«─── « ⋅ʚ Wedding ɞ⋅ » ───»

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February 1, 2020

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved weddings there was something magical about them or at least that's what I saw in movies. Growing up I've had the opportunity to go to a few weddings, although not many, I'd always be mesmerized by the bride walking down the aisle in her beautiful dress and the groom would be waiting for her with a smile on his lips and some with tears in their eyes. The idea of it was so romantic and as a child, I ate all of that up hoping one day I'd have the same.

When I was 8, I found an old video tape in the attic, I asked my parents what it was about, and they sat me down on the couch and played it. It was a recording of their wedding that took place in a small space and only those closest to them were invited. Mom was wearing the simplest of dresses while dad wore a plain black suit with nothing fancy or extraordinary about it, yet you could feel the love between them. It wasn't the magical I had seen in movies with the glitter and big guest list it was better than that because in the tape I could see my own parents having their moment and a lot of familiar faces that were still in their life to this day. It felt familiar, loving, and like home. It was only natural for their wedding to not have been huge they were recently graduated from college and just started working. They had used most of their savings on a house to build their family in and what was left they used to have their small wedding.

I must have watched that tape so many times I had it engraved in my brain by now. After a few clips of the ceremony there would be more of the reception. My parents happily dancing in the middle of the small dance floor bright grins on their faces they didn't have much, but they had each other and that's all that mattered. I told myself I wanted somebody who would look at me like my parents looked at each other and I think I might have found that person although it's probably a bit too soon to say.

My parent's moment had come again 25 years later. They loved each other more than all those years ago plus they were doing well economically so, why not have another wedding where they could go all out and share it with those they had met along their journey and who had become so important.

That's where we're at now my family got up relatively early to have breakfast together and spend some quality time together. My parents gave Youngjin and I a rundown of what was to happen tonight and after they left for their honeymoon. We would be on our own for two weeks, they expected me to look after Jin and instructed him to not give me a hard time.

After breakfast we parted ways Mom led me to her room where a make-up and hair stylist would come to get us ready. I was on the bed while we waited, texting with Taehyung about today's schedule even if I had told him about 20 times before. I was too excited to have him here it would be the first time he came with me to a family activity and, now that the cat was out of the bag, I wanted to show him off. Because somehow plain old Nari managed to get someone like him.

"Nari, honey," mom called my attention softly.

"Yes, mom?" I locked my phone to give her my attention.

"Sit here beside me, let's talk," she said, patting the empty spot on the bed beside her.

"What is it? You're scaring me," I nervously laughed. No matter how old you are when a parent tells you they need to talk to you a fight or flight response kicks in.

"It's nothing bad," she reassuringly spoke, "I saw what went down yesterday with you and Taehyung," she revealed with a knowing smile.

"Wow, you really do know everything," I was shocked I had no idea she had been in the room and she didn't even make her presence known.

"I can see how in love you two are," Mom said, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"The whole wedding ordeal, plus seeing you up there has made me reflect on the past 25 years and it made me see how much you've grown. It reminded me, you're not a baby anymore," she continued saying a nostalgic look in her eyes.

"I'll always be your baby, mom," I tried consoling her, grabbing onto her hand.

"I know, I'm proud of you Nari don't ever forget that" she stated with a firm look. I always knew my parents were proud, yet hearing it really made a difference. It boosted my mood.

"I won't," I responded, shaking my head. 

"And in the words of your grandmother don't let him go," she sighed, causing me to giggle, "The world will throw challenges at you both, like what you just experienced, but you have to stick together and persevere."

"I will mom," I nodded at her encouraging advice. I had to take it to heart because she's been married for a long time now so it must work. 

"Good," she firmly said, standing up and going into the bathroom to take a shower before the makeup artist and stylist got here.

A good portion of the afternoon was spent getting dolled up. In an attempt to be classy mom ordered a bottle of champagne to share while we got our hair and make up done. The makeup artist called Julie skillfully did mom's makeup first while I got my hair loosely curled by Lisa, the hair stylist. They cheerfully spoke to us and about the ceremony entertaining us as they did their work. They were great making the time go by in a flash in no time mom's makeup was done her skin flawless and glowy and her eyes smoky. It would go great with her dress, she opted for a dress with different shades of cream to keep it classy.

After a few more bobby pins were incrusted into my hair I looked into the mirror to see my hair loosely curled, half of my hair up and pinned away from my face by dozens of pins and lots of hairspray. Gold pins with rhinestones adorned my hair elevating the look even more.

Julie and Lisa switched places to finish their incredible job on us. It was funny because as Julie applied my eyeshadow, I briefly fell asleep, my head falling woke me up startled. All of them laughed, causing my cheeks to tint pink from embarrassment. I had gone to bed late last night Taehyungs sweet words resonating.

Once they were done, they packed up their stuff and left, wishing us a great night ahead. In the end, my make up consisted of neutral eye shadow with black eyeliner forming a small wing and ruby red lips. Somehow Julie made my skin look so smooth I thought I knew how to do my makeup, clearly, I needed to learn a thing or two from her.

Six in the afternoon was quickly approaching. Mom had already left to take pictures with the photographer they had hired. Hurrying my pace, I finished getting ready putting on the royal blue dress I got for the occasion, I added gold jewelry to go with it and lastly gold-colored high heels that would surely leave my feet in pain by the end of the night.

A few minutes ago, Taehyung had texted me he was here. I told him to wait for me by the elevators since I was nearly done. With one last glance at the mirror, I set off downstairs. I got into the elevator and pressed on the button that would take me to the lobby. I nervously shifted on my feet for the night to come I was sure it would be great, but then I remembered I'd have to make a toast in front of everybody. I wasn't exactly bad at public speaking, but nerves always shook my body.

More people got into the elevator, leaving me in the back of it. Finally, the doors opened into the lobby, and the people walked out. Stepping off the elevator, I saw Taehyung leaning against a wall further down, he was wearing a really nice black suit with a white shirt underneath and a black skinny tie. His hair that was longer than usual with waves at the ends covering his forehead and giving it volume. He looked like a prince, my prince.

The clicking of my heels alerted him I was approaching as he averted his gaze to where I was. He froze for a second taking me in awe. Taehyung met me in the middle his eyes roaming my body, causing my heart to pound in my chest.

"Wow, you look stunning, gorgeous, beautiful," he spoke getting closer and kissing my pink cheeks, "I am so lucky to have a woman like you," he murmured in my ear. 

"Thank you," I said with my whole face red turning red, "You look very handsome yourself."

He let out a soft chuckle at my bashfulness, "Thank You."

"Shall we?" Taehyung offered his arm.

"We shall," I gladly took it walking over to the activity room. 

I led Taehyung to his seat and looked around to see most people were already here. Just in time Dad and Youngjin appeared in the door and walked down the aisle to settle in their spots. I spoke to them briefly and fixed Jin's dark green tie that was slightly crooked. For some reason dad looked nervous it was funny because it's not like mom can run away, they're already married. I made sure to reassure him of that before leaving and going over to mom who was outside waiting for her cue to walk in.

Grandma Choi was outside with mom making sure everything looked good. Once she saw me, she handed me the bouquet of flowers I'd be holding. The organizer asked us if we were ready and with a nod, she signaled for the music to start. She opened the double doors, and, on my queue, I slowly stepped into the room all eyes falling on me making me nervously smile.

Family members and friends smiled and waited in anticipation for the bride to come in. Towards the end of the aisle, I searched for Tae only to find him staring intently at me already. His eyes never left me following my every move, when I got into place on my spot of the raised platform, he shot me a wink and a grin.

The music intensified and in came my mom confidently strutting down the long-carpeted walkway. Instead of looking at the people around her, her eyes zeroed in on my dad. The apparent nervousness he had clearly disappeared as he stood straighter and waited for mom to reach him. Once she did, she gave me her Boquete and turned to my dad who eagerly took hold of her hands.

The officiant began his job and greeted everyone who was in attendance, yet all my parents did was get lost in each other. They were exuding happiness and love and everyone in the room could feel it. The ceremony went on as it normally would the officiant making us laugh now and then to further break the ice. When the time for vows came my eyes trailed over to Taehyung who already had his on me, mouthing to me an 'I love you'.

My parent's vows were simple, but held so much meaning they avoided the typical ones and were a given, instead forming vows that applied to their particular situations and realities. To my surprise Youngjin shed out a tear hearing them speak from the heart a hand coming up to wipe the stray tear. I resisted laughing, taking mental note to talk to him later tonight. The ceremony was almost done my parents wanting to have it short and sweet, so nobody falls asleep.

The officiant declared them newlyweds and the public bursts into applause as the couple kissed. Teasingly and coincidentally Youngjin and I made a face at seeing our parent kiss, laughing at each other when we saw we did the same face gesture.

Holding hands, the couple left this room and went into the other everyone following close behind to get the party started. I stayed behind for a little bit choosing to go over to Taehyung and have a moment before the craziness began.

"Hopefully one day we will be up there," he lowly whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Weddings made me soft and now that I had a boyfriend it made me feel hopeful and not lonely.

"I'm counting on it, Kim Taehyung," I agreed, tilting my head up to kiss him softly.

"At least we already practiced," he joked rising his eyebrows, "Because I meant every word, I said up there," he then added seriously.

"I did too," I reassured him, "I love you."

"I love you, Nari," Taehyung promptly responded.

"Yo lovebirds come on!" Olivia appeared out of nowhere, "It's time for your toast Nari."

Rolling my eyes at the interruption I said, "I'm on my way Liv."

Once I saw she had left my lips attacked Taehyung again to which he responded eagerly.



Did I update again today? Yes

Don't mind me.

As always, please, remember to vote, comment, and share with a friend.

-Nikki Marie 💜

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