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Hello people Blaze32 here. This is my first story so I wanna see what you guys think. And before you read this I just want you to know that I never written a story like this and wouldnt mind for some feedback. If you have any questions or confusions they will probably be answered in the next chapter. So yea here we go~

"...." speaking


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"Hey Paul breakfast is ready," Reggie calls out.

I was in my room listening to my music, trying to get away from my thoughts and troubles of this world.

My name is Paul Shinji. I am 16 years old and live with Reggie in Veilstone City. I have some friends but I like staying isolated and being by myself. Some people who met me but don't me call me mean, jerk, a bastard, and any other insult they can think of. Well they could call me whatever they'd like to. They don't understand my life and why I became the way I have. It doesn't matter to me though, I would never tell them my life no matter how many times they asked.

"Hey Shinji, we gonna eat or what," Ace said. "You also have to practice your powers."

Did I forget to mention that I am a demon, well half demon, but there is no difference, to the people anyway, so there is no difference to me. Ace is my demon cat and has been with me since I was born. He is chained to me, so whenever he gets out of control the chain will automatically come out acting like a lesh. I have many powers: fire, ice, water you name it. Ace has psychic power and can transform into anything.

Ace is a black cat, though because he is a full demon he is able to change into anything he wants. He is also my blood related brother. Yea I know what you're thinking, how can I, someone who looks like a normal human, be related to a cat? The fact is he wasn't always a cat. He was a normal human, well a normal demon who looked like a human, when he was a kid. But he killed some people because he was trying to protect me and thus for his punishment, Lord Arceus changed him into a cat who only had psychic power and the power to transform

"Yea, yea I'm coming," I put my headphones down and got dress. I put on a dark blue long sleeved shirt, grey fitted jeans, dark blue shoes, a sleeveless sweater, and some fingerless gloves. I also had a chain with a heart locket on it, I never took it off because it was special to me. I didn't care that I was wearing something like that, my clothes covered it anyway. There were words inside the locket as well as a picture of me and my deceased family, apart from Ace. The inscribed words said, "No matter who you are, no matter where you go, know that we will always love you. Live your life up to the fullest"~Mom. I put my phone in my pocket and slowly walked down the stairs.

"Hey you ready for school lil' bro," Reggie said with a huge smile. Reggie has long purple hair that is tied into a ponytail. He wears a pink button down shirt, a light green apron, light broen pants and brown shoes.

"Hn," I grunted. That made Reggie's smile falter a little though he tried to not let it bother him.

"So....Paul, um, what do you think of the breakfast I made you, do you like it?"


Reggie sighed, "you know Paul, you could talk to me I could help you with any problems you are having." Reggie smiled sadly.

I stay silent. I never really understood why Reggie tried to be nice to me, I mean all he ever does is smile, make me food and try to have a conversation with me. I know that he is trying to help but after what I have been through, I don't think I will be able to trust another person again, no matter how nice and sweet they are to me.

"Look I just want to be a good brother and I want you to know that I'll be there and-"

"I'm off to school," I said nonchalantly. I grabbed my bag, pokeballs, headphone, and skateboard and ran out the door so I wouldn't have to listen to him.

(sigh) "Ok Paul." Reggie sadly said.

The walk to school

I skated slowly since school didnt start until 9:00 and it was only 8. It only takes about 20 minutes for me to get to school so I was taking my time skating while listening to my music. Ace was on top of my head trying to take a nap.

"You know, you could have at least had a decent conversation with him," Ace told me, removing my headphones so I could hear him.

"You know, you can be very annoying," I stated.

"Whatever Paul, you know you love me." Ace then went back to his nap.

While walking to school I thought about what Ace said. It's not my fault I just don't know whether I could trust Reggie. Maybe one day I'll be able to trust him, I thought, but until then...

You guys must be confused to what's going on right now, well in order to learn about the present you must learn about the past. So here is my story and how I came to distrust humans.

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So what do you think, good, bad, terrible. Please review.


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