Chapter 16: Girl's Day

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Well. My hip is doing well. Ya jk that was a lie.

It's getting worse *enter thumbs up*

The specialist said that my muscle in my hip looks like a mop head. So it's pretty much shredded lol.

And I'm going to start a mob so we can get my ex. He keeps asking if we can work things out and try again.

Like hell no bitch! XD

And I think his best friend likes me....shiiiiiiiiit.

Anywhore. On with the story



I snuggled in closer to my pillow and sighed in content.

"Comfy pillow." I mumbled as I hugged it tighter.

This pillow is so comfy.

I heard a chuckled and I froze.

I gulped and slowly looked up and met dark gray eyes.

"Oh hey there Tommy." I said awkwardly as my face flushed. "Um good morning."

I looked down at our position and cursed in my head.

Let's just say that I was practically on top of him.

"Hey Allison." Tommy chuckled as he lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "Good morning indeed."

Dammit Tommy.

I groaned and buried my face in his chest as it turned red.

"Hey now." Tommy laughed as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. "Don't be hiding your blushes from me. They make you look absolutely adorable."

"Stop it." I laughed as I blushed harder.

Tommy laughed and I felt his chest vibrate.

Oh holy fudge balls.

This is the first time that I noticed Tommy was shirtless.

I quickly scrambled off of him and hid under the covers on my side of the bed.

"Hey Tommy what are you-oh. Hey there Allison." Michael smirked as he walked into the room.

"Allison?" Adam asked laughing.

"It's not what you think." I said quickly as I shook my head.

"Oh really?" Cali asked laughing as she walked into the room with Lulu.

I nodded. "I had a bad dream and then I got scared. So I stole Tommy's bed."

Tommy laughed as he pecked my forehead and stood up. "You can steal my bed anytime."

"Oh my gosh!" Lulu gushed. "She looks so cute when she's blushing!"

"Shut up!" I groaned as I hid under the covers again.

"That's what I told her." Tommy said.

I got from the covers and stood up.

"Go get ready." Lulu smiled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Girl's day!" Zia sang as she skipped in the room.

"Sure. You guys can have a party in my room." Tommy mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Sooooo." Michael smirked. "Anything happen last night?"

Yep. He's definitely the perverted one.

"No." Tommy laughed. "Nothing happened. I just woke up with her using me as a pillow."

"You're comfy." I defended.

"And I'm totally cool with that." Tommy winked as he walked to his closet.

I let out a squeal as Lulu and Cali pulled me with them.

"Where are you going with my mate?" Tommy asked as he followed us to my room.

"She has to get ready." Zia said in a duh tone.

"Girl's day." Cali winked as she held up Adam's credit card.

Adam's eyes went wide as he ran to his room.

He came back a minute later with his wallet.

"You took my card." Adam said.

Cali walked up to him and whispered something.

Adam's face lit up and he nodded.

"H-Have fun shopping." Adam smiled.

Cali came back with a smirk.

I like her already.

"Someone's getting laid tonight." Lulu whispered.

Cali nodded. "I also told him I would make him my amazing peanut butter sugar cookies."

"What do they taste like?" I asked.

Cali and Lulu looked at me shocked.

"You've never had them?" Cali asked as I shook my head. "That's it. When we come back, I'm making them."

I laughed. "Okay."

"Have fun shopping." Tommy smiled as he pecked my nose. "Get whatever you like."

I watched amazed as he grabbed his card out of his wallet and handed it to me.

"But Tommy." I said shaking my head. "I can't accept this."

"Too bad." Tommy winked. "You need it. And don't worry about the money. Being alpha has its advantages. Go have fun."

I nodded. Now I feel bad.

"Oh we will." Lulu winked.

"Be careful with her." Tommy said sternly.

Zia waved him off. "Ya ya."








"I should have known." Zia mumbled as we got to the mall.

She was mad because the guys sent five guards to watch us.

Max, Isaac, Bruce, and two other guys that I learned were Layne and David.

I watched as Zia's eyes fogged over.

"Uh what's happening?" I asked.

"Mind link Luna." Layne smiled.

I nodded. "And that means?"

Layne chuckled. "Mind linking is something that werewolves can do if they are in the same pack or are related. But you won't be able to do it since you are human."

I huffed. "Darn. Mind linking sounds fun."

"It is." Zia laughed. "I gave Tommy a headache."

I laughed. "Good."

"And since you don't have mind linking, you are gonna have to use your phone to contact us." Zia said as she pulled hers out. "What's your number?"

"I don't have a phone." I said sheepishly.

"Well that's where we are going first." Zia smiled as we got out of the hummer. "Onward to the phone store my trusty steed!"

David laughed as he caught Zia who jumped on his back.

"I have weird friends." I laughed as we walked into the mall.

"Yes you do." Lulu winked.

"We all have AT&T and they have a store here. We can put you on our plan." Zia said.

"But doesn't that mean that you have to pay all my phone bills?" I asked.

Zia smiled as David set her down. "Yes. Now let's go."

I sighed. "I'm going to have to pay you guys back for all of this. I can't accept your money without paying you back."

Everyone turned to me and laughed.

"You're so funny." Cali laughed. "Allison. Tommy will never let you pay him back."

"Unless it's in another way." Lulu winked.




"I'm not doing that yet." I said.

Lulu nodded. "We don't expect you too. And let us know if you ever get pressured into doing it. We will personally kick their asses."

"Do you think Tommy will pressure me into it?" I asked.

Zia shook her head frantically. "I know my brother. He would never. And if he did, well let's just say that he will wake up in a hospital."

I smiled. "Thank you."

Zia smiled back and we walked into the phone store.

"Hi." The cheery lady smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"We are here to buy a phone for our friend." Cali smiled.

"Okay. I'll show you our phones." The lady smiled.

About 10 minutes later, I settled with the Samsung Galaxy s4.

Bruce took care of all the paper work and I was finally ready to go.

"Pass the phone." Zia laughed as she put her number in it and passed it to Cali.

Everyone put their number in my phone and Zia made sure to put Michael's, Adam's, Tommy's, and all the parents.

"Now. Shopping." Lulu smiled as Cali clapped with glee.

"One thing you should know." Zia whispered to me as we followed the two hyper girls. "Shopping with them is awful. They like to take forever to go shopping. And they will bombard you with clothes."

"Oh yay." I groaned.


Another chapter!!!

Keep reading on and commenting.

Seriously. Your comments make my day lol.


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