Chapter 27: Dad Makes An Appearance

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So I have decided to give up on dating. Like I am perfectly happy alone and it's gonna stay like this.

I'm gonna own so many dogs and cats and they will be my company lol. And I'm gonna run my very successful vet clinic and all will be well.

And I'm gonna eat pizza and icecream and watch Netflix and life will be good!

I got this all planned out.

Anywhore, on with the chapter!



"Oh Allison." My dad taunted as he stepped closer.

"G-get away from me!" I shouted as he gave me his sinister smirk.

"Come here sweetie." He winked as he took another step towards me.

I screamed as I shot up from the bed.

My breath was heavy and I immediately switched the lamp light on.

"It was only a dream." I said to myself. "Just a dream."

I looked to my right and saw Tommy smiling in his sleep.


I quietly got out of bed and grabbed one of Tommy's sweatshirts.

I slipped it over my head and walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"Only a dream Allison." I mumbled to myself over and over again.

I turned the kitchen light on and grabbed a coffee mug.

After filling it with water and putting it in the microwave, I went to the cabinet and got out the hot chocolate mix.

I jumped when the microwaved dinged and I opened the door it.

"Shit that's hot." I mumbled as I saw my now red finger.

I grabbed a towel and grabbed the cup and put it on the kitchen island.

I smiled as I opened the hot chocolate powder packet and mixed it with the hot water.

After I finished mixing it, I grabbed my cup and opened the front door so I could sit on the porch.

The wind was blowing a lot tonight. It was a nice cool wind that wasn't too cold. It was perfect.

I love these types of nights.

Something about them is just nice and peaceful and-

I let out a scream as an arrow shot through my cup and got wedged in the door.

"Welp. It was peaceful." I mumbled as the hot chocolate landed on my lap.

I jumped up and ran for the door.

I didn't get very far as I felt someone tackle me.

"Hi sweetie." My dad sneered in my ear.

"You fucker!" I shouted as I brought my head back.

He cried out in pain as the back of my head hit his nose.

"You'll pay for that." He yelled as he sat back up.

I jumped up and tackled him to the ground.

"So will you!" I yelled as I punched his face.

I kept punching until I felt myself being picked up.

"Stop squirming brat." Thomas, the red haired guy, said quietly as he put his hand over my mouth.

I mentally laughed.

Thomas screamed as I bit his hand.

Thomas dropped me, but my dad's black haired friend picked me up.

"Thanks Clay." Thomas said as he held his finger.

"Let's grab her and go. The wolfsbane bomb isn't going to last much longer." My dad said.

"You killed them?" I yelled as I struggled in Clay's grasp.

"No." My dad said as he rolled his eyes. "We didn't have time to make one that strong. It only knocks them out for an hour sadly."

I screamed as I got myself out of Clay's grip.

I lunged for my dad and tackled him.

"Leave my pack alone you fucking bastard!" I screamed as I started punching him.

My dad groaned as my fist landed on his cheek, but he shoved me off.

He stood up quickly and drove his foot into my gut.

"Listen here you ungrateful bitch." My dad growled as he grabbed my throat and picked me up. "You better stay quiet or I'll kill you right now."

I gulped down my fear and tried to look strong.

"We need to get moving Gideon." Thomas mumbled.

My dad nodded and put ductape on my mouth and wrists.

This can't be happening.

A tear fell out as I passed my pack members laying on the ground.

They are still alive Allison. They are still alive.



"Alpha!" Someone yelled as they busted through my bedroom door.

"What?" I growled as I jumped up and blocked Allison.

"She's gone!" Bruce said worried. "The Luna."

"What?" I whispered.

I quickly turned around and saw Allison's side of the bed empty.

"Where the fuck is she?" Ian growled as he broke through my control.

Bruce whimpered and bowed his head.

"H-hunters." He said quietly.

Ian growled and pushed passed him.

"Everyone in the living room now!" Ian yelled.

Not even a second later, I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

"Whoa want's up man?" Michael asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Uh Michael?" Adam said as he looked at Ian. "It's not Tommy."

Michael's hand froze and his eyes met Ian's.

"Alpha." Michael bowed.

"Allison is gone." Ian growled.

"No." Zia whispered. "No no no. That can't be true. Please tell me you're lying!"

I felt pain in my heart as our mom held onto her.

"No!" Zia yelled as she pushed our mom away from her. "You're lying! I talked to her last night right before she went to bed!"

"I'm not lying." Ian said as his voice cracked.

'I wish you were.' I whispered. 'We need to find her.'

Zia growled and ran out of the house.

My dad went to say something, but he was cut off when Zia screamed.

Ian gave me control back and we all ran outside.

"What?" I asked.

Zia turned around and showed us something.

"Hunters." My dad growled as we saw the arrow that Zia was holding.

"It was wedged in the door." Zia said as she looked down. "Allison's coffee cup!"

I picked up the broken cup and growled.

"We need to find her!" I yelled at everyone. "So we better start fucking looking right now or there will be hell to pay!"

"Look!" Lulu yelled as she pointed to the forest line.

I turned around as I saw some of my patrol members limping.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked worried as they got closer. "Where's the doc?"

"Right here alpha." The doc mumbled. "I need some men to help me get them to the clinic!"

A bunch of my guards rushed forward and helped the men walk.

"Hunters." Layne said breathlessly. "They through some bomb at us. I don't know what though."

"Wolfsbane." The doc said with a sigh.

"How can they make that into a bomb?" Bruce asked.

"It's very hard, but not impossible." The doc said as he looked at us. "If they get enough of it, it can be lethal. Looks like the hunters only had enough to knock them out. But we have to get it out of the system. It can do a lot more damage if left untreated."

"Thank you doc." I said sadly.

The doc nodded his head. "Of course alpha. Bring them this way please."

"Alpha!" Layne yelled suddenly.

"Yes?" I asked as the men carrying him stopped.

"It was Gideon and a couple of his friends." Layne explained. "I was waking up a little and I saw them with the Luna. Her mouth and wrists had ductape. I couldn't link you because the wolfsbane was blocking it."

I felt my growl ring through the forest.

"We are going to war. No one touch him." I growled as I narrowed my eyes. "He's mine."


Well poop.


Keep the comments and votes coming.

Love you Faithful Shifters!



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