I care

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"Ugh. " Marinette groaned as she plopped down on her chaise. She was sick of the never ending homework. She rested her head into her arms trying to relax only for it to be interrupted.

"Marinette, dear. Can you go to the grocery store and get more ingredients, your father and I are heading to the party we're catering tonight." Sabine called up to her daughter, more of a demand. Marinette groaned at having to walk all the way to the store.

"But ma—" She started but was cut off.

"If you go now you'll get back before dark." Her mom said not taking no for an answer. Marinette sighed and got up. She threw on a pink sweater over her tank top, changed out of her sweatpants into black jeans, put on her black combat boots, and put her dark hair into a ponytail. She walked downstairs, grabbed the list and card,and made her way to the store.

Well, her mom lied about it she left then she would get back before dark. She was carrying a bag with ingredients in it walking home, in the dark. The walk was quiet but she felt like she was being watched, so she sped up. But then she heard a click and something cold go against her temple and stopped dead in her track.

"Scream and I shoot." A raspy male voice whispered in her ear. She swallowed a lump in her throat that contained a sob. But Marinette wasn't going to let whoever this was get her that easily. She dropped the bag and swung her fist around and punched him right in the jaw.

"Oh your gonna regret that you lil brat!" The man with dark hair and cold gray eyes growled. Before Marinette could run the man grabbed her around the waist, pinning her arms to her side. He dragged her into an alley way, her kicking and calling out for help.

"Quit struggling!" He barked pinning her to the wall. Her arms were pinned above her head and the man was standing on her feet. His grip on her wrist felt like fire against her cuts. She tried to to jerk out of his grasp but failed. Marinette saw the hungry look in his eyes as he looked her up and down. The man that looked to be in his late 20's and who was a foot and a half taller than the small 10th grader.

"I'm not afraid of you." She growled.

"Oh really? What if I was to kill you?" He chuckled. Marinette had a blank expression, unreadable to the criminal.

"I'm not afraid to die." She said slowly shaking her head to emphasize every word.

"Brave chick now aren't you? But don't you worry...I'm not going to kill you." He laughed, then he forcefully planted his lips on hers. She struggled against it trying to break free. When he moved his lips she took the opportunity to scream.

"Someone help me!" She yelled.

"Shut up!" He barked slapping her. But she didn't stop yelling for help, she was use to the slaps anyways. The angry man had enough and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a cloth. He held it against the young heroine's mouth.

Marinette breathed in something sickly sweet. Her muscles started to relax and she couldn't focus on staying awake.

'Crap, chloroform.' Marinette thought before blacking out. The last thing she saw was bright green cat like eyes behind the man.


Chat Noir heard the screams of a girl. But he knew who it was. Marinette. His princess. He followed the voice to see a gun and a bag of
groceries on the side walk. 'Crap.' He thought. He looked in every nearby alley way until he saw his princess being held to the wall with cloth held over her mouth as she struggled to be free. He came up behind the criminal and recognized him as Gregory De'Claire. He's been wanted for years. Apparently he turned into a criminal and moved to Paris after his older sister died when they were kids.

Chat grabbed the man by the throats and pinned him to the opposite wall in the alley in a flask taking the man by surprise. Marinette fell to the ground limo like a rag doll.

"Don't you ever touch my princess again!" Chat hissed. Literally.

"Ha. Who says I can't?" Gregory said smugly.

"Me. Cats are very protective of what's theirs. My princess. My protection. Do not touch my princess." Chat was willing to kill in that moment. The man tried to hurt Marinette. He could have killed her! He could have raped her!

"I'm not afraid of Chat Noirs." Gregory cackled and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. Chat was confused by the NoirS part but went into account that he addd the S because he's drunk.

"Well I guess you don't have to worry about me because you're going to jail." Chat retorted. He contacted the police on his baton. The cat superhero tied the man to a pole until the cops got the alley. He ran over to the his princess to aid her.

"Princess. Princess please wake up." He shook the girl and could feel her start to stir.

"Marinette, princess, can you hear me?" Chat asked brushing her bangs to the side showing her scar.

"Chat?" Marinette murmured.

"I'm here, Mari. Please wake up." Marinette's eyes fluttered open. Chat Noir helped her up and catch her balance.

"Your okay now." Chat tried to soothe her as she was still shaky. Marinette dusted off her black jeans and walked onto the side walk and picked up her groceries.

"Princess, where are you going?" Chat asked.

"I'm going home, you dumb cat. And don't call me princess." She said not stopping her walk home.

"Why not?" He asked. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him.

"Why not? Why not?! I haven't seen you in five months! My life has been hell and you weren't there! You promised you would be but you lied! I've been tortured at school, never ending work at home, and I can't even look at someone at school without being slapped! Where have you been?!" Marinette yelled all her anger out onto him.

"W-what do you mean? What are you talking about?" He asked, his voice shaking with concerned. Her eyes widened in realization at what she admitted.

"I-I said enough." She turned on her heels to walk away but Chat Noir grabbed her wrist. She bit her tongue to keep from wincing.

"I'm walking you home. Sit down and wait so I can deal with this...criminal." Chat demanded softly pointing to a bench outside a flower shop. Marinette glared at him but did as so. After about twenty minutes, Gregory was off to jail and Chat Noir was walking Marinette home. Marinette didn't allow Chat to follow her inside, wanting him to leave. But when she entered her room, the pesky cat was sitting on the floor waiting for her.

"Chat go away. " She sighed.

"Not until I get answers." He said. Marinette thought for a minute with her arms crossed looking at her feet.

"Okay. But first. You answer MY question." She demanded. He nodded.

"Where have you been?"

"My father has forced me to work for his company every night. I tried to get away but I kept getting caught. I'm sorry." He answered. She heaved a heavy sigh.

"Okay. I understand." She said.

"My turn. What were you talking about back on the street?" He asked. Marinette didn't answer right away trying to figure out how to respond.

"Nothing really. I'm put into my place after I try to steal someone from someone else." She lied. She stared down at her feet not wanting to make eye contact.

"Your lying." He said breaking silence.

"I don't lie." She defended turning away.

"You are and you just lied again." He stood up and grabbed her arm trying to turn her around but she shrugged him off.

"What's it to you?" She grumbled.

"Because I care."

"Well you shouldn't." She snapped turning around.

"Well I do. I'll watch after you, princess. I'm always closer than you think." Chat pecked her knuckles and jumped out the window disappearing into the night.


'Oh poor dear Marinette. We will send help when the time is right. For now, we are sorry.'

A/N: Okay so here's a new chapter. Who do you think is watching over dear Marinette?

Also I want to know more about my readers so here are some questions.

What's your favorite color?

Which is your favorite ship? (LadyNoir, MariChat, Adrienette, Ladrien)

What's your favorite fandom?

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite movie or Netflix series?

What's your favorite Disney Princess?
(You will see why I asked this question later on in the book)

Bugout guys. Don't forget to vote and I hope you liked this chapter!

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