Skip》


Oh, darlings~! You made it!" a suited robot exclaimed, the group making their way to a parked, white limo. "Though, quite earlier than I expected."

"we got found out," Sans informed him briefly. "we have to hurry before they find us."

"Alright, Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus in the middle. Undyne, Alphys, and the girl in the back. You have a message from Asgore, that needs to be heard right away. A new mission closer to home from what I was told." With that, the robot got into the driver's seat, while the skeletons got into the middle section, and the other three got in the back section. A screen came down from the roof in both sections, a horizontal green line across the middle, interesting the group.

"Drop the girl or girls at the usual spot," a distorted, low voice ordered, making it impossible to know who's voice it really it was. The line moved as the voice spoke, changing size depending on pitch. However, the monsters knew who it was. Their boss, Asgore. They knew the message was made beforehand, since it didn't specify the amount they managed to save. "Someone will be there to pick her or them up. Your next mission takes place tomorrow at the Diamond Scraper. Pun will go in and complete the mission alone. Warrior, Scientist, and Doctor will stay in the vehicle provided. Rage will remain the driver. Tin will be on the far side of the city. Get to him no matter the stakes, and save as many as you can. Fluffybuns out."

"HE'S USING HIS CODE NAME!" Papyrus said excitedly. "AND OURS!"

"That's cutting it really close to home, and Home," Gaster commented. A black tinted window in the wall separating the back and middle sections slid open, Undyne appearing to be the one who opened it. The three skeletons looked at her.

"Besides that, Sans is going to be taking on this mission alone," she pointed out. "Is anyone else worried about that, or is it just me?"

"you goat to be kidding me, your doubting fluffybuns' orders," Sans said, joking but also surprised himself. "don't cha think i'm sans-sational enough to do this right?"


"Aww, but I think they're pun-tastic."


(A/N: So, another little something for you guys. This is just a little teaser while I work on my other stories. I might update this every once in a while, and then maybe more often when Love Angels is done. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see ya all later, my guardians!)

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