Chapter 47

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After our 'show' we ordered some men to clean up and we went back to our cars. All I need after that, is Anna.

As soon as we arrived at the house, I jumped out and walked to the door. But as soon as I stepped in front of it, I froze.

There I am, the leader of the biggest mafia group in the country, and I don't know what to do.
A part of me wants to run in there and hug her close to me, but a different part of me is slightly scared of what she might think of me.
Yes, I've killed people before and Anna knows that, but this is the first time it was planned like this.

"Dude, either walk in or move. You're blocking the door and I need a shower. I smell of bloody Bratstvo." Raphael says from behind me, snapping me back out of my thoughts.
"Right, sorry."

I take a deep breath and open to door. To my surprise, Anna is already standing in the hallway. The moment that she sees me, she runs towards me and hugs me tightly.
My previous thought completely disappears and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me.
"It's finally over angel. We did it. Now you are completely safe."
I feel her arms tighten around me and I do the same. Burying my face in the nap of her neck. I take in her smell, letting it calm me.

"Ti amo Angelo."
"I love you too Gabriel."

We stay like that for a while, holding each other.
The others move around us, but I hardly notice them. Right now, I just need to be here with Anna, knowing she is safe.


Gabriel is the first to back out of the hug, which sort of makes me feel disappointed.
"We've got to talk angel." He says ones he sees the look on my face and I know right away what he means.
He wants to talk about my father.

"Do we have to do that now? Can't we just, make a decision tomorrow?" I ask, trying to buy some more time.
"If we don't do it now, we'll keep pushing it forward and it'll never be done. You need to decide now Anna, then you will never have to think if it ever again."
I sigh, knowing he's right.

"I want to see him before I make a decision."
"Then we'll go see him."
I look up at Gabriel, a little surprised. I thought he wouldn't agree with it.
"He's locked in one of our cells Anna." Gabriel explains ones he notices my look of surprise, "He won't be able to come close to you, even if he tried." He pecks me on my forehead and walks off. "Go get ready." He says over his shoulder. "I'll tell the others that we're leaving."

I stay behind in the hall, watching him leave, still slightly confused.
I'd better hurry up before he changes his mind.


The cells are dark and the air feels chill. Ones we step in, I feel shivers running over my body. Gabriel notices it as well and wraps his arms around me.
"You can leave whenever you want angel. Say the word and I'll get you out of here."
"I have to do this Gabriel."
"I know Angel. I'll be with you the whole time."
I nod and step out of Gabriel's arms. "Here goes nothing." I say to myself as I step in front of my father's cell.

"Look who came back to me." My father says ones he sees me.
It looks like he has lost some weight. His hair hasn't been washed in ages and there is a big bruise forming on his cheek.
"I only came here because I need an answer to something. And you are the only one who can give me that answer."
"What is your question, my dearest Anna?"
"Simple: why? Why have you done all of this?"

My father looks at me and an ugly snarl comes on his face. "Because I hate you. I hate what you did. I hate that you are alive. I had to punish you. You are the reason that your mother is dead. You have murdered her."
"I didn't do that father."
"It was all your fault. You killed her and I had to look at that stupid, ugly face of yours, mocking me every day, reminding me of my Violet. It is your fault that she is dead."
His voice gets louder and louder as he speaks and Gabriel pulls me back, into his chest.

"Careful Tom." Gabriel's voice has a dangerous tone in it as he speaks. "I could easily,"
I turn around to face Gabriel and lay my hands on his shoulders before he finishes his sentence. "I can handle him." I tell Gabriel softly.
Turning back to my father, I look at him and know that I have made my decision.

"It wasn't my fault father. Yes, mom was driving to pick me up when the crash happened." Tears prick behind my eyes as I think back to that day. "But originally, YOU where the one who had to pick me up that day. But you didn't show up."

Ones we're outside, I take a couple of deep breath. Gabriel patiently waits for me to say something as I feel the tears disappear again.
"I know that was a low blow." I say "But I just had to tell him. He's been using this against me for so many years now and I just... I just had to say it."
Gabriel shakes his head and silences me with a soft kiss. "You where brilliant Anna."
I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't want to be the reason of my father's dead. I wouldn't be able to live with that."
"I know Anna. He can just stay here. He won't be able to get out so you will be completely safe."
Gabriel steps back a little and looks down at me. "Let's go home."


Tension is building up in my body as we drive, and I'm sure that Anna notices it too.
But I ignore her questioning looks and focus on the road in front of us.
If all goes as I had planned, then the boys have everything set up and Christy is waiting with the flowers.

"You missed the exit." Anna suddenly speaks up, getting me out of my thoughts.
"I have to pick up some stuff, so we're making a little detour." I say, trying to remember what 'fake plan' I had made. "I hope you don't mind coming along."
"Oh no, I don't mind," she answers. "What do you have to pick up?"
"Some stuff for my work." I say, glad that I thought about these things before so it wouldn't take too much time to answer and make it obvious that I'm lying.

Anna nods and looks out of the window, not asking any more questions.
I know she must think that we're getting some guns or maybe even drugs, which she doesn't like at all, but she couldn't be more wrong. This surprise, is something much better and she will love it. Or well, I hope so.
I put on the radio, to break the silence a little. Anna softly hums along to the music, making me smile.
I lay my hand on her thigh as we drive on.

"You have reached your location." I say in a robotic voice, earning a sweet giggle from Anna.
"Come with me please." I ask.
"Gabriel, you know how I feel about these kinds of things."
"You will like this one angel. I promise. And if you don't, I'll buy you dinner."

I get out of the car and walk over to Anna's side. I open the door and hold out my hand for her to hold. "Do you trust me angel?"
Anna slides her hand in mine and steps out. "I trust you."


We walk into the woods. Gabriel's hand feels warm and strong in mine as he leads the way.
I can see a light in front of us. That must be the way we're heading towards.
"Almost there angel." Gabriel says. "It's behind these bushes. Let me check if they are here already. I'll be right back."
Gabriel let's go of my hand and disappears behind the bushes before I can even react.

Slightly annoyed, I stay behind, but that feeling quickly changes into surprised as River steps out of the bushes, instead of Gabriel.
"He's waiting for you." River says as he offers me his arm. I look up at him with curiosity, and take is arm.
Together we step through the bushes, into an open field.

Christy suddenly steps out and hands me a big bouquet of my favorite flowers. "I'm so happy for you Anna. You are getting the happy ending you truly deserve."

We walk on and pass all the guys from Gabriel's gang. Raphael is standing first in line, with a big grin on his face. Nicolaas is standing right next to him, holding a camera.
Next up is Eliot, with a loving smile, giving me a thumbs up and last are the twins, who take over River's spot.

With Joel on my right and Aro on my left, we continue walking towards the middle of the clearing.
As if on que, thousands of fairy lights flicker on and it feels like we stepped into the stary night sky.

"Goodluck." The twins say with a wink as they let go of me and step away.
For a moment, I stand there, enjoying how the lights make everything have a magical feeling.
But then, Gabriel steps in front of me and all of my attention switches to him.

"Anna, from the moment that I saw, I knew you were different. You intrigued me and I had to find out more about you, which I did in all honesty.
You are the only girl who ha ever gotten close to me. Even after what my father taught me throughout the years, I want to have you close. I need to have you close.
Mio Angelo, ti amo con tutto il cuore. Per favore, mi farai l'onore di sposarmi."

Gabriel goes down on one knee and holds out a little box.
"Please angel, will you do me the honour of marrying me?"
He opens the box and a beautiful ring appears.

Tears of happiness jump into my eyes and roll down my cheeks.
"Yes!" I say without hesitation and with the biggest smile on my face. "Yes, I will marry you."
Gabriel stands up and slips the ring around my finger.
I wrap my arms around his neck. Our lips collide and applause erupts around us.

"I love you." Gabriel says softly, only for me to hear. "You saved me Anna."
"I love you too." I answer, just as softly. "You saved me Gabriel."
"We saved each other." He says and kisses me lovingly.

There they are, in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by their friends.
The girl who wants to be safe and the guy from whom no one is safe.
They saved each other.
And together, they will write their own story.

The End

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