Chapter 3

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I needed some time for myself. After the discussion we had earlier, I wanted some time alone to clear my head from all those things. I knew I wouldn't get my space if I had stayed in. Sure the guys would leave me alone for a little, but they would come running back in with some gang stuff as soon as something would happen.
So I decided to go for a walk. Get some fresh air.
The dark night always was a safe place for me. The silence, the peace it brings. Which is funny, cause in the dark, the most dangerous creatures hide. But then again. I'm here as well.

Suddenly I hear a scream.
My first thoughts was that is was some drunk person falling over, but when I hear it again, I can almost feel the pain in it. Someone is afraid.
My feet started to have a mind of them own, they start to walk into the direction the scream came from.
"Let me go!" I hear someone yell. A girl... I recognize that voice! Without thinking I start to run faster, making my way towards her.
When I turn the corner, I see a man holding a girl against the wall, trying to undress her.
"Let me go." She says again, softer this time. I can see her eyes roll away and I loose it.

Before I notice what I'm doing, I have knocked that baster off of her.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" I yell at him and give him another blow. Making sure to hit his nose and I can feel it break under need my knuckles. It's a satisfying feeling, knowing that I'm hurting him like he was hurting an innocent girl.
"I was," he spits out some blood "I was just having some fun. She owned me anyways. You can have her once I'm done."
"Wrong answer." I say and look him straight into his eyes. His reaction shows me how I look. Cause even though his features try to hide it, his eyes show that is very afraid.
I give another blow, right in his stomach, making him double over. Giving me some time to take a glance of the girl. She's laying unconscious on the pavement.

The drunk guy thinks that I am to distracted to notice him, and he tries to give me a hit. Sadly for him, I'm way faster and I grab his fist before it can even get close to my face. I hold tight, feeling it pop, making sure that he won't be able to move it for a few days.
"You have no idea who I am." I tell him while I move around so his arm is locked on his back. "So if I where you," I start, holding his arm even tighter, " I would start to run right now." I can feel him start to shake, so I pull him in once more.
"One more thing," I say in a low and dangerous tone, "Don't even think about coming anywhere near this girl ever again, or I will do more to you then I did now, and you won't be able to talk about what happened afterwards."
I let him go and wait till he's out of side to turn towards the girl.

She is still unconscious, her hair covering her face and her clothing is in shreds, leaving her half naked.
I pull of my jacket and use it to cover her up and shield her from the cold night air. Softly I remove her hair from her face, she has a red cheek showing the assholes hand and I feel almost guilty for not hurting him more then I did.
"What am I going to do with you?" I ask softly.
I pick her up bride style, making sure that my jacket covers enough of her to keep her safe from perverts eyes and start to make my way home, with an unconscious girl in my arms.


The first thing I feel is pain.
My head feels like it's going to explode.
And my eyes won't even open.
What did I do to wake up like this .....

And then I remember.

My eyes fly open and I shoot up from where I'm laying, earning me another flash of pain, making me fall straight back into the bed.
"Where am I?" I wonder. Did he have his way with me? Did he take me to his place? I can't seem to remember what happened after the alley.

I pull away the sheets as an image of what happened flashes through my mind.
I look myself over and see that I'm wearing a long shirt. Someone has changed me.
Slowly I move my legs to the side and get out of the bed.
The room looks very neat. There is a closet, a dresser, a standing mirror, a bed and two doors. There is no dust or anything to see. I can't imagine the filthy guy, having such a clean place.
I look over at the door and my curiosity got the better of me. I get out of the bed and open one of the doors. It leads into a big hallway. I quietly close it again, not yet ready to get to leave the safety of the room. Especially looking like this.
Wondering what the other door hides behind it, I cross the room and open it. There was a small bathroom with a shower, a toilet and a sink.

I walk back into the room and stand in front of the mirror.
There, staring back at me, was a girl I hadn't seen in a long time.
She is covered in bruises and there is some dried up blood. Her hair is a mess. Her eyes are red and puffy and there are tear streams all over her cheeks.
I looked like hell.
The last time I looked this bad was shortly after I left the home, to find a better life. But somehow I am still stuck in my own personal hell.

I decided to take a quick shower before leaving the room, it might help me to look a little less like I just crawled out of the hell fires.
When I get back into the room, I look around and find some sweatpants waiting for me. I put them on and look in the mirror. It's way to big for me and it looks like it's from a man.
That thought brings me back to my early ones. Where am I and who brought me here?
I decide that it I time to go an have a look around the house, maybe I can find the person who brought me here.

The house is very big with a lot of rooms. The first floor I walked was mainly bedrooms, kind of looking the same like the one I was in, but with some 'personal' items showing that people actually lived there. There is also one room that has all four walls covered with books. In the middle of the room stands a big black piano.
How I wished I could stay in this room forever.
But I was walking around for a reason. I was trying to find the owner of this house.
I walk down a flight of stairs and come into another hallway with doors.
For a moment I stand still, not sure which door to pick. But then I hear some people laughing. I slowly open the door, loosing all confidence I had once I look through.

Right before my eyes is a group of man I recognise.
Right before my eyes is the 'hot and dangerous crew'.
And for a moment I stand there frozen to the ground.

"Who is that?" one of them askes and as on que, all of them turned around.
"Uhm... hi..." I stuttered.
"You're awake." One says and steps forward. I know these guy, those sapphire blue eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asks, some worry showing through his eyes.
I look at him for a second, not sure what to say.
"Sorry if I sound rude, but what am I doing here?"


River was home when I had gotten back from back from my 'walk' and helped me get the girl in bed. She looked so peaceful, as if nothing had happened.
Once we got back down, the twins where waiting for us in the living room. "What is she doing here?" They asked at the same time. They looked at one and other and give each other a warning glans. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with her." They say, once again in sink.
Before I can answer their question Raphael walks in. "You guys seriously need to stop doing that. It gives me the creeps." The twins get a wicked grin on their face "What gives you the creeps?" they say together.
I can't help but smile from their behaviour. They simply love to annoy other people.
Raphael ignores them and turns his attention to me. "Who's here?"
I sigh and look at him. "Before I answer, go get Nico and Elliot here as well, I will not explain this more then once."
"I'll get them." River says and walks out of the room.


The twins got in some argument about who was faster while we where waiting for the others to come back.
"Couldn't find Elliot." River says as he walks in with Nicolaas right behind him.
"His lost. I'm not doing this again, cause it's not of your businesses." I say and look around the group.
"When I went out for a walk, I found that girl from the pub. Some asshole was trying to have his way with her. I scared him off. Since I couldn't just leave her there, I brought her back here and now she's laying in on of the spare rooms upstairs."
"Is she okay?" Aro asked.
"I only saw some bruises and a little blood. Got that bastard off of her before he could do anything."
"Good." Raphael says. "Even for me that's to much." We start to laugh and Elliot walks into the room.
"What did I miss?" He says. "Nothing!" the twins answer in sink. "You need to stop doing that!" "No you need to stop doing that!" I shake my head. Even when they get mad, they do it at the same time. The twist start to fight and we laugh even harder.

A few moments pass and I suddenly hear the door behind me open. I look slightly over my shoulder, seeing the girl standing there frozen.
"Who is that?" Elliot asks and we all turn around.
Behind me I can hear the twins whispering to Elliot, explaining everything. But for a moment I'm lost at the sight of this girl. She is wearing my shirt and sweatpants and I tell you, it looks sexy as hell.
"Uhm... hi..." She stuttered.
"You're awake." I says and steps forward, giving her a quick glans over. She looks less wounded then when I found her, and I believe she took a shower. Smart girl.
Her hair is in a messy braid over her shoulder and her big brown eyes are looking up at me.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
For a moment I can see confusion in her eyes, as if she doesn't know what to say.
"Sorry if I sound rude, but what am I doing here?"

Thanks for reading! I hope you all are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it.
Please give it a like and leave a comment!

X Madelon

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