«──── « ⋅ʚ Call ɞ⋅ » ────»

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May 22, 2019

A few weeks have gone by since the day Taehyung first texted me. At times everything seems so surreal. I'm glad to say we have become good friends! I no longer felt that nervousness or fear of screwing things up. I really enjoyed talking to him to the point I even forgot just who I was talking to, yet I would be reminded every time he would send a picture. Sometimes he sends me pictures doing random stuff or of the places he visited. I'd do the same, but less exciting with pictures of me studying or at the university's cafeteria. He would always show his interest and would ask questions about what I was studying for. Also, I can now say I had an album of Yeontan. He's such a cute puppy that every time I saw a picture of him I couldn't stop myself from cooing at it.

Talking to Taehyung was relaxing. We've had deep conversations about many things, from art to music to questioning if aliens were real. He is very funny too, but I feel like there's more to him from what he shows. Even through texts, he can seem sad or down just by the way he writes. It's gotten to the point that I've also noticed it in interviews. He seems more reserved than before. I've thought of asking but I don't know if we are there yet and maybe he's always been like that and I only noticed now because I've actually gotten to talk to him. I worry since I know that being on tour is hard on them, I just hope he's talked to one of the boys about it.

On the days where he is very busy, he would at least send me an emoji. He has taken a fancy to sending the tiger emoji and I've learned to recognize that it means he's busy, so I'd send him the t-Rex one, just cause it's cute. 

Even though everything was great we have only communicated through messages. We have not spoken on the phone or through Facetime. I believe it is only a matter of time till he asks for a call. I am not against it, but I am afraid it will be awkward because in a call you can't wait a few minutes till you answer. There's an opportunity for awkward silences and mistakes.

I was taking a nap after a day of studying non-stop when my phone started ringing. I silenced it trying to go back to sleep, but my gut told me to pick it up. Still with my eyes closed and a groggy voice I answered.

"Hello?" I spoke through the phone.

"Did I wake you up?" A deep voice asked.

Not recognizing the voice due to my sleepy state, I looked at the caller ID. My heart almost got out of my chest as I realized who it was, and the fog cleared from my mind.

"Nari, are you there?" he asked again thinking maybe his signal wasn't the best.

"Um-uh, yeah hey!" I quickly answered, trying to get my voice to its normal state, "No, you didn't wake me up."

"Okay..." he said unconvincingly, "What are you up to? I am so bored I hope you don't mind me calling you," he continued dramatically.

"I don't mind," I laughed at his dramatic tone, "I was just chilling at home. I don't have much to do."

"I thought you had to study for that chemistry test?" he asked in an accusatory tone.

How does he remember that? I barely remember mentioning it to him.

"I already studied the whole morning..." I spoke elongating the words and whining.

"I'm sure you will do great. You are so smart," Taehyung encouraged me.

"I am pretty much a genius." A lot of times when we speak, I always mention I'm studying, cause honestly, that's mostly what I do, so he likes calling me a genius to tease me.

"What are you up to? Still in New York?" I asked, recalling the last time we spoke.

"Yes, for a few more days, then we're going to London I believe."

"Ah, that must be so cool! Send me lots of pictures!" I exclaimed bouncing on the bed.

"I will, I promise!" Taehyung laughed at my reaction.

"Wait, you'll be performing at Wembley, right?"

"Yes...I'm really nervous," he responded slowly. I could hear the slight tremble in his voice.

Hearing his voice I could sense he seemed to feel low, maybe that's why he called me. So, I am going to make it my mission to cheer him up.

"It's a big stadium, but I know you will do great," I complimented to soothe his nerves.

"You think so?" he asked, still unsure.

"Of course! I went to your concert and it was great. I imagine that Wembley being huge will be a shock, but you always try your hardest, so everything will play out great!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks for the encouragement Nari," Taehyung said gratefully.

"Anytime, seriously, if you ever start doubting yourself, I'll be here to tell you how amazing you are." Where I got the bravery to say that defeats me, but I couldn't stand to hear him doubt himself.

"Always so considerate Nari, I wish I could pack you up and bring you with me," he said with a laugh.

"I might be short but sadly I don't fit in a suitcase," I began saying, "You will always have me in your pocket though."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, confusion in his voice.

"I will always be a phone call or text away, so even though I might not be there physically I will be there for you," I explained.

"See, you are very smart!" he cried out.

As I was about to say reply I heard a commotion on the other side of the phone.

"Taehyunie, we are going to eat are you coming?" A voice I recognized as Jimin asked.

"Oh yeah, one second," Taehyung replied.

"Who are you talking to?" Jimin asked once again cheekily.

"Nari..." he trailed off, answering the question.

I heard rustling through the phone and some grunts when Jimin's voice came through the speaker.

"Hii Nari, it's Jiminie," he giggled.

"Hiii," I replied, not knowing what was going on.

"No wonder our Tae has been so focused on his phone lately he was talking to you," Jimin told me with humor in his voice.

I listened as Jimin grunted and Taehyung's voice came back through the phone. I'm guessing Taehyung shoved him or something

"Anyways, I'll talk to you later," he said hurriedly.

"Alright, bye Taehyung Oppa," I said bidding him goodbye.

Third Person POV

From the other side of the country, Taehyung stared at his phone surprised at your words. He was constantly called Oppa by his fans and it didn't bother him at all, but hearing it come out of your mouth did something to him. It sounded so sweet and it made him love it even more. He wished you were the only one to use it even though it was impossible. Jimin watched him from the door with a knowing and a teasing look on his face.

"Taehyung Oppa, let go eat something," he said in a high pitch trying to imitate a girl's voice.

"Shut up Jimin-ah," Taehyung said seriously glaring at his best friend. Jimin laughed, throwing his head back enjoying his friend's reaction.

Nari's POV

I went to the kitchen to make a snack before dinner, when Youngjin snuck up on me.

"Who were you calling Oppa?" he questioned, trying not to let his curiosity show.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him not really knowing what he was on about.

"You were on the phone and said Jaehyung Oppa, I think?" he said, scratching his head trying to recall the name he heard.

"I said what?" 

This could not be happening. I did not just call Taehyung, Oppa. Nope. God, now he will probably think I have a crush on him or something.

"Stop acting dumb Nari it doesn't suit you," Youngjin scolded me his eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh no, no, no, no what did I do?" I finally reacted remembering those words before I hung up. It was so automatic I didn't even think twice.

"Nari, relax, it's probably not a big deal," my brother said noticing my panic.

"It is! He is just a friend and I-, omg, now he probably thinks I like him," I tried to explain while I paced in the kitchen.

"Nari, listen to me. You were talking in Korean that means he is Korean and if he is older than you, it's perfectly fine to call him that," Youngjin reassured, "He probably didn't even notice or care."

"Yeah, you're right, right?" I said, trying to get my heart back to normal.

"Yes, it's a form of respect," he told me, holding me at arm's length by the shoulders.

"Okay," I sighed, feeling better.

"So, whatcha making?" he asked, peering over my shoulder. 

Later that day I went downstairs for dinner, my family already seating themselves around the table. As we started eating, a nice conversation flowed.

"Nari, when do your classes finish?" my mom asked me.

"Next week will be finals, so after that," I responded, focused on my food. Even after the snack, I was still hungry.

"Are you prepared?" My Dad then questioned, but I'm pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"Of course, appa," I said with a smile.

"What about you Youngjin?" he then directed the question to my brother.

"I'm done already, I don't know why they keep insisting we keep going to school. We literally don't do anything," he complained, stabbing his food.

"It's your last few days of high school, enjoy them because afterward everyone goes their separate ways," I told him to see if he would cheer up.

"Easy for you to say you go to college with your two best friends," he grumbled in my direction.

"That's not my fault-," I tried defending myself, but before I could get another word out our dad interrupted me.

"Settle down. Your mother and I have something to say," he mysteriously said.

Youngjin and I exchanged a glance not really knowing what was happening.

"What?" my brother asked, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

"We were thinking and it's time we go visit our family again," Dad said, simply trying to gauge our reactions.

"We're going to Seoul?" I tried to confirm before getting my hopes up.

"Yes, after your finals Nari," Mom confirmed with a smile. I'm sure she was happy since after many years of living in the US my grandparents moved back to South Korea a few years ago. I'm sure she really misses them.

"Awesome!" Youngjin yelled, probably trying to think about what clothes to take.

"Is there something wrong Nari? You don't look so excited," My mom pointed out concerned.

"Not exactly, but I was already making plans with Olivia and Macy for Macy's birthday party," I told them sadly.

My parents gave each other a knowing look and then turned to me at the same time.

"You're in luck because we already talked to them and their parents and they agreed to go with us," Dad revealed a smile making its way to his lips.

"You're the best," I said, squealing as I got up to hug them.

"How come she gets to bring her friends and I don't?" Youngjin grumbled from his seat with his arms crossed.

"Because you're a loner," I teased, "Don't be whiny, they're your friends too you've practically known them most of your life."

"That's it, then pack your bags, we're leaving in a week," Mom clapped from her seat.

This was exciting I've always enjoyed going to South Korea. Everything was so different and fun and now I get to go with both of my best friends. I've gone before with Olivia but we were both a lot younger, so we didn't have as much liberty as we do now, it was surely going to be an adventure. That adventure, of course, included my brother. Even though we fought very often we also had a lot of fun together so the four of us would surely make a great team.

Walking into my room, I sat on my desk chair. Checking my phone I noticed I had a text from Taehyung, when another thought popped into my head. Will he be in Seoul at the same time as me? And, if so, would it be possible to see him again?


This chapter is more of a filler leading to the exciting parts, so, it is necessary. 

Is it a stretch that her friends are going too? Probably, but, again, necessary. 

Nari is such a sweetheart comforting Tae and Jimin is still a freaking tease, but I love him that way, lol. 

What did you think of the chapter? And what are your predictions? 

Please, always remember to vote and comment. I care about what you guys have to say and what you would like to see in the story! Share this story with your friends, drag them along the journey :)

-Nikki Marie 💜

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