To The Next Adventure.

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Marinette POV

I held Roe's hand as we walked downstairs to the bakery. She was humming a song while skipping a little. When we got to the bakery she let go of my hand and gave Maman and papa a hug. I told them bye and walked out the door for school. It was Friday and we had to present a project in Madame Bustier's class. I was nervous but tried to not think much about it; failing miserably. It's all I was able to think about.

I crossed the street and walked up the stairs, quickly avoiding Chloe. Alya was already in the classroom and I sat in my seat to talk to her.

"Hey." She greeted with a smile.

"Hey. Are you nervous about the presentation?" I asked, taking out my paper. We had to write about something we are strongly passionate about.

"Yeah, girl. I'm going to talk about my blog. Everyone already knows about that." She let out a frustrated sigh, holding up her papers. I only had written one page, making me even more nervous.

The teacher started calling students to present in alphabetical order. Adrien spoke about how school has changed his life, about how he met people that brought happiness that helped filled his heart after his mother disappeared. Too soon for my liking, it was my turn. I walked to the front of the room and faced the class.

"I believe how we treat others is important." I began. I clenched my fist and glance at my friends for reassurance. They nodded with a small smile and Adrien gave me a thumbs up.

"I look at everyone here and am struck with a moment of sonder. We're all living a life as vivid and complex as the person next to us. Everyone has a different perspective. Someone the same height as me can stand exactly where I'm standing, and their perspective will still be different. Because their life will be different from mine, their experiences will be different. And whatever they see up here is masked by their experience. That's why we shouldn't judge someone because we don't know their perspective. We don't know what they think or what they go through. Everyone is human. No matter who someone loves, what the color of their skin is, what someone looks like, the shape of their body, what they believe in, if they believe in a religion or not, or anything else that makes a person...them...should be treated with the respect any human deserves. We can't keep blaming society. We make up society. It is up to us to make a change. And yeah, that can sound so scary and stressful, but it can simply just mean being kind to someone. We don't have to be a superhero to do good in this world. If we treat people with compassion, it can cause a chain reaction..." I finished. I realize I didn't even read from my paper. To my surprise, everyone started clapping. Even Chloe.

"Excellent, Marinette. Absolutely excellent." Madame Bustier praised. I felt proud of myself. I have felt this way in so long.

On the way home from school, Adrien walked with me. His hand held mine and it almost seemed like dream.

"Your presentation was amazing. You're amazing Marinette." Adrien spoke up. We stopped outside the bakery and he held both my hands. I smiled at him and he wrapped his arm around me in an embrace. We were silent. Just enjoying each other's embrace, until he spoke up.

"M'lady?" He whispered, lifting my chin up.

"Hm?" I responded, anticipating what he was going to say.

"You are miraculous." He whispered. Before I could respond, he kissed me. I kissed back when I realized what was happening. He gently pulled away and his green eyes locked into mine.

"I love you." He said the words I've always hoped I'd hear, and said it with such care.

"I love you too." I kissed him one more time before turning to the bakery door. I turned back before entering the bakery and smiled at him.

"See you tomorrow? André's icecream with the others?" I asked.

"Of course, princess." He slightly bowed and smiled back. I giggled at him then entered the bakery to see my parents and Roe with grins on their faces. I rolled my eyes playfully and went upstairs.

"He's right, Marinette." Tikki's small voice said, grabbing my attention. She flew out of my bag and rested on my shoulder.

"About what?" I asked.

"You are miraculous. And your speech was beautiful."

And apparently, what I had to say was good enough that the principal asked me to give that same speech as my classmates and I completed Lycée. I stood at a podium, in front of all my peers, two years later. All of us ready to take our next steps in life. The steps I didn't think I would live to see. I was standing in a white cap and gown with a red cord around my neck. My dress underneath was light pink and hand made by myself with ivory heels that laced around my ankles. My hair was now almost to my waist and I had it in a braid with a few small ivory flower clips in my hair.

I looked out to the sea of white caps and gowns. I could see my three best friends in the crowd, listening intently with tears going down their face. Chloe wasn't here. She moved to a private school, and surprisingly, she became a decent person there. In all honestly, I was happy for her for changing.

Behind me was a painting that Nathanael made with our entire grade in it, even including Snow. We didn't ever hear from her again, but Tikki told us she had found Henry again and was home with him and her parents.

"It doesn't take super powers to be a hero." I added. "It takes a kind heart. My family and friends are my heroes. Two years ago today...I tried to take my life. I was tired." My voice dropped to a somber tone. "Tired of every day being numb, of being bullied, and of feeling hopeless. My friends kept me going after." I could see the slight pained expression on my friends features.

"They didn't give up on me. So I decided one day I wouldn't give up either. They helped me. They helped me get help. That got me through the day until it felt like I was able to do it on my own. We all have a life ahead of us, waiting. It's time to meet it. Take it one day at a time. And keep going. Hurry up and be kind. Make the change." I ended my speech and let Max take to podium for his valedictorian speech. Everyone clapped as I walked off and I went back to my seat. My parents had tears in their eyes. Roe was cheering with the men that adopted her and her two sisters and brother.  Adrien looked back at me and mouthed "I love you". I winked at him and he turned back around.

After graduation, everyone came to the bakery for an after party. Nathanael was talking with his boyfriend, Marc, and to Alix and Juleka. Rose was talking to Mylène and Max about college. Everyone else was hanging out with their friends and eating sweets.

I was talking to Alya and Nino who were talking about apartments they're looking at because Alya is tired of her sisters invading her room. Alya flipped back her long hair. Alya looked radiant, as always. I made her dress she was wearing which was a fitting maroon dress with lace on it. I also made Nino's dark blue collared shirt. Adrien had changed into a light green collared shirt that I made once he was able to step away from his father and Nathalie.  Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and leaned back in Adrien's chest. He kissed the top of my head. Alya stopped talking and smiled as she saw us. Alya fiddled with the necklace around her neck and smirked at Nino. Nino's arm with all his bracelets rested across Alya's shoulders. Alya pushed over a couple of smoothies to Adrien and I. I picked up the pink one and Adrien picked up the yellow one. Alya grabbed the orange one and Nino picked up the purple. There was another smoothie on the counter beside us but it was left alone, being almost empty. We raised our cups.

"To the next adventure." Alya cheered.

"To the next adventure!" Everyone else cheered back. Everyone laughed then transitioned back to their own personal happiness.

"And for happiness for my princess." Adrien said to me. I kissed him for the sweet remark. Sure, life got easier with the help of my friends, but I still had damage I don't think would ever be able to fully heal. But as long as I had the ones I love with me, I can make it.

A/N: Last chapter coming up next. Then get ready for the next book, the next adventure of the groups life.

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