Chapter 12: Talking To The Hunters

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This chapter sounds like it's going to be interesting lol.

And have you guys checked out my new book yet??? Vet Tech Meets the Alpha.

No? Okay. Dats cool.



I winced in pain as I went to put the shirt on the line.

I slowly lifted up the shirt I was wearing and saw the belt marks clear as day.

I'm just glad Gideon isn't coming up until later tonight.

Shaking that horrible though off, I did my best and clipped the shirt on the line.

But something stopped me when I went to pick a pair of jeans.

I looked closer and saw two red eyes watching me.

I gulped and turned to face whatever was walking around my house.

The creature was slowly stalking towards me when it was fully in my back yard.

'Oh shit. I'm gonna die.' I thought to myself.

Seriously. What is with all the wolves in my yard?

But this one was different.

The other three wolves had normal soft eyes, but this one. This one had beat red eyes that were drinking in my every move.

"Nice wolf." I said backing away slowly. "You don't want to eat me. I probably don't taste good."

The giant wolf growled and started to sprint towards me.

I screamed and ran for the woods.

I would have ran to the house, but the wolf was kinda in between me and my house. And I really didn't feel like running towards the monster.

I ran as fast as I could.

The belt marks were lost in thought as I tried to run away from the killing machine that is behind me.

I spotted a big tree and I hid behind it.

I heard another growl and I screamed again.

But the growling soon stopped after I heard a gunshot.

I jumped in fear when I heard a low whimper and then nothing at all.

I waited a couple seconds before I turned and looked around the tree.

There on the ground was the giant wolf that tried to kill me.

I watched in horror as blood poured out of its forehead was the bullet went through.

Whoever did this had excellent shot. I mean to get that good of a shot while it was running? Nicely done.

But still. I could have probably lived a lot longer without that image in my head.

I watched in confusion as the wolf was slowly starting to turn.

Right as it was about to turn into something else, I felt myself being spun around.

I screamed again as I was staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked as he kept the gun in front of my face.

"I-I'm." I stuttered trying to find words.

"Well?" He asked yelling.

"Please don't shoot me." I cried as I fell on the ground.

I heard more footsteps.

"Bryce. I don't think she is one." Another male voice whispered.

"What makes you so sure?" 'Bryce' whispered back.

"Look at her. She's pale and skinny." The voice whispered.

Wow. I know I look bad. But don't make it obvious.

"You're right." Bryce whispered. "She would have shifted by now to protect herself."

Shifted? What the hell are they talking about?

But instead of asking that, I decided to pretend I didn't hear it over my annoy cry.

I jumped again as I felt a hand wrap around my arm.

I winced when the hand pulled me off of the ground.

"Who are you?" Bryce asked.

"A-Allison." I whispered.

"Speak up." He said annoyed. "What happened?"

"Umm. I-I." I stuttered trying to find words.

"Well?" He yelled.

"I-I was putting the clothes on the line." I said finally finding words. "Then I-I saw red eyes. T-That's when I turned around and s-saw the wolf walking around my house and towards m-me."

"Is that it?" He asked eyeing my suspiciously.

Should I ask him what the wolf was shifting into?

I looked down at the gun that he was holding onto tightly.

Eh. Probably not.

I nodded my head. "That's when I-I ran and hid behind a tree. And then I-I heard a gunshot and saw the wolf dead on the ground."

Bryce and the other two men didn't look so convinced.

"Is she telling the truth?" The one on the left asked as he continued to stare at me.

"I don't know." Bryce said.

So he much be the leader.

What the hell are these guys? Are they some sort of hunter?

Well they do have guns Allison.

"We can't take any chances." The one on the right said.

I started to panic.

What were they gonna do to me?

"You're right." Bryce said suddenly.

"Touch her and you die." A deep male voice said from behind me.

We all jumped and I quickly spun around and saw three men standing there.

The men looked about the same age as the ones with guns.

"W-who are you?" I asked as fear swept over me.

Why did they look so familiar?

But I didn't know who to run from. The three men with the guns or the ones without the guns.

"The names Bruce." The man with light black hair said.

"I'm Max." The one with darker black hair waved.

"I'm Isaac." The one with blonde hair smiled.

Okay. So maybe I'll run away from the guys with guns.

But as I got a closer look, my eyes widen.

They were the guys that kept following me around the grocery store!

I knew they looked familiar.

"Why should we listen to you?" Bryce snarled.

Bruce gave the man a smirk. "It would be in your best interest."

Bryce's mouth fell open. "Are you threatening me?"

Bruce crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not."

The one left of Bryce whispered something in Bryce's ear and he nodded.

"You guys need to leave. We have some business to finish." Bryce said as he quickly looked at me.

I gulped and took a step away from them.

I don't want to die yet!

"Leave the Lu-Allison alone!" Bruce growled.

Wait. Did he just....growl?

And how did he know my name?

Bryce gasped as all their eyes went wide.

"I should have known." Bryce smirked as he raised his gun.

Max sighed. "I'm sorry Luna."


I was about to ask him what he meant, but stopped once I heard the same cracks and pop as that other giant wolf.

I stood there frozen in place as I watched the three men turn into giant wolves.

Werewolves?! How they hell? They are only myths.

I screamed as the wolves jumped over me and attacked those men with the guns.

Now I really didn't know who to run from.

All of them could kill me!

I was about to run, but stopped once I came face-to-face with another wolf.

I whimpered as a blonde wolf with a black circle around its eye stare me down.

"P-please." I whispered as I took a step back. "Please don't kill me."

But maybe it would be doing me a favor? If I died, then no Gideon.

But then I thought of Tommy.

The one boy who manged to make me feel loved and comfortable. I can't forget about Adam and Michael. They were all so nice to me.

I jumped back in fear as the wolf in front of me growled.

The wolf jumped over me and tackled Bryce to the ground.

Bryce struggled under the wolf's weight, but the wolf stayed still.

Bryce went to pull up the gun, but the wolf knocked it out of his hands.

I watched as the blonde wolf dug its claws into the man's neck and killed him instantly.

I screamed and fell to the ground.

The wolves all walked up to me.

I screamed once more and shielded my face from an attack.

Welp. Good bye cruel world.

I don't think I'll really miss you though.

The wolf whimpering brought me back to reality.

I looked up and saw the wolf stand up.

I watched in horror as I heard cracks and pops as the blonde wolf started to shift.

In front of me stood a naked Tommy.

"Tommy?" I asked in shock.

I felt my eyes close and all I saw was darkness.


Aww. Pour Allison. She fainted. :/

Well I probably would too if I was in her shoes.

Keep the comments and votes alive!!

Love you guys!!!


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