A Friend in Need

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Marinette POV-two weeks later

I got to school early so I could meet up with Alya, Nino, and Adrien. But I guess I was too early. The doors haven't even opened yet and it's just me waiting outside. I leaned against the wall watching people walk around Paris, a few tourist. Out of the corner of my a eye I saw someone walking up the steps. Juleka.

"Hey, Juleka." I said.

"Hey, Marinette. Um, you do know it's Saturday, right?" She said. I stood there dumbfounded. That explains why my parents weren't even up this morning.

"Oh. Well, I guess I should be home. Have a good day, Juleka." I said waving goodbye. She gave me a small smile and I saw her head back to the park. I guess she was hanging out their today since her home was in the opposite direction. I let it slip by and headed home.

The day went by fast and I heard a tap on my trap door. Chat Noir. He's been visiting a lot.

"Hello, puuuuurrrrrincess." He purred. I rolled my eyes at his flirtatious puns. "Hello, Chaton." I replied letting him in.

"Okay, so rematch?" Yesterday Chat and I played Ultimate Mega Strike III and I kept winning. His miraculous ran out before we could have another rematch. We played 7 times and I kept winning. When it came to the 8th round, I was bored with the game so let Chat win. We set the controllers down and the kitty cat looked at me with a weird look that I read as 'you-let-me-freakin-win'. I shrugged at him.

"I guess there is no beating the amazing Marinette." Chat chuckled. I frowned. I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my fingers.

"I'm not amazing, Chat. I'm just a...clumsy waste of space." I muttered. A tear slid down my face when I thought about what Chloé said to me yesterday when she found out Adrien had dinner with maman, papa, and I.

"Who said that to you?" Chat said through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean? I just did." I said looking up at him. He shook his head.

"Someone had to of said that to you. That's not something my princess would say." He said looking me dead in the eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find the words.

"Marinette. Who said that to you?" He was demanding now.

"I said it! I already told you!" I said my voice raising.

"Princess, why are you lying to yourself than?!"

"I'm not lying to myself! It's the truth! I'm a waste of space!"

"No you are not!" He hissed. We stayed silent giving each other angry glares. His gaze softened as he looked at me.

"Princess, you are not a waste of space. Not to me." He muttered, his gaze dropping to the floor. He climbed up my ladder and before disappearing into the night he muttered 'good night, princess'. I sighed as a tear fell onto my lap. I stood up and looked out my window. Across the street in the park, I could see a person wrapped up in a blanket on a bench with a bag sitting beside her. I recognized the girl. What is she still doing there? It's 10:45 at night.

I quickly stood up pulling my coat on and ripening out of my home. I walked to the park over to the girl on the bench. Her purple streaked hair covered her face, a dark purple blanket wrapped snug around her even though I could still see her shaking from the cool night air. I shook the figure awake.

"Juleka?" I said softly. Her eyes fluttered open.

"M-Marinette? What are you doing here?" She said in a raspy quiet voice.

"Me? What about you? Your sleeping on a bench! Why are you here?" I demanded. I looked over at the bag and realized what was going on.

"My parents wanted me to leave. They kicked me out." She said staring at her feet. She started to silently sob.

"Oh, Juleka. Here, come on. Come with me." I said picking up the duffle bag and reaching a hand out to help her up. She accepted and I hauled her up. She towered over me by 4 inches at 5'9". We walked to the bakery and back to my apartment. My parents were in the living room with a disapproving look but then saw Juleka.

"Maman, papa, before you say anything about me leaving the house without saying anything, I needed to make sure Juleka had somewhere to sleep tonight." I said gesturing to Juleka. She gave a small wave and my parents gazes softened.

"Hello, Juleka. Would you like some tea?" Maman offered. Juleka nodded and muttered a quiet yes. We went up to my room. I grabbed a blanket out of a drawer of my dresser. I sat up the chaise for Juleka to sleep on. She sat quietly in my desk chair. Mom came into the room with a cup of tea and croissant. Maman gave her a warm smile and pulled her into a hug nearly knocking the croissant out of the tall girl's hand.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sabine." She thanked in her quiet voice.

"It's not a problem at all, dear. Your welcomed here at any time." She said before disappeared down the steps of the trap door.

"So what happened? You want to talk about it?" I asked pulling up my other chair to face her. She looked down in embarrassment.

"They said i was a mistake and that they didn't love me and never did so they threw my bag at me and kicked me out." She sobbed as she spat out her sentence. I was shocked by what she said. I knew her mom had her at an early age and that Juleka didn't live with the greatest family, but this is awful. I hugged her and let her cry into my shoulder. After a minute she calmed down.

"How long have you been on the streets?" i asked.

"Three days." She answered bluntly. I nodded with my lips pressed together in thought.

"Do you think Rose would let you live with her and her parents?" I asked pulling out my phone.

"I-I haven't thought about that..."

"Okay so I'm going to call Rose and tell her to meet us at the cafe across the street and we'll talk to her about that then. For now, how about we get some sleep, you look tired."

She nodded at agreement. We headed to bed and soon after I could hear the soft snores coming from below the loft. I thought abut the argument with Chat. I felt bad, I don't know why I felt bad but I did and I needed to apologize to him next time I saw him.

I closed my eyes completing another day.


hey guys, sorry i didn't update yesterday like i said i would. But here it is now, hope you like it! Please vote!

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