Not Fair

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We headed away from the market at a decent pace. I carried the milk, laundry, and dish soap while Kale handled the eggs and some other soaps in his arms.

We walked at a good steady pace, staying quiet for a while. The only sound being that of fresh powdered snow under our boots.

It sounded strange to me, to hear someone else's footsteps next to mine, especially while not feeling any anxiety about it.

"Are your markets always so pricy?" Kale spoke suddenly making me flinch. I blinked up at him confused at his question.

"What do you mean?"

"Nine Pelts, three necklaces, and two bracelets just for some soap?" He rose a brow at me as we walked.

"Well, soap is transported." I shrugged, but the male wasn't satisfied with that answer, shaking his head.

"The quality isn't even that good!"

I stared at him for a minute confused, why was he letting this bother him so much?

"Why is it such a big deal? It's soap, pelts aren't nearly that valuable."

The look from the male next to me made me pause in step for a second before I had to speed up to keep up with him.


"Have you ever considered how much time is put into getting pelts and making jewelry?" He asked me with a frown. He seemed to be getting irritated with me, what had I done?

"Um...a day?" It sounded more like a question, but really, that's how long it usually took me to skin the hide properly without accidentally tearing it.
"It takes more than just a day to hunt an animal, wait for the hide to dry, and then make it into a pelt." He growled at me.

"I didn't think you meant the whole process." I mumbled looking at the ground. I kicked up a little snow, now pouting. It wasn't like I was stupid, I just hadn't understood his question fully. Why was he being so impatient with me?

We walked in silence for the remainder of the walk home. The lodge sat peacefully under the pine tree just as we had left it. When we got inside, I started putting everything away, starting with placing the milk in the fridge.

"What's your rank?" Kale asked me as I took the eggs from him.

A knot formed in my stomach and I frowned at him. I don't know why I suddenly didn't want him to know, but if it wasn't obvious, I didn't really want to tell him.

"Does it matter?" I asked. That caused him to look at me in surprise.

I didn't know where this atittude had come from, but I tried to ignore it as I turned and put the eggs in the fridge. While walking passed him, I suddenly found myself stomach down on the ground. Confused, I looked back to see what I'd tripped on, which turned out to be Kale's boot. He'd tripped me?! But why?

I got up and brushed myself off, admittedly a little hurt by his actions as I took off my coat. Was he really that upset over me not telling him my rank?

"You can set your stuff down." I told him quietly, walking over to my closet.

He did so and also peeled off his coat. I walked back over to him and took it, as well as the beanie I'd let him borrow, taking them back and hanging them up. Just after shutting the closet, I stumbled to the side. Kale had walked over and shoved me.

I looked over at him puzzled. Was this a weird way of trying to get my attention? Like a school boy bullying the girl he liked in order for her to pay attention to him. At least that's what it reminded me of, which is a very childish thing.


"You're just standing there." He told me, his frown deepening.

"And that's a problem?" I asked. What was he doing this for?

I walked passed him this time watching his feet incase he tried to trip me again, he didn't. I grabbed the soaps from off the ground where he'd set them down and started upstairs.

Again, Kale followed after me only to shove me. This caused the soaps to spill all over the steps and I nearly broke a bottle of conditioner under me as I landed. Looking back at Kale, I frowned. This was getting ridiculous, but he didn't apologize.

It's not like I expected him to, but the fact that he didn't, hurt. I tried not to care.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked quietly, almost to myself as I started picking up the bottles.

"Are you just going to continue to let me push you around?" He asked as I got up.

"You're just wasting your time by doing this." I told him as I started up the stairs again.

Then he was in front of me, smacking one of the bottles out of my arms. I sighed as it tumbled down the stairs.

"And you say I act like a kid." I murmured, putting the rest of the containers of soap at the top of the stairs, going down for the last one.

He was there in front of me once again. Only this time he grabbed me, shoving me into the wall.

"What do you want?" I asked looking up at him.

"Why are you just letting me push you around?" He was glaring at me, as if this was my fault because I was just letting this happen. But I didn't find it that big of a deal, just a nuisance.

"Well how would you like it if someone pushed you around?" I asked with a frown. Kale leaned closer to me making my heart skip.

I pressed up against the wall, our eyes making contact.

"I don't let people push me around." He said to me as if it were obvious. I rose a brow at him and folded my arms.

"By throwing a fit when things don't go your way, yes I saw that."

His reaction was one of shock, he backed away from me slowly. When there was enough room, I stepped around him, picking up the bottle that still laid on the ground.

"Pushing others around when they push at you doesn't make a situation better. It just makes others bitter." I told him somewhat quietly before walking up the stairs. After all of my purchases were put in their place, I came back down the stairs and headed for the door.

"I'm going to bring in more wood. I over heard some wolves saying that there's going to be a snow storm tonight. I suggest you get comfortable, it looks like you're going to be stuck with me for a little while longer." I said to him before heading outside. Another sigh left my lips, forming a see through cloud in front of my face.

Looking up at the sky, I noticed the dark clouds setting in.

"Hopefully this storm won't last too long." I murmured, grabbing my timber sled and pulling it around back.

"If this is his nice side, I don't want to be around if he gets cranky."

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