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I pulled my hair up out of my face, but after looking at myself in the mirror, I pulled several strand out to at least frame my face.

It still looked weird to see my ears, but I tried to ignore it as I pulled on a tank top and a light cardigan, it was something I'd found recently and it was the closest thing to a jacket I could find.

After pulling on some jeans and ankle boots I glanced at a small box that sat on a vanity. The vanity was small and tucked in the corner near my bed. The box had necklaces and rings inside, but, I wasn't the kind to wear jewelry, I didn't compliment them very well.

So I brushed it off and headed out of my room.

"You look like you're going somewhere."
I jumped, looking over to my right, Benji was standing just outside my door with a light smirk.

I smiled somewhat sheepishly. "I was gonna tell Alexa, I swear." I told her but the girl simply shook her head, setting her hands on her hips.

"No need, I'll just go with you."

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "You're not busy?"

"Well the Alpha told me to make sure you didn't wander off or get yourself into trouble or anything."

A small frown pulled at my lips. So he did think of me as a liability. Perhaps, I should just go home. But, I'd helped some people, maybe if I helped more people he'd see that I could help him.

I took a deep breath through my nose and nodded. "Well then, let's get some breakfast and go out, I wanted to explore the town a little if that's alright." I admitted and Benji held up a thumbs up.

"Whatever you'd like M'Lady."

I hummed with a light frown at that.
"Just, call me Aubrey." I told her and she nodded.

"Sorry, you just seem to flinch whenever someone says your name." She told me as we started down the hall.

"Do I? I guess I'm just not used to having my name called." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"That's alright, maybe I'll try to come up with a nickname for ya." She nudged me gently and I found myself smiling again with a bit of excitement, I'd never had a nickname before.

"I'd like that."

After we finished eating and had gone outside, I found myself looking everywhere. It wasn't too bright out, since I was used to being outside back home. So my eyes adjusted just fine. We visited the bakery, the library, and I got to see a couple of stores too. The pack was so big, I found myself losing track of where I was going sometimes, but Benji knew the place like a compass.

"And up ahead is the market place." She gestured down the street.

A small frown came to my face at the mentioning of it. The market place was practically the only thing I'd seen of my own home, and I didn't really look forward to seeing it. Until I saw it.

It was huge! A whole street of sellers and the colors were vibrant and fantastical. It was like the setting in a fairytale book!

"Wow." I breathed softly. The marketing grounds were street, but it had patches of grass with trees where people could sit down on the grass and rest from walking around so much. My feet weren't even sore from walking, but I noticed Benji seemed to lag behind me a bit. So I suggested we sit down for a while.

"If you'd like." She said, but I could see the relief in her face. I couldn't blame her, I walked a lot, and we'd walked all over this rather large town.

I let her go ahead and pick a space for us to sit when something small and fast smacked into my leg.

I stumbled a bit, but didn't fall over like the kid who'd run into me.

Poor girl was panting hard, a small apple clenched in her hand. The dirt on her very long shirt and the miss matched boots on her feet made it very clear to me that the apple in her grasp, didn't belong to her.

"Get back here!" A shop keeper yelled, running towards the girl. But instead of running off, the girl got up and hid behind me, clinging to my waist.

"You can't hide from your wrongs kid!" The man said, slowing down as he approached me. "Is this your child ma'am?" He asked glaring at me and I felt myself freeze up a little.

"M-Mine?" I squeaked as the brunette kid behind me looked around me at the man.

"It's mine!" The girl growled at him and I frowned a little.

"N-No no, she's not my daughter. Though I'd be happy to pay for the Apple." I offered with a sheepish smile.
The man looked at me surprised but folded his arms.

"Very well, it'll be 3 shillings." He told me and I felt sweat on the side of my face as I realized two things. One, I didn't have any money, and Two, I didn't even know what a shilling was.

"U-Um." I stuttered, making a show of looking through my pockets even though I already knew I didn't have what I needed.

"Hey what's going on over here?" Benji asked, having to push through a gathering crowd.

I felt a wash of relief at the blonde's arrival, but also a wave of embarrassment flood over me as I realized so many people were staring at me and the little girl.

"This little mutt stole one of my apples, but this young lady has offered to pay for the Apple."

Benji frowned at me, also aware of my lack of money and I could only offer her a sheepish smile.

She rolled her eyes and reached into her wallet, sending a pang of guilt through my heart.


Benji and I looked over as a couple of other wolves rushed through the crowd. They both looked dressed well enough, no tears or anything in their clothes.

"Sorry, Sorry." They told the shop keeper, paying for the Apple themselves when one of them grabbed the little girl away from me.

"Kelly! You shouldn't run off like that! And stealing is such a bad thing!" They scolded her while apologizing back to us as they walked off.

The crowd soon departed slowly and the shop keeper started walking away.

"Weird." Was all Benji said as she started putting away her wallet. But I started back to the house. "Where are you going?" Benji asked when I'd started walking away. I turned back to her with a little forced smile.

"I'm, gonna head back." I told her and she only hummed before accompanying me.

We didn't talk as we walked, and when we got back, I just went to my room, even when she tried to ask what was wrong.

I didn't even let her finish her question before I was back in my room, the door shut tightly, and my face burning in embarrassment. I'd acted like such a fool! Offering to pay for something when I knew I didn't even have the money!

I kicked off my shoes and yanked my hair out of a ponytail. I felt so stupid! Thinking back, I realized it'd taken me a lot of time to fix a simple fencing problem between neighbors. But this pack was so big, and so many people had so many varying problems. There was no way I could properly help Kale. Not with this big of a pack. I'd made the right call by rejecting his proposal. I wasn't the right person to help him with this pack, and yet he'd wanted me. But why? I was an Omega! A stupid, weak, pathetic Omega girl.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I looked at the window in my room and sniffled.

I wanted to go home.

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