I can't breath

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Why can't I move?

Why was I just standing here looking at him?

Dear God...is he gonna kill me?!

All those questions ran through my mind as I stood there staring at him. Whatever I could see with his back turned to me anyways. He had on a.... a suit? If this was a movie I would be laughing, or day dreaming about the guy. But this was my life.

And this was a scary guy, covered in blood, and a gun was in his other hand. His face held no remorse for what he did.

I flinched once he turned to look at me. His icy blue eyes looked dull, and dead. My breathing went shallow, and tears started to fill my eyes. This was horrifying.....

And I smiled.

I think that just made him more upset, because he started walking towards me.

Why the hell can't I run?!

'Why was I just standing here?! Move already!' I begged with myself

But it was to late.

His dark shadow loomed over me, I forced myself to look up at him. My eyes wide, teary, and innocent, and a shaky smile plastered on my lips.

His dirty blond hair covered his eyes, and his twitched. He wanted to hurt me, and I knew it. I closed my eyes expecting the worst.

See Michael... even now I'll keep my promise to you.

I felt a sharp pain run down my spine as I was pushed aginst the wall, and something cold pressed aginst my throat.

"How. much. did you see?" I shivered. Even his voice sound cold, and void of any emotion. I couldn't help but whimper in fear.

"Answer me." He said in a dangerously calm voice. I gasped as I felt something cold warp around my neck. My eyes snapped open....

He was so close.

He really was, his fingers closed around my throat, as he held me up aginst the wall. My scared green eyes, meet his dull blue ones.

"I'll have to get rid of you if you won't answer me." He said bluntly.

'I didn't see much... just you  covered in the blood of these dead men, and holding a gun! Yeah I'm sure that's not a lot.'

"W-what happened to those men?" I asked. 'What the hell?! Why would I ask such a thing, when he has me up aginst a wall! Holding me by my damn throat!

He glared into my eyes trying to look at my soul... to bad I keep it hidden.

My hands struggled aginst his, I looked into his icy eyes, my own still wide in disbelief. His thumb rested on the center of my throat, and he pressed down. 'Why wouldn't he just shoot me?!' I asked myself as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I closed my eyes.


Never stop smiling...

For me, Hali.

'Oh right.... I can't forget to smile. I promised him I would...  I almost broke that promise....Sorry Michael.'

As the world around me began to blur, a small curl made it's way to my lips. I turned my fuzzy vision towards the guy in front of me. "........." I said. His eyes grew wide slightly, and I saw a small flash in them.

It wasn't there long enough for me to see what it was. 'So this is how I die, huh?' I asked, but to who... I don't know. Someone must have heard me, because out of nowhere a black blur pushed the guy holding me up.

I fell to the ground with a thud, and everything went black.

This is my first cliffhanger! How is it! >:3

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