Chapter 4: Stupid Shakespeare

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(Michael and Lulu up top!)

Soo? Are you guys happy that I came up with a sequel???

Well. I went to the doctors today. And I have pulled AND strained my hip flexor muscle, my intercostal muscle (the muscle that is pretty much on top of your sternum), and the muscle attached to my rotator cuff.

And I am also out of work for 2 weeks. Minimum.

As you can see, I'm not a very happy camper. I've 3 weeks pay and almost my best friend's life.

Soooooo....those girls are just lucky that I can't kick their asses right now.

Anywhore.....let's get this story rollin'!!!



Once the bell rang, I was out of there.

I don't think I have ever ran that fast before.

I made it to my locker and hurriedly opened it.

"Allison! Wait up!" A voice called out behind me.

After I opened my locker, I turned around and groaned.

Here comes Tommy.

"Damn. Are your pants on fire?" He joked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

If we got close, he would start asking questions and I can't bring him in the middle of this.

"Your locker is 122? That's awesome. Mine is 124." Tommy smiled as he opened his.

Seriously...I think this is the worst day of my life.

"So. I think we should write about William Shakespeare. I think he'll be the easiest to write about."

"Okay." I whispered agreeing with him.

I closed my eyes and hoped he would go away.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked.

Oh well. One can only hope.

I nodded. "I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me." Tommy said closing his locker and looked me in the eye.

I gulped. My dad would always say that right before he slapped me.

I started to shake in fear. What if he hit me?

Tommy paused and took a step forward.

"Allison?" He asked.

I shook my head and stepped away from him.

"Let's just work on the paper and after that, we can forget all about each other." I said grabbing my notebook for next class and shutting my locker.

Tommy sighed. "Do you want to meet up at your house after school today? Or mine?"

I can't bring him to my house. He'll probably make fun of me for it. But I can't go to his house because then I won't have time to make my dad supper when he comes home.


"Uh we can just do my house." I opened my notebook and wrote my address on a piece of paper. "Here's my address. I'll just meet you there."

Before he said anything else, I turned and ran to my science class.

Stupid Shakespeare.










The final bell for the school day rang and I walked out of study hall to my locker.

As I was putting my books away, I looked over at Tommy's locker.

Why the hell is he being like this? No one has ever shown this much care to me before. It's a little overwhelming. I don't know what to do.

And those sparks when I touched him? What was all that about?

I sighed and shook my head as I closed my locker.

I turned around and was instantly on the ground.

"Watch it." This girl sneered as her friends laughed.

I cringed when I landed on my elbow.

I looked up at her and she smirked at me.

"Wow. Nice outfit." She teased. "Guess shopping in dumpsters is the new trend."

Her and her friends walked off laughing and I gathered up my books.

Gotta love school right?

"Are you okay?"

I jumped at the voice and looked up.

I think his name was...Michael?

I nodded and started to get up.

"Here. Let me help you." He smiled as he gently grabbed my arm and helped me up. "I'm Michael. You're in my English class."

I nodded again.

He gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry about her. She thinks she's the queen bee around the school. But don't let Vanessa and her bitchy friends ruin your day, okay?"

"Thank you Michael." I said quietly.

"No problem. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He smiled before he walked away.

After that incident, I started to walk home.

I felt a car coming up and I heard it slow down.

Maybe I'll get kidnapped? It would be a miracle.


Why do I hear Tommy's voice?

I looked over at saw him park his truck and get out.

"Why are you walking? Do you need a ride?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. It's fine."

"Come on." He laughed. "We are going to the same place."

I went to protest, but he gave me that look.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." He laughed.

"Okay." I sighed.

He gave me an award winning smile and ran over to the passenger side and opened my door.

I stood there in shock. Why is he being so nice to me?

I shrugged it off and threw my bag in.

He put his hands on my sides and hoisted me in.

I gasped as I felt the sparks multiply.

He closed the door once he saw I was in and raced to his side.

I buckled up and noticed how high we were off the ground.

"You drive a tank." I said.

"I know. I got it lifted." He let out a laugh. "You talk really quietly."

I nodded. "I've been told."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing." He said as he turned down the road. "It makes you sound cute."

I stared at him wide eyed as he focused on the road acting as if he hasn't just said that.

"Uh thanks." I replied as I looked out the window. I didn't want him to see me blush.

He chuckled. "No problem Alli."

"Alli?" I asked as I looked back at him.

He looked at me through the corner of his eye and smiled, before he looked back to the road.

"Yea. Everyone calls you Allison. So, I thought Alli would be a cute nickname." He smiled.

I kept quiet and looked at the window.

A couple minutes later, he pulled down my road.

"The white one." I said as I pointed to the tiny house at the end of the street.

He nodded and pulled into my tiny driveway.

"This is a cute little house." Tommy smiled.

I gave him a humorless laugh. "Sure."

"B-back so soooooooon?" Drunkie slurred as he walked up to me.

I gulped.

"Who the hell are you?" Tommy asked as he stepped in front of me.

"Why does it matter to." Drunkie paused as he hiccupped. "You?"

Tommy clenched his fists. "You need to leave."

"Why's that?" Drunkie smirked. "You her new boyfriend? Your daddy won't like that very much."

I cringed. My dad can't find out about Tommy.

Tommy gave me a confused look, but I quickly adverted my eyes.

I can't tell Tommy.

"Listen." Tommy said as he faced drunkie. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to get the hell out of here before you regret it."

Drunkie was about to say something, but stopped all of the sudden.

"What the hell?" Drunkie yelled as he stumbled away.

"Dumbass." Tommy mumbled. "Let's go do this paper."

A part of me wanted to ask what he did to make that guy run off, but a part of me didn't want to know.

I put the key into the lock and slowly turned it so it would unlock.

I'm dreading this already.

"We can go to my room. It's the cleanest room in the house." I mumbled embarrassed.

Tommy didn't say anything. He only smiled at me and nodded.

I'm so confused. He saw my house, but he isn't making fun of me.

Maybe he's different?

Ha. Probably not.

All guys are the same.

I led him to the other side of the house and opened my door.

I was met with my made bed and baby blue walls.

"This is a nice room." Tommy smiled as he stood by my bed. "It suits you."

I studied him as he looked around my room with a small smile.

He is so tall, his head is almost touching my ceiling.

"Should we get started?" Tommy asked looking at me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"Hmm? Oh yea. Let's start." I said as I sat on my bed. "You can sit down you know."

"Oh right." Tommy chuckled as his cheeks tinted pink. "Do you have a computer we can go on?"

I shook my head. "No."

"That's fine." He smiled and grabbed his phone. "We can use my phone."

That' pretty much how the rest of the time went.

Him looking up random information and me writing it all down.

I hated to admit it, but I was actually having fun.

I don't know why, but I enjoyed being with him. There was something about him.

But I know I can't get close. He'll end up hurting me somehow.

I almost screamed in fear when I looked at my tiny alarm clock.

5:27 PM.

Dad is gonna be home at 6!

"Y-you need to leave Tommy!" I yelled as I gathered all of Tommy's things and shoved them in his arms.

I ran out of my room and straight to the kitchen.

I need to get his dinner made before he comes home.

"What is going on?" Tommy asked as he set his notebook down on the kitchen table.

I didn't really pay attention to what he was doing, because I was too focused on tiring not to get killed.

"Nothing." I said as I got some meat out of the freezer. "You just need to get out of here."

"Why?" Tommy asked narrowing his eyes at me. "Is it your dad? Mom?"

I closed my eyes to stop the tears from flowing when he said mom.

"It's nothing!" I yelled at him. "Please. Just leave. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I watched as he continued to stare at me before he grunted and stormed out of my house.

I rested my forehead against the fridge and took deep breaths.

After a while, I finally got my dad's dinner done.

I heard the front door open just as I put his beer on the table.

Perfect timing I guess.

"Looks good for once." My dad mumbled.

Great. He's already drunk.

I nodded as I watched his drunk self went to take a bite.

But right before the fork went into his mouth, he paused.

"Everything okay sir?" I asked confused.

I made the porkchop just the way he likes it and I even made mashed potatoes.

So I didn't understand what was wrong.

"Whose fucking notebook is this?" My dad yelled as he picked it up.

I gulped as I saw Tommy's name at the top.

Well shit.



I watched as her hands trembled as she unlocked her front door.

I don't know what she is scared about. I mean, I sent that drunk guy running.

'With the help of yours truly.' Ian laughed. 'Who knew making your eyes glow could send a grown man running for the hills.'

I laughed with him. 'He was such a wimp.'

'And if he thinks that he can touch Alli. He's got another thing coming.' Ian growled.

Right when I walked in her house, my eyes went wide.

I took in the sight of beer bottles scattered everywhere.

There were a couple dents in the wall and I saw a red line of the door frame.

'That's fucking blood.' Ian growled. 'And I know whose blood.'

'Allison's.' I gasped. 'That's how she got the cut on her forehead.'

"We can go to my room. It's the cleanest room in the house." Allison said as she brought me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and followed her to the other side of the house, trying to step of the various beer bottles.

"This is a nice room." I smiled at her as I looked around at the baby blue walls. "It suits you."

I could feel her studying me.

'You should jump up.' Ian laughed.

'No!' I chuckled. 'I'll hit my head.'

'I know.'

'You're an ass Ian.' I mumbled.

Allison and I started to work on the paper for a while before I had to leave.

I parked down the road, making sure I could still see her house and sat in my truck.

Beer bottles everywhere, she has bruises, there is her blood on the door frame.

None of this looks good.

And then she kicked me out like if I stayed any longer something bad was gonna happen.

I need to check everything out soon.

'More like now.' Ian growled.

I sighed and turned the engine on and was about to put it in drive, but stopped once I saw a silver car pull into the driveway.

A guy with gray hair got out and stumbled towards the door.

They both have the same blue eyes.

'Probably her dad.' Ian said.

'I agree. But something is off about him.' I said to Ian as I watched the guy fumble with the doorknob and walk in.

I sighed and put my truck into drive and headed down the road to my house.

Shit. I forgot my notebook at her house.

Oh well. I'll just get it tomorrow when I come over for our paper.

'Adam, Michael?' I asked through the link as I watched her dad stumbled in through the front door and close it.

'What up man?' Adam asked.

'Everything okay?' Michael asked worried.

'We need to keep an eye on Allison.' I said.

'Sure thing. But how come?' Adam asked.

'I don't know yet. But I just saw her dad. He's not good. And there is some of her blood on a door frame.' I explained.

'That's why she had a cut on her forehead.' Michael said as he remembered.

'Exactly. We need to keep an eye on her. We need patrol to stay by her house.' I said. 'I want her as safe as possible.'


Well crap. Tommy's catching on!!!

Keep the votes and comments coming!!

Love you Faithful Shifters!!


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