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Song- Not Gonna Die by Skillet. I really suggest watching the music video. It is awesome.

Adrien POV

Sitting in a private waiting room, listening to a clock tick and only feeling the rushing beat of your heart is one of the worst things ever. Especially when I'm waiting to find out if a heart will still be beating.

Tom was comforting Sabine in the hallway. Snow was getting stitches for her arm. Roe was sleeping over at Manon's House. Alya, Nino, and I were sitting in silence waiting for a doctor to come in.

Alya and Nino now knew about me being Chat Noir. But we haven't discussed it at all. And they also saw Snow as some version of Ladybug, which I had a lot of questions about. But now wasn't right.

After almost an hour, Snow walked into the waiting room with her arm stitched and bandaged. A doctor walked into the room with her and Sabine and Tom came into the room too.

The doctor was a tall woman with dark skin, and short black curly hair. She was maybe in her late 30's or early 40's. But this wasn't the doctor for Marinette.

"Hello, I am Dr. Piper Leroy." She started off. She adjusted her glasses and looked at her chart then at Snow, like she was really confused. "I stitched Snow's arm up, she'll be fine. But, um, there are no files on Snow Blanc. We have checked city wide and the country. There are no files and considering there's no document of a guardian, she'll have to pay for her hospital bill." She had a sympathetic smile on her face but it was laced with confusion.

"I-I don't have money." Snow chokes out.

"We'll pay." Sabine steps up right after Snow is done talking. The doctor says that's fine and then asks for them to follow her. After about forty five minutes they come back, still no word about Marinette's condition.

"Nothing yet about Marinette. But the nurse that should be assigned to her is Dr. Leroy's wife and she promises she'll take good care of her if..." Tom stops talking and pursed his lips together.

I didn't want to think "if". I was hoping for when.

Another thirty minutes goes by and Marinette's and a doctor comes into the room. He asks to speak with Sabine and Tom in private so we all step out.

I was scared. I don't know what I would do without Marinette, without my ladybug. My life would not be the same, it would be ruined. Going to school without seeing her would be equal to a knife in my heart.

We listened in to what the doctor had to say.

"We pumped her stomach but she was unconscious for more than two hours. She's in a coma. She wasn't receiving enough oxygen to her brain. We don't know when she will wake up." He said it like he's had to say stuff like this a dozen times a day.

"Is she in any pain?" Sabine asked.

"No, she is in no pain." The doctor replied.

Yes. Yes she was in pain. She was in so much pain that she tried to kill herself. And none of us did anything.

I slid down the wall and cried. I felt Alya and Nino hug me and Snow had her hand on my shoulder. I shouldn't get this comfort. Marinette should.

Sabine and Tom walked out of the room after the doctor.

"We're allowed to see her now." Sabine sighed.

We walked to the pediatric ward where the doctor told us to go. Room 5115. We stopped at the door. Tom opened the door and Sabine broke out into a sob. I was only standing at the door. I could see tubes in her mouth and nose. Wires surrounded her. But the cuts, scars, and scabs on her arms were what everyone noticed most.

Alya couldn't get herself to go in the room. She sat in the hallway, sobbing in her hands, blaming herself.

I walked to her bedside and picked up her hand. She was so thin. I brushed her black hair out of her face.

I sat down beside her and kissed her hand.

"I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry, princess." I was shaking a little trying to hold back tears. Sabine places a hand on my back, but it didn't comfort me. Nino walks out of the room to sit with Alya. Snow is standing against the wall beside the door.

A nurse walks in and whispers "hi". She was kind of short, had long strawberry blonde hair, and hazel eyes. She was carrying bandages and a chart on a clip board.

"Hello, I'll be Marinette's nurse. My name is Sophia." She greeted. She had an accent but I couldn't put a finger on it.

"Thank you." Tom said. That's all that was spoken. Snow's lips were pursed and she watched the nurse's back before sneaking out of the room.

The nurse sat on the other side of the bed and started cleaning and wrapping up Marinette's arm. She gave me a soft smile before finishing up her arm.

"I'm going to have to clean up her other arm." She said with sincerity in her voice. I looked at Marinette for a second before letting go of her hand.

"You should all head home. The best thing to do right now is to try to live a normal life so when Marinette wakes up, it'll be easier."

What nurse Sophia said was like cataclysm to the heart. Go on like everything is normal while Marinette is in a coma? Act like she's just taking a little nap after she tried to kill herself? How are we suppose to do that? How am I suppose to do that?

But I nodded. Even though I didn't understand. I nodded like I would agree.

I bent down to Marinette's ear and whispered "I love you." Then I forced myself to walk away.

Alya and Nino followed me out of the hospital. Snow was already outside.

"Here." Snow held out a bunch of papers.

"I found them in Marinette's room." She sighed and passed them out to us.

"Let's all go home, change out of these pajamas,"Snow started. I realized we were still in pajamas. Everything happened during the night and it must've been almost 4 in the afternoon now, "and meet up at my place tomorrow around lunch. I have some explaining of my own to do. If it's too soon to meet, text me." She walked off without another word.

Alya's mom came and picked her and Nino up. I waited for my chauffeur. It started raining and it took me back to the day I apologized to Marinette for the chewing gum. I smiled as some tears rolled down my face. Gorilla arrived and I got in the car.

When I got home, I laid down and I cried. Charm curled up beside me. I accepted the little comfort I could get. I wanted my mom. I wanted Marinette to be okay. I wanted to go back in time and do something that could prevent all of this from happening. But I can only move forward...

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I️'m curious. What do y'all think I look like?

Hair color?

Hair Length?

Eye color?

Special Facial Feature?


I'll post the answers in the next chapter. Thank y'all for reading! And for 141K, I am thankful for y'all!

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