Chapter 7: Dad's Friends Come Over

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Seriously. Can I live in Tommy's pack house lol.

But how are you guys liking the book?

Comment here and tell me what you think about it!

Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you my lovelys and handsomes!

Okay. I'm gonna get sad on you guys and I'm really sorry lol.

Well I just got back from seeing fireworks and of course me ex was there. Like why wouldn't her be there....

But anywhere, he walked passed me and right as I was about to walk away, he fucking gave me a small smile.

And I know I'm over him, but it fucking killed me.

All the memories came rushing back and it made me really sad.

Like I don't miss him, I miss the memories. Because I was so happy back then and then all the happy memories came back.

Ugh...fuck him lol.

Okay. Enough with my boring problems. On with the story!!!

P.S.- I'm only updating this book because I'm so tired and my entire body hurts so much. But I will hopefully have an update for the Fox and The Alpha tomorrow!!!



I groaned as I conituned to type words.

It's been a week since we first got assigned the paper and I'm pretty sure my fingers about to fall off from typing so much.

I decided to skip lunch today so I can finish the paper.

If I finish it before lunch ends, then I won't have to go to Tommy's house.

Which is good, because the sperm donor is starting to get a little suspicious.

He came home early yesterday.

Luckily I left a little early from Tommy's so I could start dinner.

He walked in right as I started to cook. He only stared at me and then walked up stairs saying to tell him when dinner was ready.

I was shocked to see him get home so early and I'm pretty sure he thought something was up with me.

But luckily he didn't say anything about it.

I sighed as I started the last page of this paper.

I looked at the clock on the computer and cussed.

Only 10 more minutes.

"It's like fate wants me to not finish the paper." I grumbled to myself as I started to furiously type words.

"Must. Finish. Paper." I said sticking my tongue out as I tried to concentrate.

With 4 minutes left, I was on my last paragraph.

I clicked the save button and put my hands back on the keyboard.

"Be a shame if someone were to unplug the computer." A bitchy voice said right as the computer screen went black.

I gasped as I started at the black screen.

'Welp. Good thing I saved it.' I thought to myself.

I looked up and saw the three girls from other day.

What did Michael say her name was?

Oh right. Vanessa.

Her two friends started to snicker and Vanessa waved the cord in front of my face.

Just how I want my day to go.

"Can I please have the cord back?" I asked.

Vanessa laughed. "Aw. Hear that? She said please."

I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling.

"Why don't you give her the cord back." A female voice growled.

Vanessa quickly turned around and glared at the girl.

I looked around Vanessa and saw the girl.

She had brown eyes and beautiful wavy brown hair.

She looked to be a little taller than me and she looked like she worked out. She was built.

Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"And why would I do that?" Vanessa sneered.

The girl smirked as she stepped closer.

"Because you and I know both know that I would kick your ass. So I suggest you give the girl the cord back before I break your body. How about that?" The girl said as she glared at Vanessa.

Holy shit. This is one girl that I don't want to piss off.

Vanessa huffed and threw the cord on the ground.

"Whatever. Let's go girls." Vanessa said as she walked towards the library doors.

The brown haired girl rolled her eyes and picked up the cord.

"Here you go." She smiled as she handed the cord to me.

Why is she being so nice to me?

"T-thanks." I said as I grabbed the cord slowly.

I plugged it back in and sat there waiting for the computer to load.

I looked at the clock on the wall.

What's the point of even finishing it? The bell will ring soon.

Oh well. At least make it look like it's finished.

"I'm Zia." The brown haired girl said as she stuck her hand out towards me.

I started at it.

This has got to be a sick joke, right?

After a few seconds, I sighed.

I shook her hand. "I'm Allison."

She smiled. "I know who you are. You're in my brother's English class."

"Who's your brother?" I asked.

But it was then that I saw the resemblance.

Oh please no. Don't be-

"Tommy Slade." She laughed.

Curse you fate.

"Oh ya." I said with a nervous laugh.

"So I'm really sorry about those girls." Zia said. "Just ignore her. She's a dumbass."

"It's okay." I said as I turned to my computer and pulled open the paper to finish it.

Zia looked at me confused before she gave me a sad smile.

I decided to ignore her and finish typing the paragraph.

She turned around and grabbed a chair.

She set the chair down next to me.

I smiled slightly as I finished the paper and hit the print button.

I went to get up and get it, but Zia caught my wrist and pulled me back to my chair.

"Allison. It's not okay. Bullying is never okay." Zia said as she looked me in the eye.

"Why?" I asked a little harsh. "I've survived through it my whole life. I'm used to it. And why the hell do you care? No one ever cares."

Zia looked shocked and I took that time to get my wrist out of her grasp.

I stood up and walked over to the printer and grabbed my paper.

"Allison." Zia said as she walked up to me.

I ignored her and stapled my paper.

Now I don't have to go to Tommy's house.

Praise God Almighty!

"Allison." Zia said a little harsher.

I flinched and clutched the paper to my chest.

"I'm sorry." She said sadly. "But listen to me. People care."

"Like who?" I asked.

"Me." She smiled. "Tommy, Adam, Michael, pretty much everyone in this school."

I scoffed. "Why would you guys care?"

She gave me a warm smile. "You will know in time."

I looked at her confused. What's with the riddles?

"How could people that I never met before, care about me?" I asked.

She shrugged with a wink. "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bookbag.

"Will you promise me something?" Zia asked as she walked over to me.

I almost gasped at her seriousness.

Her face went from a smile to the sternest look ever.

"What?" I asked.

"If you ever get bullied, go to either me, Tommy, Adam, or Michael." She said.

I nodded just so she would go away.

"Promise?" She pushed.

"Promise." I said not looking at her.

"I mean it Allison. People do care." She said before she turned and left.

I stood there staring at her as she opened the door and walked out.

I sighed and grabbed my book bag.

Why the hell would she care?

I decided to shrug it off and finish the rest of the school day.











I walked up to the front door and slide my key into the lock.

I was so glad that I managed to get away from Tommy before he saw me.

Thank you getting out of study hall early.

I opened the freezer and took out the package of ribeyes that I put in the freezer.

I set them on a plate in the sink so they could defrost.

I opened the cabinet and looked for the box of mashed potatoes.

After setting the box on the counter, I looked in the freezer for a bag of coin.

I jumped when I heard the front door slam open.

I stood there frozen as I heard someone come into the kitchen.

The sperm donor emerged from the doorway with two guys behind me.

"What?" The sperm donor asked me.

"N-nothing sir." I said as I turned back to the counter.

"Are you fixing dinner?" He asked.

I turned to look at him and nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good." He grunted. "Make sure you make enough for my friends as well."

"Yes sir." I said.

"Come and get us when it's ready." He mumbled as he grabbed three beers from the fridge.

He handed them to his friends and walked towards his room.

I looked at his two friends.

The one behind him had black short hair and dull brown eyes. He was kinda tall and a little built.

The other one had greasy red hair and blue eyes. He had the same figure as the one with the black hairs.

Red haired guy looked me up and down and winked at me before he followed my dad.

I cringed in disgust.

Well that was gross.

I turned back to the cabinet and got out another box of mashed potatoes.

I groaned as I realized that I need to go shopping soon.

I hated asking the man for money for food.

He would barely give me any money and I'm always scared to ask him.

He thinks I'm gonna book it if he gives me too much, so he gives me enough money for a couple of days. Then I have to go shopping again later.

I started the stove and put some water into the pot.

I put the pot on the stove.

While I waited for the water to boil, I placed the tiny pan on the stove and heated up that side of the stove.

After the food was finished cooking, I placed all the plates of food on the table.

I grabbed three more beers out of the fridge and grabbed the bottle opener out of the drawer.

I got the caps off and placed them next to the plates.

'Time to go get the sperm donor and his gross friends.' I thought to myself.

After walking into the living room, I stood in front of his bedroom door.

I went to raise my fist to knock, but stopped when I heard them whispering.

"So what are we gonna do Gideon?" A man asked.

I heard the sperm donor sigh. "I don't know. We need to block them off."

"Would that work?" I heard another man asked.

"I'm not sure. But it's worth a shot." Sperm donor said. Might as well just call him Gideon now I guess.

"Well it might." The same voice said. "That way they can't run off. If we call the rest of the crew tomorrow, then we will be able to block even more off."

Block what off? And what crew?

I decided I should knock before they realize that I was easedropping.

"Sir?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"What?" Gideon said as he flung the door open.

"Dinner is ready for you guys sir." I said as I walked to the kitchen.

"Good." I heard Gideon say as he followed me.

They took their seats and I grabbed an apple and my bookbag before walking to my bedroom.

I quietly closed the door and fell on my bed.

Today has been so weird.


I wonder what's going on.

These are the questions that haunt me.


Welp. Tootle loo Faithful Shifters. Love you all!


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