Chapter 10: The Date

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How is the book going so far everyone???

Oh and by the way. Vet Tech Meets The Alpha is going well. I have everything written out.

And that awkward moment when your ex pulls the "I want you so come back to me" card.

Sorry buddy. I'll pass.

Anywhore. On with this wonderful story lol



I popped my eyes open when I heard my 5 o'clock alarm go off.

I sighed and went to go sit up, but something stopped me.

I trailed my eyes up a muscular arm.

I was about to reach for my lamp, but stopped when I saw Tommy's face.

Wait what?

I quickly moved his arm and scrambled off the bed.

"What the hell?" Tommy said as he slowly opened his eyes.

I watched shocked as he rubbed his eyes and peered down at me.

"Uh Allison?" Tommy asked laughing. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"You...How...In my bed..." I mumbled lost for words.

He chuckled and stood up.

He held his hand out and I grabbed it.

"Well." He said as he pulled me up. "After the whole...thing. You fell asleep in my arms. So I laid you down on your bed."

"And you slept in it with me?" I asked shocked.

He nodded "Well of course."

"Why?" I asked.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone after what happened last night." He said his eyes getting darker.

I took a step back getting scared.

He must have noticed, because he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." Tommy sighed. "I was just mad about last night."

"It's okay." I mumbled as I looked at the picture of my mom.

The box was still open and it was right where I had put it last night.

Tommy followed my line of sight and landed on the picture.

He looked at me before he reached down and carefully picked it up.

"Is this your mom?" He asked.

I nodded. "Was."

"She's pretty." He said looking at it was a sad smile. "I you look just like her."

I nodded with a small smile. "She always told me that I looked just like her when she was younger. We have the same eyes."

Tommy nodded. "The same beautiful eyes."

I felt a blush coming up and I quickly looked away.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I looked back at him surprised.

No guy has ever been this nice to me.

Maybe he is different.

I shook my head. "Not really."

He nodded in understanding. "That's okay. Tell me when you are ready."

"Thank you." I whispered.

I looked back at the clock and almost freaked.

I had a half an hour before Gideon got home.

"You need to leave." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him out of my room.

"What?" He asked confused as we stopped in the kitchen. "Why?"

"I have stuff to do." I said as I took things out of the fridge.

"Like what?" He asked studying me.

"Stuff." I sighed getting annoyed.

Why does he ask so many questions?

"Fine. But you're gonna tell me at our date." Tommy said sternly.

He gave me one last look before walking out the door.

I sighed in relief and started to make Gideon breakfast before he showed up.









"Favorite food?" Tommy asked as we walked over to a bench at a park.

Tommy was true to his word.

He showed up at 12 sharp.

I was kind of impressed to be honest.

Tommy brought us to this beautiful park on the other side of town after we stopped at the ice cream parlor.

Which was good because I don't have to worry about any of Gideon's buddies finding me.

But it was annoying because the girl that was taking our order kept trying to get Tommy's number.

I didn't know why, but it was really annoying.

I felt like yelling at her and telling her that he's mine.

But I don't know why.

"I would have to say cheese pizza." I said sitting down carefully.

The belt marks are still on my legs and stomach. Which made it hurt a lot to move.

So you can imagine how trying to sit down felt.

Bending my legs was such a bad idea.

I winced as my butt made contact with the wooden bench, but tried to not let it show.

"So you're a pizza girl huh?" Tommy laughed. "I'm more of a taco kind of person."

"Tacos are nice." I smiled. "But pizza outranks it."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I guess your opinion doesn't matter. But you're wrong."

My mouth fell open as he tried not to laugh.

I took my spoon and flicked some ice cream at him. "Meany."

I laughed as he tried to catch the ice cream with his tongue.

"You're so weird." I muttered shaking my head.

"Good. Normal is too boring." He said shrugging.

"Good point." I said smiling.

He smiled, but then his face turned serious.

Did I do something wrong?

"How come you were so keen on getting me out of your house this morning?" He asked.

I could tell he tried to hide the hurt in his voice, but he didn't do a good job of it.

I sighed and looked down at my ice cream.

"Because I needed you get to out." I said quietly.

"Why?" Tommy asked as he turned towards me.

"Because Gideon was going to be home soon."

"Who's Gideon?" Tommy asked getting mad.

"My dad." I said looking at him.

"Oh. Is that a bad thing?"

I looked away and focused on the green grass.

"There are some things that you don't need to know right now. Okay?" I explained looking back at Tommy.

"Why can't you tell me?" Tommy asked turning me so that I'm facing him.

"Tommy." I sighed. "I can't tell you. Some of these things that I am dealing with, no one needs to know. It will be a burden on everyone's shoulders if they know."

"Allison." Tommy said giving me a warm smile. "It won't be a burden. You can trust me."

I scoffed.

Trust you?

As if.

"I just can't tell you. Just drop it. Please." I begged.

Tommy continued to stare at me.

It looked as if he was having a mental battle with himself.

"Fine. But can you tell me about your mom. Please?" Tommy begged giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

"She passed away 3 years ago. She was my best friend." I said sadly as I stared at my hands. "She was the person who taught me everything about anything. She had such a creative imagination. She taught me how to sing, dance, ride a bike, everything. She was my hero."

"What happened?" Tommy asked resting his hand on my shoulder.

"She was fighting a battle. She lost to brain cancer 5 months later." I explained looking up at him. "She was doing so well. The doctors found it early on in the stages. They got rid of it. She went through surgery after surgery. Chemo after chemo. She won. But, 2 months later it came back. I remember that perfectly. We were all eating out as a family. Then she just collapsed."

Tommy pulled me to him as I cried on his shoulder.

"It's okay." He said as he hugged me.

"I was so scared. I stood there staring at my mom who was on this floor. We rushed her to the hospital and that's when the doctors told us that the cancer was back. It was the worse news that I have ever gotten." I sniffed. "I was in the waiting room with my dad when the doctor came out and told us. Then a month later, she passed."

"I'm so sorry." Tommy said as he pulled back to look at me.

I shrugged. "After she passed, we moved. My dad and I went to the other side of the country. I've always wanted to go see her. But my dad would never let me. He says we just need to forget. He says that's they easiest way to heal."

"Where is she buried?" Tommy asked.

"Maine." I said sadly. "Plus, I have no way to get there."

I looked up and Tommy looked like he was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

Tommy snapped out of it and looked at me.

"Nothing important." He smiled.

I decided to shrug it off.

"It's getting late." Tommy said standing up. "We should probably head back.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand softly and pulled me up.

"I had fun." I said suddenly as we walked back to his truck.

"Ya?" Tommy asked with a goofy grin as he turned to look at me.

"Ya." I giggled. "I haven't been out like this in a long time."

"Really?" He asked shocked. "No one has taken you out?"

I shook my head shyly. "Nope."

"Wow." He breathed. "I don't understand how. You are absolutely breath taking. You don't try at all. Most girls try and it's just too much. But you." He paused as he stopped walking and stood in front of me. "You are perfect."

I was speechless.

No one, especially a guy, has ever said that about me.

I blushed crimson red and he continued to smile down at me.

"Uh...L-let's go." I stuttered as I quickly walked to his truck

I blushed even more when I heard his deep chuckle.

What the hell is he doing to me?



I want a guy like Tommy! That was so cute!!!!!!!

Welp. Keep it up with the comments and votes.

Love you Faithful Shifters!!


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