Chapter 1 : It Begins With A Fight

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"RAVI!" The brown headed american girl yelled as she stormed into the dressing room, carrying a curling iron with a broken handle on it in her hand.

"WHY THE HELL IS MY CURLING IRON BROKEN?" Watching the buff korean look at her with puppy dog eyes her blood boiled even more from the anger that raged within her.

"A curling iron? What curling iron? I don't use those things." He replied as the girl shoved it centimeters from his face, showing him the bracket that once was the holder for the clamp.

"Don't tell me that bull! Look," She replied as she plucked off a piece of brown hair and put it right in front of his eye.

"That's your hair!" She yelled as the korean man shoved the her hand away from him.

"It could be anyone of us!" He yelled back.

"Who had it last? You! You had it last."

"Robin I did not."

"Yes he did," The tall maknae yelled with a smirked upon his handsome face.

"He used it to get something he dropped in the toilet the other night after doing his hair." Replied the leader as the girl's face morphed into a face of disgust and she dropped the curling Iron.

Standing there in silence for a few minutes the members in the dressing room looked in fear at the eighteen year old girl. "I'm going to kill you." She replied softly as the tall Korean stood from his seat and sprinted out the door.

"You can't be mad at me Robin, Who knows what you and Leo have done with it in the past. Maybe y'all broke it when-"

"I'm going to kill him! I'll hang him on the flagpole outside!" She yelled interrupting the yells of her bandmate before running out of the room and into the crowded hallway after him.

As the other five members look around the room the leader sighed and looked at the quiet asian sitting on the couch with his phone. "Are you going to go save you friend from your crush?" The leader N asked as the black haired man a threatening glare.

Taking an earphone out of his right ear he turned his head slowly towards them. "Nah let them be and for the last time she's not my crush. Don't make me hang you on the flagpole with Ravi." He replied before putting the earphone back in his ear. Hearing the painful screams escape from Ravi's mouth echo through the hallway the remaining four members sighed.


"Oh oh Kill it!! Kill it!!" The black haired Asia girl was shouting with a the game control in her hand. Her hands were moving in sync with the Korean muscular boy next to her.

"Wu Wu behind you!" He shouted as the girl laughed and looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"You're just saying that so that way you'll win!" She yelled before feeling something roughly impact the back of her head. Dropping the gaming remote she brought her hands to the back of her head and held it as she heard laughing. As the boy sat the remote down beside him and turned to her he heard someone gulp behind them.

Both of them turn their head to see their band mate frozen in his spot. "Hi L,Kookie ," the male said as the black haired boy stood from the couch.

"V hyung, You just hit Leon and interrupted our game.. Do you have anything to say?" He asked as the hyung stood silently looking at them.

Watching the blackish brown haired girl stand slowly from her seat on the couch his eyes widened in fear. Feeling shiver travel slowly down his spine as he received a sinister look from her he felt as if he wanted a hole to form under in and suck him into his own grave. Taking in a deep breath he then let out a shaky sigh and opened his mouth slightly. "I-I-I think I'll just go now." He said quietly before running out of the dressing room and into the crowded hallway of employees as he ran for his life.

"KIM TAEHYUN!?" She scream at the top of her voice and give chase with the other Korean boy next to her. Following the boy and waving through the people she sprinted after the boys. Losing distance between the two band mates she found herself lost in the hallway of the venue.

"Crap." She yelled running down a hallway to her left and heads towards the eastern part of the venue.

Running through the dispersed people she constantly looked around at her surroundings. Picking up her pace and turning her head to the right she sighed. "There's no way I'll find them in this mess." She said to herself before hearing footsteps coming in her direction.

"RAVI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I'll STAB YOU WITH THAT CURLING IRON-AH!" She heard as she felt a force collide into her and made her fall onto the venues tile floor. Groaning she looked to see a girl with medium length darkish brown hair laying on the floor cursing in english and holding her elbow.

"Oh what a glorious day," The member of BTS yelled to the american as the girl flinched at the sound of her loud voice.

"Of course out of all luck an elephant ran over me." She continued as to yell as more footsteps echoed through the hallway.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you." Replied Robin with traces of her southern accent seeping through her voice.

"L, you alright!?" Asked Jungkook as V stuck out a hand to their member on the floor.

"Yeah I'll be just peachy." She replied before standing up and turning her head to the girl sitting up on the floor.

"Who do you think you are, you're american, you must think you're special right?" V asked as the girl looked up to them and sighed. "Why don't you just go back to the farm where you belong? I'm sure the cows miss their sister." He continued as the girl looked down at the ground and blinked away the words that stung her.

Then the girl grab his head and glance at him. "Hyung watch your mouth." She said before staring at the girl on the floor.

"You have your lives and I have mine, I have my reasons for being here, besides V, I think you should be the one to go back on the farm. The cows miss their heifer." The girl named Robin responded as the members before the face of the members before her fell down in disbelief.

"Why don't you just go back into your little forest and freeze yourself to death?" V asked as the six foot girl stood from the tile floor and stood at her six foot frame. Walking closer to the girl he stood centimeters away from her face and glared her straight in the eye.

Watching as the black haired boy named Jungkook slowly walk towards her he roughly gripped her shoulder and turned her to him. Forcing her to into the wall roughly she then groaned and then was pinned against the wall. Feeling his nails dig roughly into her skin she grinded her teeth togehter "Why don't you leave South Korea, leave this little gig, realize you're not wanted and go home and cry to your little town of one how you could never be loved and wanted as BT-" 

"JEON JUNGKOOK !" Another boy from BTS yelled which caused him to shut up.

"Let the lady go." The boy, Suga said as Jungkook stare at his hyung.

"But hyung, she hurt Leon !" Jungkook argued as Leon just stare at them with motionless eyes.

"Don't make me repeat myself twice! Let the lady go, NOW!" Suga shouted.

As Robin felt his grip roughly tighten on her arms even more she then felt a menacing pain go through her leg as she felt Jungkook's foot roughly impact her right leg. Letting out a loud cry she continued to try to break free from his grip. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO? I ACCIDENTALLY RAN INTO HER AND I SAID I WAS SORRY!"

"YOU HURT HER!" V yelled in her face as the girl flinched in fear.

Bringing his face close to hers again Jungkook then let out a quiet evil laugh. "Now," He whispered quietly as the girl gulped in fear, "I'm going to hurt you."

Hearing footsteps echo throughout the hallway to the right of them they looked to see two guys standing in front of them. As the six men looked at the scene before them the older ones face morphed into anger and terror. "Let her go, Jungkook." Leo said with warning in his voice as his blonde hair flowed down in front his face. Shaking in anger his hands formed fist at his sides.

Turning his face to Leo and Ken, Jungkook laughed. "Why should I, you couldn't hurt me. You couldn't even hurt a fly if you wanted to." He replied before looking at the american girl beside him and kicks her in the leg again.

Looking back at the girl and then turning back to the two boys Jungkook's eyes widened. Being pulled off of Robin and slammed onto the door Leo pinned him to the tile flooring. Quickly standing Jungkook then stood in front of him and with anger showing on his face. Looking at the scene unfold before them, Jungkook, V, Leo, and Ken fought each other. Pushing back and forth hitting and punching the two girls sighed at the scene before them.

"Leo, Ken, be the better people." Robin yelled as she tried to grab Ken's right arm and pull him from the fight.

"Hell no, they hurt you we're hurting them." He replied before jerking his arm away from her and punching V in the face.

"It's not worth causing more drama! STOP!" Robin continued to yell as she tried to grab leo by the shoulders and pull him away.

"THAT'S IT!" The girl from BTS shouted grab V and flip him same with Jungkook.

"I was gone for an hour with Jimin for a game of baseball and this what happen ?! You two are out of control." Jin cross his arms with Jimin carrying a baseball bat.

"I'll take that." Robin replied before stealing the bat from his hands before hitting Ken lightly with the wooden bat. "Stop it, act like somebody." Robin said sternly before hitting leo with the bat as well.

Stopping and looking at her Ken pouted innocently and whined. "What was that for?" He asked as Robin glared at him.

"Stay out of the fight. No more. You're seniors in the industry you should know better than to cause a scene like that." Robin replied as Ken frowned and crossed his arms.

Leon smirked slightly before turning to Jimin who blanked out for a moment

"I think it's best that we don't ever do that in future or else things are going to be ugly." Leon said to Robin.

"Sorry again about accidentally running into you. If we ever do meet again I hope it's on good terms." Robin said as she tried to keep the peace within the conversation.

Leon look at her before smiling slightly and nodded before walking away.

As V and Jungkook followed Jungkook stopped and turned towards the three glaring daggers at him from VIXX. "By the way, Robin, has anyone ever told you that your voice sounds like three cats being dragged down the motorway?" He asked as Leo growled in anger at his comment.

Trying to move past Robin she stuck the bat in his way and watched them disappear through the maze of hallways. "Don't do it Leo, they're not worth it."

Then Jimin jog back towards them. "Hey Robin, you can have the bat. Don't worry about it, if they bully one more time just call me or Jin or Suga." He said while catching his breath.

"No it's okay, I don't need a bat anymore, I'll just use the broken curling iron in the dressing room to keep them in in line." Robin replied hearing the two people behind her gulp in fear as she tried handing him the bat back.

Jimin laughed at shook his head, "just take it just in case if you want to have a game of baseball with me or Jin." He smiled.

"I'll take you up on that offer."

"Oh that reminds me." He dig something out from his pocket to see it was a bandages. He pass it to her.

"Leon noticed your cut awhile ago, she want you to have it. She can be a little shy and self centered but she's really nice." Jimin explained.

"Tell her thank you, tell her I'll make it up for today later with some food or something okay? I didn't plan on this whole thing happening."

"Will do...that is if you can find her." Jimin laugh nervously.

"I'll just send takeout to the dorm or something and a I'm sorry all this happened card if they make them." She replied giving a small strained laugh from the pain she was in.

Jimin laughed, "it's alright, apology accepted." He said

"Jimin come on!" Jin yelled as his eyes widened.

"I gotta go bye!" Jimin yelled before running away.

Turning and looking at the two VIXX members behind her she sighed and quickly gave them a hug. "Let's go back to the dressing room." She said before walking away from the area.

N PoV:

As I watch the three members walk into the dressing room a look of horror filled my face. "What happened? We go on in forty-five minutes!" I yelled as Robin groaned and sat on the couch before laying her head on Hongbin's shoulder. Groaning she then moved and laid her upper part of her body across the couch in pain.

"What happened to you?" Hongbin asked as looking down concerned at her before moving some of her brown hair out of her face.

"Why do you look like you got mauled by a bear and where did that baseball bat came from?" He asked while pointing the baseball bat on her hand.

"More like a Bearkook." She replied before painfully laying across the couch before moaning in pain.

"Do you care to explain?" I asked turning to the two guys that was already getting their makeup and hair retouched by the makeup artist.

"She accidentally ran into Leon from BTS and Jungkook and V was really protective over her. When we went looking for her we found her being kicked and held against a wall." Ken replied as I felt my blood begin to boil in anger.

"Then... we got overprotective and may have.... gotten into a fight with them." Ken continued slowly as I walked over to them and grabbed their suit jackets.

"You fought them?" I asked in disbelief as I watched both of their faces showing no signs of emotion.

"Do you know what can happen? What could have happened? What this can do to us in the future?" Hyuk said walking behind them before trying to hit then on the neck.

"Hyuk get out of here, go find go find Ravi." I said before he could hurt.

"But...but they hurt Robin." Ken argued and point at Robin who just stare him before buried her face on Hongbin's lap.

I glance at them and roll my sleeves to my elbow. Looking at the stylist that was walking away from Leo then I nodded my head over to my friend on the couch. "Please, try to do as much as you can before we have to go on stage. Try to cover up the marks on her arms and the cut on her face." I said as the artist nodded and walked over to the girl before pulling a large cart beside her.

Hearing her groan as someone touched her skin I winced at the sound of her silent groans of pain. Walking over to the couch I then gently moved a strand of hair from her face that Hongbin had missed. "It looks really bad." I said as I examined Robin's wound.

"I've had worse, the only pain I really feel is where he kicked me in the leg." She responded looking at him with a pained smile. "He kicked me in the knee of the leg that I have problems with." She continued before handing the makeup artist her right hand.

"Do you feel okay?" I asked as Hongbin looked down at her with deep dimples showing within his smile.

Watching her look up happily at the bean in front of her she then nodded slightly. "I'm not leaving you guys on a stage. We're going to kick ass tonight I promise." She replied as we laughed. Looking to my right I turned my head to see Leo and Ken glaring at the scene before them. Looking at their posture, their faces and their eyes I felt as if something had changed within them instant. But what is it?

Then all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I said before making my way to the door. Opening the door I saw Rap Monster standing in the doorway with a small apple danish on a plate.

"I know you don't wanna see anyone from BTS but I know this is her favorite thing from the food table." He said before walking into the room.

I look at him before closing the door behind me, he he is older than Hyuk by a year. I think? "What does the leader of the scumbag going here?" Ravi growled. Wait when did he and Hyuk came in?

"I just came to check on her and I heard what they did." He said before looking on the couch to see her getting her makeup done. "I'm terribly sorry." Rap Monster apologized

Watching Robin turn her head towards him a large smile appeared on her face. "Monstie!" She giggled in delight as she saw him.

"Robbie!" Rap Monster said before showing the same smile upon his face and running over to her.

"I can't believe they did that to you!" He continued to yell before kneeling down and looking at her at eye level.

I stare at Ravi and the other. " Someone explained to me what just happened!?" I asked feeling mixed of confusion and annoyed.

"Well not all of us are you know nice?" Rap Monster struggled his words a bit.

"It's okay Monstie." Robin replied softly and touched his shoulder as I looked back at Leo, who was looking at the situation with anger in his eyes. Slowly walking towards the two I gulped at what could happen.

"As long they didn't hurt you too bad." He said before resting a hand lightly on her good knee.

"I'll be fine." She replied before moving some hair out of his face. Watching her eyes she then looked up to see Leo standing bind him and grabbing his shirt with his hand.

"Time to go." He said before pulling Rap Monster out of the room.

Looking around at the others I sighed. "Time to get ready, only thirty minutes until we're on stage."

Jin PoV:

After we walk back to our dressing room, Leon walk passed Namjoon before slamming the dressing room door.

Glaring at everyone in the room I then let out my anger. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I asked with rage running through my voice at the two boys standing in front of Leon. Jimin hopped to Namjoon's linking arms looking scared while Suga just sat at the couch.

"I MEAN SERIOUSLY? What the actual hell what did that girl ever do to you?" I continued to ask as my mind went back to the vision of the scene earlier.

"Do you know what could have happened? If one person was filming our whole reputation would of been ruined or friendship with Robin would have been ruined!" Suga shouted.

"Why are you friends with her again? She's nothing but a pig." Jungkook commented before sitting on the couch.

"I'd rather have her than you." Suga responded before getting up from the couch.

Leon just stand over there emotionless, "Leo gwaenchanh-a?" Suga asked as Leon look like she want to murder someone.

"Just let me be for a moment." Leon said trying not to show her anger towards us. Suga let out a sigh and extend his hand out to her.

"Come here." He said as Leon threw her hands around him and buried her face on his chest. Then after that I heard a muffled scream coming out from Leon.

"It's a good thing that Suga texted me to get here before anything bad happened!" I said then I went over to the table and threw an Apple danish at Rap Monster who caught it in a nick of time.

"Pass this to Robin for me. It's her favourite food after all." I smiled as Rap Monster nodded understandingly and walked out with it.

"Okay come on we got to get read. We perform in a little bit." Jimin said as I sighed and grab a bottle of water before chugging it.

Collaboration with The_Werewolf_Lover

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