Snow Storm

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Adrien POV

The smell of the hospital was the first thing to come to my senses besides the thought Marinette is waking up. I walked as fast as I could through the hospital to Marinette's room and when I got there, Marinette's eyes were open. Alya was hugging her and crying, Nino was beside Alya with a face that could only be described as relief, and her parents were showering her with kisses.

I stopped in my tracks and just watched for a second. Marinette looked distant, like she still wasn't fully there. Her eyes gazed around and then landed on me. Her bluebell eyes widened a little. I stepped closer and an emotion I couldn't describe flooded through me. It was happiness, sadness, and guilt but more but also not exactly.

When it was my turn to hug Marinette, I gave her the greatest hug I could possibly give. She was hesitant but hugged back. Her arms were kind of limp and shaking. When I pulled away I saw that she was crying. She covered her face with her hands and started sobbing. I hugged her again and she just laid in my lap as she cried.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." The Doctor called them into the hall.

"I-I lived. Why? Why did I have to." She blurt out. I hugged her tighter and Alya and Nino joined the hug.

"Marinette..." That's all I could say before the window broke open from a huge amount of wind. Three nurses rushed in, plus Marinette's parents and doctor. 

An ear piercing shriek was heard through Paris and I knew it was an akuma attack. I saw Marinette's hand go straight to her ears to see if her earrings were there but they weren't. But strangely what was with her was Snow's necklace. How did she have that on and no nurse notice it?

The nurses pushed Marinette's bed out into the hall as part of the emergency plan they have during akuma attacks. I walked out into the hallway with everyone else and when no one was paying much attention I slipped away to transform into Chat Noir.

The bitter cold air felt like a slap to the face as I stepped out of the hospital. Buildings were covered in snow, people were frozen, and shards of ice were falling from the sky.

I stepped into the alley and opened my jacket for Plagg to fly out. The little black kwami flew up to my face and gave my nose a hug, which surprised me.

"I'm glad she's awake. Now let's go see what has this akuma's tail in a knot." Plagg said. I smiled at him before transforming.

I ran from rooftop to rooftop while being careful not to slip. I traced the akuma down and it was a girl floating in the air that looked like she was in a lot of pain. Her skin was icy blue, her hair was long and white, her eyes were glassy white, and her dress was white and flowed around in the wind making her look like a ghost. And I recognized this girl.

It was Snow.

She screeched like a banshee holding her head then froze a near by car. I took a few steps back to get a running start. I ran across the roof and pushed myself off of it, attacking Snow. It didn't work as plan. She moved and I only caught her ankle. She tried shaking me off but I kept my grip on her ankle.

"Snow! Listen it's going to be okay! Calm down!" I yelled through the wind.

"I am Snow Storm!" She yelled back, shooting ice at me. Before the ice hit me I let go and grabbed onto the side of a building. I looked for anything that could be an akumatized object but saw nothing.

Snow Storm started chasing me through the streets of Paris and I needed to come up with a plan.

Out of no where, I realized what her akumatized object was.

We were getting close to the park by the school and the trees were frozen. I found my opportunity to trap Snow Storm. I landed on the ground and hid in the group of trees.

The akuma landed near the trees and started peering around them to look for me. I need her to get closer but not too close so I threw a rock a few feet away. She noticed and walked over.

When she was close enough, I extended my baton and hit the tree I was beside like I was swinging a baseball bat. The tree snapped and landed on a very surprised akuma.

"Home Run!" I yelled. Snow Storm shrieked making me jump out of my skin and take off.

I started running back to the hospital, slipping on ice a few times. Snow Storm had gotten out from under the tree and was coming after me according to her unhappy shriek. As I was getting closer I tried figuring out which busted window was to Marinette's room. With complete luck I went through the right window.

I stopped for a second take a quick breather. I looked out into Paris and saw that Snow Storm was getting closer. I ran out into the hallway and slammed the door behind me.

"C-Chat?" Marinette's voice was still a little raspy.

"Hey, Princess. I'm so happy to see you." I gave her a quick hug, being careful of the wires attached to her arms.

"Listen, I need this." I reached behind her neck and took off the necklace.

"This is the akumatized item." I explained.

"What?" She asked. I leaned close to her.

"It's going to be okay, M'lady." I whispered so she could only hear. I ran back into the room to the window.

Snow Storm was in front of the hospital. She was about 3 yards away and 4 floors above where I'm standing. I didn't know what would happen once I destroyed the akuma. I wouldn't be able to fix anything besides getting rid of the akuma. I didn't think too much about it and just did what needed to be done.

"Cataclysm!" I yelled. I crushed the amulet into dust.

I watched as Snow Storm turned back into Snow, and her fall from the sky. I jumped out the window and caught her. I sat her down on an old bench in the alley.

She was frozen in her spot for a while, shocked about what happened. Her nose was bleeding and she didn't say anything until the blood dropped to her chin.

"Give me the earrings." She demanded.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Do you want Paris to stay like this?" She asked, wiping blood off her face. Yeah, that's a good point.

I detransformed and grabbed the earrings from my pocket. Snow removed the earrings she was already wearing and put in the miraculous.

The Ladybug kwami appeared and a small smile spread across Snow's face.

"Thank you, Snow." Tikki hugged said while hugging Snow.

"Tikki, spots on." Snow transformed into Ladybug. Just like Ladybug now but with a black cloak and red painted-on-like mask.

She swiftly opened the yoyo and ladybugs flew out fixing everything. She detransformed and handed me back Marinette's miraculous.

Snow and I walked into the hospital so she could get her amulet. She explained to me why Marinette had it. Snow took it to Master Fu and he put a healing spell on the necklace to help Marinette wake up. A side effect of it though was that Snow's health and energy was being used to help Marinette. She said she was akumatized because of how bad her headaches were getting.

Marinette was asleep when we walked into the room and the amulet was back around her neck. Snow grabbed her necklace and headed home not answering any of Alya or Nino's questions.

"Is she doing okay?" I asked Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I knew it was a dumb question. She wasn't okay.

"She's good for now. She's awake and alive. I'm thankful for that. They're going to keep her here for observations for a few days then put her in the mental health ward for at the least 2 weeks." She explained. She was exhausted so I thanked her and left her alone after that.

On the way home my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, Snow.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Please never let Marinette know about the amulet."


I will TRY to update around next weekend. It is not for certain tho. Please continue to be patient.

Thank you so much. I know it's not a grand sentence but I am so thankful for the support from y'all.

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