Chapter 8

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Piper's POV~
I will never get sick of the beautiful view. We all looked at the view for a minute but it seems like hours, then Khione cleared her throat. We all looked back at her in her eyes it looked like she was scared a little, but also she looked annoyed as well. She said "Well if your done looking at the view, we should look for the castle now." We all looked at each other she never sounded more determined to do something before. I walked up to her and said "What's so special about finding those two girls? Are they in danger or something?" She looked at me and gave a nervous laugh then she said "Well no they aren't, but they have bad pasts and one of them are..." Then she mumbled something under her breath, I said "What was that I didn't hear you." Then she looked at the view and said "One of those girls is my daughter and the other is her best friend maybe even only. She is going to be scared around all of you and maybe want to stay in her room until you leave..."

Annabeth's POV~
I bet we all were shocked,because everyone was just stared at her with blank faces. But I knew there was more about her daughter, so I walked up to Piper gave her a face that said "I got this" she just nodded and backed up. I looked up at Khione who was still looking at the view. I just said "There is more to it than just that tell us, it could help us make her come." She then looked at me and said "If she wants to tell her past to you she can but I won't, it's even to painful to say it myself." Then I looked at her in the eyes I saw her cold soul sad but happy, I said "Well is there anything else. Maybe about her best friend?" She sighed with relief I could tell she felt guilty because of her daughters past. She said "Yes, she is very strong and powerful don't try to get on her bad side. Trust me it's not very pretty and she has a horrible past and she tried to do something that was awful my daughter did the same but I made them both stop before it was to late." There was silence for a couple of seconds then she went on "But she doesn't let her past bother her, but my daughter does that's why she is to scared." I sighed and said "Thank you Khione." She looked at me with shock and said "Come again." And I smiled and said "Thank you for saying this." Then I almost jumped because she smiled, not like a cold smile she usually does but a nice gentle smile.

Connor's POV~
I almost ran because of Khione's nice smile, but I stood my ground kinda not really I just jumped a couple feet backwards. I looked at the view and back at Khione but to the view again, because I saw the most beautiful thing I ever saw even more beautiful then the view. I gave a nervous laugh and said "Hey guys is that the ice palace we're looking for?" They all looked where I was pointing at, Khione gave another warm smile and said "Yes it is, and here comes my daughters friend." Everyone looked where Khione was staring at. At first I thought it was a bird, but when it came closer it was a girl with wings. She landed on the deck, I thought I was dreaming she had jet black hair,pale skin, huge black wings, her eyes were a beautiful shade of red but they showed she was alive and not evil. She was so beautiful, I thought I was staring like a idiot but hey when you see a beautiful girl like this I bet you would too. She was wearing a black tang top and black jean shorts. She asked "Khione what are you doing leading these people to the castle? You know Spirit can't handle-" Then she started to count us "- 9 people! She won't come out of her room or even eat!" Khione sighed "Yes I know but remember what I told you about Chirion and Camp Half Blood?" "Yes I do." "Well they are here to help you and Spirit, and bring you guys to a better place. Maybe you and her can find love and-" Khione  got interrupted by Nightwing (I gave her that name for now) she put her hands up and said "Dude I will never fine love, for gods sake I'm a daughter of Thantos and Athena who would date me?" I was about to speak, but Annabeth walked up to Khione and Nightwing and said "Wait hold up a minute you were born with two gods as parents!?" She sounded interested and confused at the same time. The girl said "Yes I was, and if you think that's cool Spirit is even cooler." Annabeth said "What's even your name for starters and I guess you are related to me then. "Let me guess daughter of Athena." "Yup and this is Percy son of Poseidon, Jason son of Zues/Jupiter, Piper daughter of Aphrodite, Hazel daughter of Pluto, Frank son of Mars, Leo son of Hephaestus, Nico son of Hades, and Connor son of Hermes." Everyone waved at her, but I just winked at her. She kept staring at me with confusion, she walked to me and said "Hey Connor why are you staring at me like a idiot?" She sounded like she's trying not to laugh.

Shadow's POV~
I saw Connor staring at me like a complete idiot. After I asked him why I just had to laugh, he looks adorable like that. Wait what am I saying?! I can't just fall for a guy that I just met! Can I? No I can't! I won't let anyone get hurt like last time."Well umm the reason why I was looking at you is..." I blushed a little but I re-covered. I smiled and said "Yes?" But before he could say anything Khione interrupted. She said "You two can finish this conversation later, right now let's get off and see my daughter." Connor gave a sigh of relief, I looked at the group and said "Well we have plenty of rooms so you guys can pack some stuff and bring them with us" Leo thought about it for a minute and finally said "Ok Chirion never said we could bring you and Spirit right away..." After he said that he got this weird smile on his face. So everyone nodded their heads and ran below the ship to pack.

Khione's POV~
I'm so worried about my poor daughter, she could freak out about how many people will show up and they would be bringing her to a new place where even more people would be. After everyone was done packing we walked over to the palace, everyone saying it was beautiful I laughed and said "Well if you love it that much you should say it to my daughter, not me." I had a feeling everyone was staring at me in disbelief but it was true, after we were at the doors me and Shadow took a big breath in and she open the doors. We all walked in and I said "Spirit come here we have company."  there was silence. I looked at Shadow who is now running around the castle trying to find her, while everyone is staying where they are but looking around as well. Then we heard music then singing "Theres only two types of people in the world. The ones that entertain and the ones that observe. Well baby I'm a put on a show kinda girl, don't like the backseat gotta be first!" Then my daughter came out of the hallway with her headphones on and her music turned up so loud we can hear it, her eyes were closed so she didn't know we were here yet. "I'm like the ringleader, I call the shots. I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot. When I put on a show!" She sang. Then before she sang another lyric she opened her eyes, and stopped in her tracks her face red with embarrassment. "Hi hon!" When I said that she gave me a icy glare, then she put down her headphones slowly. "W-Why are they here Khione?" She asked. "Well they are here to bring you and Shadow to a place of safety!" I said. She put her hands up to her chest and yelled "What?!" At me.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait but I was really busy, and I ran out of ideas for this chapter. Love you all! Bye!

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