Chapter 18

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The letter falls out of my hand and slowly whirls towards the ground at the same spot as it was before.

Tears are forming in mu eyes as the fear slowly takes over my body.
I stumble towards the couch. Barely reaching it before crashing down. By now the tears are streaming down my face and I struggle with my breathing.

He was here.
And he is going to get me.
There is no way that I can escape him. I've been trying to run for so long. But he will just find me again. There is no use to keep running.

Suddenly my phone rings, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"He... Hello?" I stutter once I've picked up the phone.
"Hello beautiful." Says a familiar voice on the other end of the line.
"Gabriel, Hi."
"Everything okay angel? You sound a little out of breath."
I close my eyes, and take a deep breath before answering. "I'm fine Gabriel, you just scared me. I was half asleep when the phone rang."
It stays silent on the other end of the line for a little and I fear that he didn't believe what I said.
"So, how was your day?" I ask him, switching to an easier subject to talk about.
"Mine was good. Though it would have been better if you where here." He answers and I feel a blush appearing on my cheeks.
"You are such a sweet talker." I laugh "Do you have a book with all your lines in them?"
I hear him laugh on the other end of the line, which causes me to smile.
"I do not have a book like that piccolo angelo. Not that I would need one of those, when I talk with you they just come to me."
I laugh again. "You flirt."
"Only for you Anna." He says with a smile in his voice.
I smile and walk towards my bedroom, the letter being completely forgotten thanks to Gabriel.
I quickly change into my pj's and get in bed, still talking to Gabriel.


After I delivered the letter, I decided to take my plan to the next stage. I'm going to get some 'help' from someone who I know will make it even more difficult for her.

I park the car a couple of streets down, just to be safe, and walk towards the meeting spot.

There are already three people waiting for me, but that doesn't make me nervous at all. Infect, it makes me almost proud that my reputation makes one of the most faired people in this town, bring back up.

"I thought we said we would come alone." I say once I'm close to the three men.
"And I thought you would be smart enough to know that I wouldn't do that." The man answers without looking at me. "Have a seat." He says, pointing towards the empty seat across of him.
I sit down and look around; there aren't many people here, so we can talk without having to worry about who might hear us.

"So, what do you want for me?" the man asks sounding slightly annoyed.
"You already know that Samuel, you are the one who wanted to meet here. I don't really understand why though. It is very clear what I want: to join your gang, so I can use your help to get something back what is mine."
"Yes you said that. But you see," he lights cigarette and takes a puff, "we don't do these things for free. I want to know if there is something in it for me, for my gang. Otherwise, my dear friend, you can try to get your thing back on your own."
He takes another puff and blows the smoke in my face. "So, what do you have for us"

"Gabriel, the leader of the gang you're trying to get rid off, has a girlfriend." "I already know that." Samuel interrupts me and I get slightly annoyed.
I hit the table with my hand and answer angrily, "If you let me finish talking, you might learn something new."
Samuel's bodyguards immediately jump in action, but stop when Samuel holds his hand up. "It's okay boys. Tom here just needs to work on his anger issues. Maybe get a box ball or something."
"When everything works out as planned, I will have one Samuel."
"That's good. Now keep talking, what néw information can you give us?"

I smile and look Samuel straight in the eyes. "Well, a good father should know everything about his little girl."
Samuel slowly puts his cigarette down, a smile forming on his face as he starts to understand where I'm going with this.
"If I get to her, Gabriel will come running to us in no time. And the only thing that I ask in return is that I can have Annastasia back once you are done with her. The sweet little girl ran away from me, and she needs to learn that I will always win."

Samuel smile grows and he holds out his hand for me to shake. "You just got yourself a deal my friend."


I wake up with a stiff neck and something hard poking into my cheek. Still not fully awake, my hand goes on a search for whatever it is that is poking in my cheek.

I pick it up and hold it in front of my face.
It's my phone. I must have fallen asleep while I was on the phone with Gabriel.
O god. I fell asleep while I was calling with Gabriel!

I immediately feel fully awake and shoot up in my bed. Quickly opening my phone I see that Gabriel texted me.

Gabriel 01:32 You fell asleep Angelo. But don't worry about it, I could hear that you where getting tired. I hope you had a good night sleep. Text me when you wake up x 

I smile while reading the text and decide to send him a text back.

Anna 08:42 I'm so sorry for falling asleep on you last night. I guess I was more tired then I thought. X

I quickly send the text, trying not to think to much about the 'x' at the end.
I'm about to put my phone away when it zooms.

Gabriel 08:45 I believe I told you not to worry about it. So I will not accept your sorry anglo ;)

Anna 08:46 I still think I should apologise for it.

Gabriel 08:51 Fine then, this time I'll accept it.
How did you sleep?

Anna 08:51 Thank you haha. My sleep was good. Yours?

Gabriel 09:03 Mine was okay would have been better with you in my arms though.

Anna 09:04 I still think that you have a book somewhere with all your lines in it.

Gabriel 09:17 You can come over and check my room, there is no book like that to find here.

Anna 09:17 Hmm, for now I'll just take your word for it ;) But I might look through your room one day to find that book haha.

Gabriel 09:33 Sure angelo
Listen I've got to do something. Can I walk you home again after your work tonight?

Anna 09:33 You're going to do so anyways mister. But I don't mind you doing so.

Gabriel 09:39 Good. Then I'll see you tonight my piccolo angelo X

Anna 09:40 See you tonight X

I put my phone away and get out of bed with a smile on my face. That man has way to much control over my mood.

Looking at the clock I decide to read through my summary one more time before the exam today. I have to be at college around 1pm so I have time before I need to get ready for to catch the bus. Let's pray that I can pass today.


"How do you think it went?" Kaylee asks.
After the exam we decided to get some coffee in the little café across the college grounds.
"I honestly don't know right now I just feel drained." I answer her after I've taken a sip from my coffee.
"I completely understand. That exam was brain killing. But let's look at it from a positive point: only three exams to go and then we're free!"
I laugh and hold my coffee cup in the air. "To only three more exams!"
Kaylee laughs too and we toast on our almost freedom
Just three exams to go, and then, we're graduating.


"I think that was all." Christy says after handing me the last couple of glasses that where left behind on the tables.
"Great. Then we're almost done." I say as I start to clean them.

"Boys, why don't you two go and wait outside. Your ladies will be with you soon." Rose says to Gabriel and Raphael who are waiting for Christy and me.
Gabriel laughs and stands up. "As you wish Rose." He says with a wink and turns his attention towards me. "I'll be waiting at the back."
"Yeah, me too." Raphael says as he quickly follows Gabriel out.

"The two of you got yourselves quite the gentlemen." Rose says. "I am not sharing!" Christy yells from the front of the pub, making us laugh.
"Well then you better hurry up and get your ass outside, or I might take him home myself!" Rose calls from the backdoor and Christy runs towards her.

Once we're outside, Rose locks the door and I say my goodbyes before walking to Gabriel.
"Ready to go?" He asks as he wraps an arm around me. "Yep." I answer and together we walk towards my apartment.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask Gabriel once we're standing in front of my apartment door. "Yeah sure, I could use something warm to drink before I make my way back home. It's freezing."
I laugh while opening the door. Gabriel waits for me to get in before entering himself and closing the door behind him.
"Just leave your jacked here, I'll put the cattle on." I say as I hang my own jacket on the small coat rack.

I barely got into the kitchen as Gabriel appears behind me with a small, white paper in his hand.

"Anna." He says, "What the fuck is this?"

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