chapter three (edited)

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Mason pov
I woke up to her screaming I sat up and pulled her in to me and told her it was a dream then she told me she was stabbed I wanna kill that son of a bitch. It's going to take a long time to get her happy again like fully happy I mind linked my cook and asked her to bring eggs and bacon up at 6 am and said ok and then I fell back asleep hoping my little kitten was ok.

Aquamarine pov
I woke up after having another dream of my parents hurting me to see two plates of bacon and eggs I looked over at mason and pushed him a little bit so he would wake up. "What happened" he said once he sat up "why are those there" I said pointing to the plates "those are for us" he whispered in my ear "how did they get there" I questioned "well I got out cook to bring them up" I nodded My head " can I have one" I asked looking down "of course you can why would you not be able to have one" he asked "well every other time I asked for food I got slapped

"You" slap "stupid" slap "slut" my mom yelled out u asked if I could have some food "you only get food if I say it's ok"

"Well you can all the food you want here" mason said spreading out his arms I laughed at him and took a plate and had a piece of bacon "kitten" he said I looked at him "I won't make you do anything you don't want to ok" I smiled at that he is letting me take my time I looked at him and kissed his cheek he started blushing I put my food on the table beside me and jumped up to my knees "your blushing the big bad alpha is blushing I MADE THE ALPHA BLUSH omg" I started teasing him he glared at me and I winked at him he lunged at me and started tickling me "STOP.......MASON .....PLEASE..... MASON .......I .....CANT .......BREATHE .......MASON" I was yelling he finally stopped and I sat up and could not stop laughing.

I looked at mason and the way he was looking at me no one has ever looking at me like this before it made me feel ok for once in my life.

"Mason thank you" I say "for what" "for taking me away from them" "your welc-" I cut him off "let me finish they would hit me every chance they get for looking them in the eyes smiling even coughing, it's cause I mad the noise and I was not aloud. Sometimes they would burn me buy turning on the stove and putting my hand, arm or leg on the burning part one time they put my stomach on" I was crying and I could not stop

"One time my dad was so close to um he was really close to ...... raping me" I whispered the last part but he heard he pulled me into a hug and I just cried

"Maybe this is a new life maybe all that's all in the past but I can't forget it" I say "I know and I'm not asking you to forget it but I want to be the one who makes you feel safe again and I want to be he reason you can and will stand up to them cause I know you will someday it might take some time but you will get there and I will be right beside you when you do." He says "thank you so much" I am slowly feeling safe again just a little but it was more then I had yesterday.

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