Chapter 9: Troublemaker

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Jimin glances up as yet another ping chimes from Minji's phone.

Minji doesn't even bothering looking at her coworker as her eyes immediately go to her friend, who's leaning against the counter behind her register with a boxy smile on his face as her phone chimes again.

"Aren't we popular today?" Jimin teases, causing Minji to scowl before she glares at Taehyung.

"Cut it out," she whispers, trying not to raise any suspicion from Jimin as Taehyung simply chuckles.

Ever since he'd gotten better at navigating through technology as a spirit, he'd been constantly sending messages to Minji throughout the day, much to her annoyance. After spending the whole week honing in on his skill, he no longer needed to touch the phone in order to send messages, but was able to use waves in order to transmit the energy to her phone, something he had been so damn proud of.

Minji pulls out her phone, silencing it as she triumphantly grins at her best friend. There, now he can't bother me. She's startled as she hears her phone ping yet again, causing her to stare at him with wide eyes.

"I've been practicing," he says, his smile widening as she huffs in frustration.

"Hey, have you been at the hospital lately? I was there the other day and Mrs. Kim was asking about you," Jimin says, causing Minji to turn to him while Taehyung also faced him, the playful demeanor now replaced by a more serious expression.

"I uhh, it's been a while," Minji admits, glancing at Taehyung, who is now staring down at the floor as he thinks about his mom sitting next to him in that hospital room. At nights, when he's with Minji in her room, he can hear his mom talking to him, something that he hasn't shared with his best friend.

He's still not sure if he's imagining it or not, but a part of him hopes that it's a sign that his soul is still somehow connected to his body.

"Hey, do you want to come with me after work? I'm sure she'd love to see you," Jimin offers while Minji smiles.

"I'd have to let my brothers know, but I'd love to," she replies, causing him to smile as Taehyung glances at her, a fond smile on his lips.

"Alright, thirty more minutes," Yoongi announces as he emerges from the office, shuffling over towards the other two. "How's it going out here?" he asks.

"It's dead," Jimin deadpans, a neutral expression on his face as Yoongi lets out a light chuckle.

"Well yeah, it's almost midnight, of course it's dead," the young manager replies.

Jimin curiously glances over at Yoongi noticing something slightly different about him. "You know, you're more chipper than usual today, what's gotten into you?" he boldly asks, now taking a good look at the man standing in front of him as he notices how even his clothes are different. Usually, Yoongi wore plain shirts and sweatshirts paired with his skinny jeans, but today he wore a nice, crisp, black dress shirt that was tucked into his jeans.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I've got a date tonight," he shares, a gummy smile taking over his features while Minji feels her heart plummet.

"Oh, that's cool," Jimin comments, subtly glancing at Minji from the corner of his eye while Taehyung immediately straightens up, taking a step closer towards her as he notices the prominent frown on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" he asks, his voice low and hushed as he stares at his best friend, noticing how her eyes are slightly glossy. "Don't cry Minie, he's not worth it," Taehyung says, trying his best to comfort her as she tries her best to hold it together. "Trust me, he wouldn't have been good enough for you anyway." 

"I'll go ahead and take one of the tills since we're almost done. Jimin, I want you to keep conditioning the front and check the other registers," Yoongi says before walking over to Jimin's register, turning off the light as he went through the process of emptying out the till and getting the drawer with the money out.

"Want me to mess with the system?" Taehyung suggests while Minji simply shakes her head, the disappointment settling in.

As Yoongi finally gets the small sheet of paper with the till information, he makes sure he has a steady hold of the tray before eagerly walking towards the office, offering Minji a small smile as he passes her while she feels her heart clench. I feel so stupid. I'm getting all upset over a dumb crush.

"Hey, you good?" Jimin inquires, walking over to check up on her. He could see the way her eyes glistened, tears threatening to spill out as she lowers her head, avoiding his gaze.

Just then, there's another ping on her phone. Followed by another one, and another one. She glances over at Taehyung, a mischievous smile on his lips as her phone continues to ding. She lets out a sigh, giving in and pulling out her phone only to see silly pictures popping up from Taehyung.

One of them was from Halloween last year when he dressed up as the Joker while she was Princess Peach. Then, there was a lot of selcas, mainly Taehyung making silly faces that she knows she's seen before since some of them were old. This was something he would do whenever she was feeling down: spam her with photos of silly faces and other pictures of the two of them together just to get her to smile.

She lets out a light giggle before locking her phone and putting it away. Her eyes meets Jimin's as he's waiting for her answer, feeling slightly relieved to see her actually smiling. "I'm good Jimin, I promise," she replies, turning towards Taehyung again before mouthing out a thank you.


Minji was rushing to get to class, internally cursing herself for stopping to get coffee when she was already running late this morning.

She had heard her alarms and everything, but she lost track of time as she spent a good hour trying to figure out how to find Taehyung's phone. He kept sending messages on her phone and she kept trying to get a location off of it, but with no luck.

"I just don't understand why you didn't bring it up to Jimin last night," Taehyung says, walking briskly in order to keep up with her hurried steps.

"I already told you before Tae, it would've been too weird and he would've asked too many questions," she replies. "Besides, I'll figure it out," she mumbles, avoiding his gaze as she jogs up to the door, entering her first class of the day.

She huffs as she walks towards her usual seat next to Jungkook, who's doodling in his notebook, as always. His attention is drawn to her once he hears her backpack hit the ground, grinning up at her as she settles into the seat next to him.

"How's it going?" Jungkook asks. He notices how she looks different today. Despite being irritated, she looks well rested and not as frazzled as she has been the past couple of weeks. He's content to see his friend finally returning to her normal self.

"It's going," she sighs as she starts taking out her stuff, making sure she's got everything she needs for class. Just then, her phone pings yet again, causing her to whip her head to the seat next to her, staring at Taehyung who innocently smiles at her.

She pulls out her phone, opening the message from Taehyung only to see that he sent a gif of a small teddy bear spinning around before the words Good Morning pop up at the top. She can't help but smile, not noticing how the other boy beside her has now leaned in, curious about what's caught her attention.

"That creep is still messaging you?" Jungkook inquires, causing Minji to jump slightly in her seat before turning towards him.

"Uhh, yeah," she mutters, unsure of what to say. "I'm actually trying to track him so I can figure out how to get Tae's phone back," she partially lies, not sure how much information she should disclose at the moment.

Jungkook tilts his head slightly, eyebrows furrowed as he continues to stare at her. "Why? Isn't that a bit dangerous? You don't know anything about this guy Minji," he reasons.

"I know, but I really need to find his phone, it's important," she replies, a serious expression on her features. Jungkook's eyes are locked with hers, noticing the desperation behind them as she insists on finding that damn phone.

He lets out a sigh as he continues to stare at her, wondering how the hell she had this sort of effect. He can't stop himself from volunteering to help, but before he can say anything to her, their professor walks in. I guess I'll have to wait until after class.

Class seems to drag on today, and once it's finally over, Minji is eager to head to the library in order to do some more research and see if she can figure out a way to get access to Taehyung's phone.

She'd tried a few things that Taehyung had suggested, but all her attempted proved to be futile. Even a software engineer couldn't figure it out, which gave Minji little hope of making any progress.

"Let me see your phone," Jungkook urges, holding his hand out as he waits for her to give him the device. Minji sighs before finally handing it over, glancing over his shoulder as they slowly navigate their way through the halls and head towards the commons. "So what are some things you've tried?" he inquires.

"Well, I've tried accessing his email and using that as an in, but its-"

"Secured and locked," Jungkook finishes, grinning at her as she gawks at him.

"How did you know?" she questions.

"It's the basics," Jungkook replies, chuckling. "What else have you tried?"

"I don't know, a lot of things," she replies, not able to recall everything that Taehyung suggested for her to try in order to hack into his phone.

"Do you know if Taehyung has any games on his phone?" Jungkook questions.

"Games? What the hell do games have to do with anything?" Taehyung pipes in, walking alongside the other side of Minji.

"Uhh, not sure, why?" Minji inquires.

"Because, maybe if I can access his game account or hack into his server, I can pull up the information in order to see if it's connected to Wi-Fi and get information that way. I know it'll be impossible to determine the exact location, but at least it's worth a try," Jungkook suggests while Minji momentarily makes eye contact with Taehyung, hoping to get an answer.

"I don't really have any games on my phone," Taehyung admits while Minji lets out a defeated sigh. "Oh! Wait! There was that game you had downloaded! That music game! I've played it a few times," he admits while Minji smiles, remembering how competitive Taehyung got once she first introduced him to the game and how determined he was to beat her high score.

"There's that piano tiles game," she shares, causing Jungkook to nod as he scrolls through her apps to see the exact name of the game he's looking for.

"Okay, here, let me get my laptop and I'll see what I can do," he says as they find an empty seat in the commons. Jungkook moves quickly, eagerly taking out his laptop before connecting a USB cable to Minji's phone, hoping to link the device to his computer so he can try to sync it with her contacts information as he pulls up Taehyung's. He wanted to see if he would be able to at last ping a location by hacking in through the text messages, but he knew it would probably be near impossible to get an exact location. He figured he could try to use the game as a last resort. 

Taehyung watched as Jungkook tried to get a location through the text messages, managing to put in just the right codes to find a general location somewhere downtown. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of why his phone would be downtown before he noticed Jungkook close out of that, cracking his neck before opening a new tab in his browser and pulling up the piano tiles game. 

"What's the email?" he asks, putting it in as Minji shares the information. She stands up and pulls her chair so that it's right next to Jungkook's instead of across from him. She watches in fascination as he manages to get into the account, clicking on various keys and entering different codes before the loading page pops up. Jungkook bites his lip, trying to contain his excitement as they wait for the game to find the Wi-Fi connection to Taehyung's email.

Taehyung is impressed when it actually works, the Wi-Fi server popping up on the screen.

Both Jungkook and Minji stare at the screen in confusion when the page finally loads. "Gradia Enterprises?" Minji reads, trying to recall why the name sounds so familiar.

"Damn, that's one of the biggest businesses in Seoul," Jungkook utters. "They started out as a small business and now have some of the biggest clients in the world under their company. Why the hell would someone from there have Taehyung's phone?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," Minji mutters, pulling out a notebook in order to write down the information.

"And how do you plan on getting in?" Jungkook asks. "You can't just walk in demanding your friend's phone. Think this through before you do anything too crazy," Jungkook reminds her while she pauses for a minute.

He's got a point... I need to make sure that no one sees me either. Whoever has his phone clearly has it for a reason and I wouldn't want to draw any attention to myself. I've got to remember to ask Tae about that too. Why the hell would someone in Gradia Enterprises have his phone?

"I guess I'll just have to sneak in after hours," Minji says, thinking out loud as both Taehyung and Jungkook stare at her with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy? You are not going there late at night by yourself," Taehyung argues, not at all pleased with the idea while Jungkook's expression shifts, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Well then, if you're going, I'm coming with you," Jungkook offers. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you're going to need help getting in too," he adds while Minji smiles, nodding in response.

"Thanks Kookie, you're the best," she tells him. "How the hell did you know how to do that anyway?" she asks, gesturing towards his computer.

"Oh, I used to do that to my brother's phone all the time in order to send glitches through it. I was usually able to access it through his games. It was my way of getting my revenge whenever the two of us were fighting," he reveals, chuckling as he recalls the various memories of him getting in trouble with his parents because of it.

"So, what time are we heading out?" he asks, a mischievous smile on his lips.


"I can't believe you're actually doing this," Taehyung grumbles, standing with Minji in the vacant parking lot of Gradia Enterprises as she waits for Jungkook to arrive.

"You said I need to get your phone since it has all the information I need," she grumbles, pulling her arms closer together as she tried to generate some warmth. "Why would you phone be here anyway?" she inquires while Taehyung tenses up, trying to figure out how to answer the question as he avoids her gaze.

"There was someone that I was trying to help out with something... I guess since things didn't work out, he decided to take my phone," he mutters, pursing his lips as he refused to say anything more on the matter. I'll explain everything once we get the phone back and once I make sure I have all of the proof I need.

Minji stares up at him, confused by his words, but before she could ask him for further explanation, another car pulls up. Her attention shifts to the other vehicle parked next to hers, watching as Jungkook gets out of the car, dressed in black clothes with a dark cap on his head.

"Ready?" he asks while she nods, following him as they sneak over to the building, trying to find an alternate entrance. They manage to find a back door, glancing around the area to make sure they're clear before Jungkook sits down, pulling out a few small tools as he works on the lock. It takes him a few tries before he successfully picks in, feeling proud of himself while Minji stares at him with wide eyes.

"How the hell do you even know how to do that?" she asks. She realizes that there appear to be a lot of things that she didn't know about Jungkook.

"I told you how my brother and I used to drive each other crazy, right? Well, I used to sneak into his room whenever he would steal my shit, and after he caught on, he started locking it. So, I took it a step further and learned how to pick the lock. I never knew it would come in handy for something else," he admits, chuckling as he holds the door open for her. 

The lights are dim in the stark stairwell, but neither of them mind since there's enough light for them to be able to navigate their way through the place.

"Now, if I were Taehyung's phone, where would I be?" Jungkook whispers while Minji glances at her best friend, who is following the two of them in order to make sure every goes smoothly.

"If I had to guess, it'd probably be the ninth floor. That's where I had to go when I came here," he shares while Minji nods, relaying the information to Jungkook.

"We're going to have to take the stairs," he whispers while she nods, following behind him as he easily skips two steps at a time while Minji struggles to keep up with him. When they finally reach the ninth floor, she takes about a minute to catch her breath.

"We should probably split up," Jungkook suggests, staring at the various cubicles in the office while Minji nods in agreement. Taehyung moves past her, heading towards the left as Minji rushes to catch up to him, leaving Jungkook to investigate the cubicles on the right side. She watches as her best friend moves quickly, easily maneuvering past the various cubicles before he finds the one he's looking for.

"This should be the one," he says, crossing his arms as Minji starts opening the drawers, frantically digging through the various papers and junk before she finally opens the last one, letting out an excited squeal as she grabs the familiar phone. "Alright, let's go," Taehyung says, his voice slightly shaking as his nerves got the best of him, but Minji doesn't notice due to the excitement she feels from finally finding the phone.

"Kook!" she whispers, calling for her other friend as she heads in the direction she last saw him, startled when she bumps into a sturdy figure.

"Shit, you scared me Min," Jungkook says, clutching his chest before glancing at the phone in her hands, a huge bunny smile gracing his features. "You found it?" he confirms while she eagerly nods before tucking it into her back pocket. 


The smiles immediately fall from their faces as they meet each other's gaze. Minji's body tenses up as she notices the fear on Jungkook's face when he meets her gaze, his eyes wide in shock. They both feel their hearts racing wildly while Minji's hands start to shake, neither of them moving as they hold their breath for a few seconds, dreadfully waiting for what's to come.

"Hands up where we can see them," the gruff voice demands, causing both Jungkook and Minji to  slowly raise their hands in the air, realizing there's no way to escape this situation.  "Turn around slowly." The two follow the command, coming face-to-face with two police officers who have their weapons drawn. 

Both of them squint as the bright lights momentarily hit their faces before the police officers slowly approach, making sure that neither of them are armed or dangerous. The officers move quickly before apprehending them. 

"Shit," Jungkook mutters, letting out a small wince as he's shoved against the wall before he feels the cool metal around his wrists while the other officer grabs Minji's wrists and harshly tugs them behind her back before putting on the handcuffs.


Minji's leg is bouncing as she sits in a cell by herself, Jungkook occupying the one next to hers. Both of them glance up when the door opens, and Minji doesn't know whether to be relieved or nervous.

Namjoon and Hoseok both walk through the small hall before the officer approaches her cell, allowing her to get out before walking over to unlock Jungkook's as well.

"They tripped up a silent alarm this evening at Gradia Enterprises. They're both charged with trespassing on private property. It's a minor offense that will appear on both of their records, but since it's a first time offense, we don't see the point in holding them overnight. They are required to complete 80 hours of community service, which will take place every Saturday starting at 8:00. If you have any questions, please reach out and let me know," the office informs, handing Namjoon his personal card while Namjoon nods in response, jaw tense as he refuses to look at his little sister.

"Namjoon-" she croaks out, but pauses as he halts in his steps, refusing to turn around.

"Let's go home," he mutters, striding out of the police station while she slowly trudges behind him, feeling her stomach twist and her chest tighten at the thought of disappointing him. Hoseok notices the way her breathing picks up and rubs her back, giving her a reassuring smile while Jungkook worriedly glances at her.

The car ride is eerily silent as Minji stares out of the window, feeling the tears streaming down her face as she ignores the buzzing of her cell phone.

Taehyung sits in between her and Jungkook, a small pout on his lips as he stares at his best friend, wishing she would just look at her phone. He notices the way her breathing picks up and rests his hand on hers, noticing the way she shivers at the gesture.

"Breathe," he says, his deep voice immediately soothing as she closes her eyes and breathes, feeling more tears streaming down her face as Taehyung's hold tightens, reassuring her that he's here for her, always. 

A/N: Hello! I know it's been about a week since I've last updated... I've been eager to finally write this chapter out and share it though! It's probably the longest one I've written so far for this book since there were quite a few things I wanted to include. Prepare for a lot to go down as Minji works on trying to get the answers she needs in order to help Taehyung. It's definitely not going to be easy.

Let me know your thoughts so far! 


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