Chapter one: The run

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The fresh air bites her skin.

A large shadow runs past tall trees, branches swishing its edges and tearing fabrics of it. Bit by bit.

Galloping hooves echo through the dense forest, scaring all small animals away and out of their dark hideouts.

The shadow does not stop.

It does not turn back to look upon the blood stains leaving behind...

Soft sun rays pierce through the rich crowns of the eternal green that covers the sky, revealing the figure that disturbs the peace. A black stallion, as if consumed by the darkness, moves from one shadow to the next gracefully lifting its legs and pushing the ground away. Pieces of dirt fly low off its hooves as they depart from the soil and make messy imprints.

But its coat ain't completely black. Crimson marks, a color deep as a field of wildflowers bathed in a sunset, travel in streams down from its back. A human like body clings to the dim mane, curled up in a unpleasant position. It's a young girl. Her long peach hair, carried by the wind, travels from one side to the other never touching the blood that spreads from her large wounds. A deep slash along her skinny left arm and another from a stabbed shoulder. The third is a burned leg and the last, the worst, a cut on the side of her belly. Bruises flourished everywhere, contouring her slender body.

The horse suddenly came to a halt.

It neighed in a high pitched tone and shook its head. The girl slipped down leaving a sticky trail of the liquid that was pouring out of her injuries.

"Oww..." she exhaled and coughed out some blood. Slowly, she crawled to a nearby tree and leaned on it. Trying to wipe away the dirt from her face, she smeared it now red with her hand.

"Come closer..." words leave her mouth in a whisper. The black creature approached, bringing its head right in front of her. She placed her hand on the snout and said:

"Thank you for everything... Now, return to the village." His head shot up, surprised by her command and in disbelieve.

"Please... I will be fine. I just need to rest now a bit. Bring Kakashi this..." she reached for his head and tucked a silky brown scarf on the reins.

"He will know what to do." she gave him a soft smile and leaned back on the tree. The stallion protested a bit but quickly gave up as he saw that this could be the last thing he could do for her. He gave her a nudge, turned around and left in a moderate pace while she looked sadly at him.

"Good luck my friend... I hope she won't get you..."

Softly, she closed her eyes, taking in all the scents that rose around her as the breeze started to lift. There were many grass blades topped red, swaying swiftly in a way that it seemed they were talking to each other.

Hey! Look how pretty I am now!
Yeah! Finally we are as colorful as the flowers around us!

She listened to the rustling leaves of a nearby rose bush and smiled while imagining how they might be laughing at the babbling grass.

"Shit... Now as it started to be fun I'm dying..."

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