Skin as White as Snow

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Everyone sat around the camp fire in awkward silence. No one dared say anything to Chloe. One by one, everyone stood up from their spot and walked back to the cabin.

Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino walked back to their room to see Snow on her laptop. She didn't seemed dazed by the previous event. She was writing stuff down in a notebook with a bunch of sticky notes and extra slips of paper sticking out.

The four friends stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say, while Snow was focusing on a personal project.

"Hey, Snow. You okay?" Alya asked. Snow looked up from her research and stopped chewing on her pen.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I knew I couldn't keep my secret forever. I don't care. It doesn't bother me that much." Snow answered.

"So, uh, how long have you been on your own?"  Nino asked.

"Nino!" Alya elbowed him in the rib.

"No, no, Alya, it's okay. I don't care, ask whatever." Snow said with a small chuckle. "And the answer to your question, Nino, is years."

"Do you remember your parents?" Adrien asked. Snow nodded yes.

"Did you have any siblings?" Alya asked.

"Yes, a brother."

"How did you get to be by yourself?" Marinette asked. Snow bit her lip.

"I'm afraid I cannot say." Snow responded with a sad smile.

"Are they still alive, your family?" Nino asked.

"I know my brother is, I haven't seen anything on my parents in awhile."

"Is Blanc really your last name?" Alya laughed. Snow but her lip.

"No. It was, a friend's, last name. Just borrowing it I guess."

"What's your real last name?"

'Wow, they do not hesitate to ask questions.' Snow thought.

Snow POV

But I thought for a minute. When I first was freed from the necklace, I couldn't remember a lot. My last name being one of them. But then I saw my brother on the news and remembered my last name from that. Not the way I wanted to remember, but nothing ever goes as plan.

"I don't remember." I said, deciding to lie. Even though I hate lying. They all gave me a sorry look.

"Guys, don't worry about it. Just go play a board game." I sighed, I wanted to get me research done.

They sat in their beds doing whatever. Marinette stood up and walked to the bookshelf, picking out a book then sitting down. After awhile we all went to sleep.

Marinette POV

"Guys! Wake up! It's snowing!" Nathanael yelled, startling everyone awake. Snow darted out of the room and out the cabin.

As everyone made their way outside, they looked at the girl in shorts and a t-shirt spinning around in the snow.

"How are you handling this?" Juleka asked, motioning to everything, her teeth chattering.

"It doesn't bother me." She said chuckling, catching snowflakes in her hands.

Her skin really is white as snow, except she has a pink tint. She is like a modern Snow White. Even though it was cool to look at the snow, it was freezing so I shuffled back inside, down the hall.

"Cold, huh?" I jump at the sound of Adrien's voice.

"Yeah. It's freezing." I sighed, pressing my hand against the freezing glass of the window. I realized a non-frosted spot on the window, in the shape of a snowflake. I pressed my hand against it and it was, warm.

"Adrien?" I asked. He made a 'hm' sound in response.

"Why is this one spot warm?" I asked, not that he would really have an answer. Without me realizing it at first, Adrien's hand was touching mine. My heart fluttered. No matter how hard I tried, he will always be my crush. I slightly moved my hand over.

"Huh, that's weird." He said, taking his hand off at he window. We shrugged it off.

"Guys, let's go play in the snow!" Alya squealed, excitedly.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Alya. We need to get dressed first." I chuckled at her enthusiasm. She seems to have enough for the both of us.

Everyone took turns getting ready in the bathroom then went outside. I wore black leggings with gray ones over them, a long sleeved shirt with my pink trench coat over it, black mittens, black scarf, black boots, and my black sock hat I designed with the cat ears. I kept my hair down so my neck could stay warm.

"Mari, let's build a snowman!" Alya said, dragging me to a flat patch. We got to work on the snowman. I had a little trouble setting up the base and that's when Adrien came over.

"Need help?" He asked, with a friendly smile. I nodded bashfully. He helped me build the base of the snowman. I slipped and ended up falling. Alya laughed. So she thinks this is funny, huh?

I balled up a patch of snow in my fist and launched it at Alya. She screamed as the cold snow ran down her back. She launched one back at me which nailed me right in her the face. I threw one at Nino then at Alya and they both launched snowballs at me which hit me and Snow.

I balled up another patch of snow and threw it at Alya. She dodged it, and it ended up hitting Adrien right in the nose. My face heated up in embarrassment.

"Adrien, I am so sorry!" I apologized. He didn't say anything. Before I knew it, he launched a snowball at me.

"Hey!" I squeaked.

"Hi, how're you?" He laughed, throwing another snowball at me.

"I'm great, thanks for asking." I laughed throwing one at him. Soon enough, the whole class joined in on the snowball war. Except Chloe and Sabrina.

"Girls vs. Boys!" Alix yelled. And so that happened. Boys won the first round, the girls won the other two. Then everyone went back inside to drink hot chocolate.

The class chatted and after awhile, all the words turned into a blur. My hands started shaking so I set down my mug. I looked at my hands and they were, different. Like glass, like porcelain. I blinked a few times and they were back to normal. I looked at around and no one was paying attention to the area I was sitting so I stood up and creeped out the front door.

I walked along the trail, it felt like I was sleep walking. I was just going wherever my feet were taking me.

"Marinette, you should head back. This isn't safe." Tikki squeaked. I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. I kept walking. I looked at an area I haven't seen before, another trail leading off from this one. So I walked down it.

I crossed over a bridge and walked for a little longer, before hearing a crack. I turned around, my heart racing, only to see Snow.

"Marinette what're you doing?" She asked.

"I-I don't know." I heard a crack again.

"M-Marinette, walk towards me very slowly." Snow said, she sounded worried. I looked at her confused and heard another crack. I heard more cracking sounds and look down at my feet, right as the ground fell beneath me.

"Marinette!" Snow yelled as she tried to reach for my hand. Only to fall with me. Everything was in slow motion, the powder snow coming to meet me, my screams, Snow's screams, and Tikki screaming. I squeezed my eyes close, scared of what was to come.

We landed in soft snow. I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. It looked like, an old mine?

I looked up to see how big of a drop, about 15 feet. I looked for a possible way out and couldn't find anything.

"No. No, no, no, no!" Snow stammered, pacing and looking around for a sign of escape.

"No, not again! Not again! Dark! Deep down! No!" She screamed, tears pricked at her eyes as she gripped her hair. She was scared. I was scared.

And I realized it was my fault we were down here. What have I done?

A/N: READ! Okay so I have the Instagram set up. It's miraculous_maximum15 !!! This'll help me keep y'all updated on my updates. Please follow and I'll follow back

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