Chapter 14: Trying To Run

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Hey everyone!

So idk what happened, but apparently chapter 14 deleted itself off of Wattpad and most of it on Inkitt. I'm gonna rewrite the chapter and I'm sorry if it seems a little weird. I'm going to try and make it blend into the story as much as possible!



I continued to stare at the wall.

What do I do?

Stay here where a bunch of wolf people could kill me?

Yeah, I'll pass on that offer.

My stomach let out a loud growl and I gulped at the thought of leaving the safety of this room to go get food.

I tried to ignore the emptiness of my stomach, but it kept yelling at me to get food.

I groaned as I slowly got off the bed.

'Now what could I use as a weapon just in case?' I thought to myself as I looked around Tommy's room.

I smiled in victory when I opened his closet and found a golf club set.

Hmm. Didn't know Tommy golfed. But who cares.

I grabbed the driver and held it close to my chest and I rested against the door.

Okay. You got this Allison. Just quickly grab food and then run back upstairs. You got it.

I let out a deep breath and decided to open the door.

After I opened it, I stuck my head out and looked both ways before walking out of the room. I plastered myself against the wall and shuffled my feet.

I felt like James Bond or something.

It was pretty cool actually.

"Come on man!" A voice whined. "You can't shoot me just yet. My character just re-spawned."

"Sucks to suck doesn't it?" Another voice teased.

I let out a quiet squeak and I ran down the hall away from the voices.

Might be a game room or something.

I stopped when I came to a flight of stairs.

I took two steps at a time and landed myself in the living room.


"Allison?" Tommy asked as he stood up with Adam.

I screamed and ran into the kitchen.

"Allison." Tommy said as he showed up in the doorway of the kitchen.

"S-Stay away from m-me." I stuttered as I held the golf club out in front of me.

"Put the driver down." Tommy said slowly as he took a step.

I screamed again and swung at his hand. But he quickly jumped back.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Tommy pleaded. "Please. You're okay."

"How do I know once I put this down that you won't take it and kill me with it?" I challenged.

"Why would I kill you, Allison? You're my mate!" Tommy said loudly.

"What is going on here?" Michael asked as he and Adam came running down the stairs.

I took my eyes off of Tommy and that was all he needed.

I gasped loudly as the driver was ripped out of my hands and Tommy threw it behind him.

"No!" I yelled as I tried to run towards the driver.

Tommy grabbed me before I could reach it and pulled me to his chest.

"Allison. Please." Tommy pleaded as he held my body tightly.

"No." I sobbed. That was my only chance.

I squeezed my hands between us and tried to shove him off of me.

He took away my only weapon. He's going to hurt me for sure.

"Tommy." Adam said quietly.

I saw Tommy look over at his friends with a sigh. He released his hold and I finally broke free.

I wiped my tears and headed for the stairs.

I need to get out of here.



"What is going on here?" Michael asked as he and Adam came running down the stairs.

Allison took her eyes off of me to look at Michael and that was all I needed.

Allison gasped loudly as I took the driver out of her hands and threw it behind me.

"No!" She yelled as she tried to run towards the driver.

But I quickly grabbed her before she could reach it and pulled her to my chest.

"Allison. Please." I pleaded as I held her to my body tightly.

"No." She sobbed angrily.

She managed to get her hands between us and tried to shove me away from her

"Tommy." Adam said quietly.

'What?' I asked through the link.

'You need to let her go.' Adam responded.

I growled silently and slowly released Allison.

I watched as she wiped her tears and ran for the stairs.

How could I be so stupid?

I growled and slammed my fist on the counter top. "I just ruined my chance."

"Don't think of it like that." Adam said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Then how?" I asked as I pushed his hand away from me. "She hates me."

'Maybe she doesn't.' Ian suggested.

'No offense, but you're an idiot.' I growled.

'Well that was hurtful.' He growled back. 'Maybe you should go apologize to her, dumbass.'

"What did Ian say?" Michael asked.

"He told me that I should go apologize to her." I repeated. "Maybe I should go do that."

"Wait." Adam said as he stepped in front of me. "I think she needs some time alone. She's really upset and I think she just needs some space."

"But-" I started to say, but Adam cut me off.

"From all of us." He said sternly. "I'm serious Tommy. She needs some space."

I growled and stormed towards the front door before throwing it open.

Maybe a walk will help.

'I'm sorry for getting angry at you.' Ian apologized.

'No don't. You were right.' I sighed as I slumped underneath a tree. 'I shouldn't have done any of that. I probably just made it worse for both of us.'

'Yeah maybe.' Ian chuckled.

I rolled my eys at his joke. 'Gee thanks pal.'

'No prob Bob!'

"Alpha!" Bruce yelled running towards me.

I jumped up and met him. "What happened?"

"The Luna ran away." He said worriedly.

"She what?" I growled.

Bruce flinched and looked at the ground. "She got around Max, Isaac, and I. I'm sorry Alpha."

"Let's go find her. I don't want her getting hurt."

"Yes Alpha." Bruce nodded.

As we ran back to the pack house, Max and Isaac met up with us.

"She went this way." Max yelled as he waved us over.

Some more warriors met up with us as he all high tailed it to the forest.

"She couldn't have gotten very far." Isaac suggested. "At least I'm hoping."

"Let's hope." I growled.

He gulped and nodded his head.

"Let's split up." Michael suggested.

"I agree." Adam nodded. "We'll be able to cover my ground that way."

"You do have a brain." Michael teased.

"I hate you." Adam growled. "I really do."

"Wait!" Michael yelled as he ran after Adam. "I was only kidding! Come back!"

'Uh you need new friends.' Ian mumbled.

'Tell me about it.' I laughed.

What felt like hours, everyone was still searching.

'It's only been thirty minutes.' Ian laughed.

'Well it feels like an eternity.' I groaned as I rested my head against a tree.

'Alpha!' Bruce yelled.

'What?' I asked quickly. 'Did you find her?'

'Yes we did. But she cut her foot.'

I growled and ran over to where he was at.

'Now don't get mad at her.' Ian warned. 'We can't blame her for running off. She was scared.'

I started to slow down my pace once I saw Bruce and Allison sitting on the ground.

Bruce tore off a piece of his shirt and tied it around the cut on Allison's foot.

Aww that was sweet.

Allison looked up at me with tears in her eyes and shrunk down to the ground.

I felt my heart hurt at the fact that she thought I was going to blow up on her.

I walked towards her carefully like I was walking on eggshells.

"Allison?" I asked quietly.

She gulped and looked at me in the eye.

"I'm sorry Tommy." She whispered. "I deserve to be in trouble.

"No." I smiled softly at her.

I bent down so I was eye level with her and gave her a gentle smile.

"Y-You're not mad?" She asked carefully.

It feels like she's just waiting for me to blow up on her. Just waiting for me to hit her.

Well, I'm not going too. I will never do that her.

I shook my head and carefully picked her up into my arms. "No, I'm not."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled into my neck.

I smiled sadly. "You don't need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing."

"What for?" Allison asked confused.

"For yelling and trying to control you in the kitchen earlier. It wasn't my intention to make you angry or scared." I explained. "And for that, I am sorry Allison."

Allison looked up at me and opened her mouth, but closed it and looked away instead.

I sighed. I really hope she would have said something.

The walk back to the pack house wasn't awkward or weird. It was really nice actually. Kind of like we were both enjoying each other's company and that was it. No talking or anything.

As I got closer to the pack house, I noticed my mother and aunt Kyrn standing next to the front door.

'Oh dear.' I thought to myself.

"What happened?" My mom asked.

How do I answer this?

"I ran away and cut my foot. But it's not a very big cut." Allison answered before I could.

My mom gave her a sad look.

"Allison." Aunt Kyrn started. "I was wondering if Sam and I could talk to you?"

"About what?" Allison asked.

Aunt Kyrn looked at me and smirked. "Something special. But no guys allowed."

"Hey!" I pouted.

Allison giggled a little and nodded. "Sure."

"Sweet." My mom smiled. "Now go get your foot checked out real quick and we'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Sounds good." Allison smiled.

"Come on." I smiled down to her. "I'll carry you to the doctor."

"It's just a scratch." She said.

"I know but still. And besides. If my mom found out that I didn't take you to get it checked out, she'd kill me. And I'm being serious."

Allison laughed and nodded.

Man. Her laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

'I second that.' Ian said in a loving voice.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world.


Phew. I hope this chapter flows with the rest of the book.

I honestly have no clue why Wattpad deleted this chapter. But now it's back up!

Love you all Faithful Shifters!!


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