Achieve and Deceive

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Gold's POV

I ran through my encounter with Green already for the Professor. He was against it initially like I was but we both came to an agreement that she probably is right. Except now the enemy is closer to an already delicate operation.

We decided to leave some details out when we run her through the plan later. The less she knows the better. Now the Professor has to help get Green approved to leave home for the first time. I won't be much help from my hiding place in the loft.

I lay on the floor just around the corner from the balcony that overlooks the main hall of the lab. A soft lump of something moves its way onto my back.

It's probably the small brown fox Pokemon I've befriended the last couple days.

"Okay Eevee we need to be quiet."


I hear the door open and formalities are exchanged between Cedar, Green, and her Dad.

"What can I help you two with today?" The Professor plays dumb.

"Well Cedar," Green's Dad starts. "Green here has decided to head out on an adventure."

"Oh really? Are you joining the military training?"

"Not exactly Professor," Green laughs. "Mom wouldn't like that very much."

"Professor Triton is hoping to open the region up in a year or two," Her Dad states, taking me aback that he'd say that so openly.

He must trust the Professor which is good for us.

"I'm going to be the test run," Green says proudly. "Of course I'll just be sticking to a few main areas."

"That's good to hear but are you sure?" The Professor asks. "Are you going to be able to watch over her?"

"Hey I don't need to be babysitted," She protests. "I am 20 remember."

"I already brought that up," Her Dad sighs. "We've agreed that she checks in once a week with her Mom and I'll make sure my teams are aware what she's doing."

So she'll only be semi-surveillanced. Annoying but workable.

"Well I hope this is the first step into bringing the real Elemente back," Cedar says.

"I hope so," Her Dad agrees. 

"So what do you need from me?"

"I want to help with your research," Green answers. "It'll give me some purpose as I go around the region."

"Just nothing Arceus related," Her Dad says, his tone a little more serious. "Alex said you were back into your old research."

"Just a little," Cedar laughs. "I haven't been out so there's lots for you to do for me Green. Let me put together some stuff before you leave, which will be?"

"Tomorrow," She says quickly. 

"Eager," Professor Cedar laughs and I hear her Dad sigh.

"She'll also need a starter Pokemon if that isn't too much trouble," He says. "I haven't had time to prepare to send off my little girl."

"Don't cry Dad," Green jokes.

"Okay well I will have all that ready for you tomorrow," Professor Cedar states.

"Thank you Cedar," Her Dad says. "I hope this is just the beginning, I miss the days where everyday was a new start for some kid out there."

"We can only hope."

And with that, the two leave.

Our plan is going flawlessly so far.

That can't last.

Serena's POV

"So you two are travelling together again?" May asks between mouthfuls of pancakes. "Interesting."

After celebrating late into the night, the three of us are enjoying a noon breakfast in the Pokemon Center. Ash and May are having a personal pancake eating competition.

"Mhm," I nod. "I don't know where we'll go though."

"We'll figure it out," Ash smiles before immediately going back to his pancakes. "As long as we're together."

May's eyes widen and I quickly shake my head. She's been easy on the teasing because of the Grand Festival but I know there's nothing holding her back now. "Now Ash when you say together what do you mean?"

He looks at her confused.

I just sigh and bury myself in pancakes.

"Ash there's a call for you," Nurse Joy walks over in her usual getup. 

"Thanks," Ash gets up and walks over to the phones.

"Probably a fan girl," May jokes and I glare at her. "So have you thought about where you guys want to go? I hear Alola is romantic."

"Kalos is supposed to be the region of love and that wasn't enough to break through his skull," I sigh, poking a piece of pancake maybe harder than I need to. 

"It's hard for him to put anything above battling," May agrees. "Maybe you need to go somewhere that doesn't have a league."

She's not wrong.

"He did say we could go wherever I need to go," I think out loud. "Maybe there's a region that doesn't have any sort of competition."

"Good luck with that," The girl laughs. "I feel like competition finds Ash either way."

"Serena!" Ash comes running over. "I found our next adventure."

He comes and sits back at the table, getting back to his pancakes.

May and I watch him, waiting for an explanation.

"Right," He swallows a big bite. "I've been invited to the Elemente region."

I look at May and she shrugs. "Never heard of it," I take out my Pokedex that has search capabilities. "Not much information is available."

"The guy did mention that normally they don't let anyone into the region." Ash shrugs.

"That doesn't sound safe," May says skeptically and I'm beginning to agree. "Who'd you even talk to?"

"The President of the region."

I nearly choke on my orange juice. "He asked for you personally to come visit?"

"He watched my battle with Leon," Ash explains. "Apparently he wants to reopen the league circuit in the future. I guess he asked if I would go around and have practice battles to promote battles in the region."

"So is this part of your Monarch duties?" May asks.

"No they said I didn't really have any after I won," Ash shrugs. "But I guess stuff like this can come up because of it."

"So there aren't gym or contests or anything?" I asks, glancing at May. This is kind of exactly what I wanted but the region sounds scary. I'm sure they wouldn't do anything to the most popular battler in the world right now but still.

"Didn't sound like it," Ash answers.

I look at May and she shrugs.


Gold's POV

"So is this really going to work?" I ask Professor Cedar.

We finish packing up my bag for tomorrow. I have maps, research papers, and most importantly the mysterious gold ring. Oh and also all the stuff I need to survive like a sleeping bag, food, clothes.

How exactly we fit it all in? I don't know.

At least the Professor recommended I find a Pokemon to travel around on since Elemente is so big, then I can drop some of the camping stuff and just stay in Pokemon Centers. We are under a tight timeframe so I can't waste time walking everywhere.

I'll have to leave my Elemente sightseeing until the next time I wash up on the beach.

"Green will be a help to you," Cedar states. "I don't love it but having her around should save you time and maybe get you out of a tough situation or two."

"So you're not worried her Dad will find out?"

"Oh it's definitely a possibility," Cedar sighs and takes off his glasses, allowing for full eye contact. "Honestly it'll happen eventually."

"That's comforting," I look back at my bag.

It's a simple black tote bag, overflowing with my stuff. I packed a bunch of pokeballs and other Pokemon supplies but the Professor said he'll keep my Pokedex wallet full so I can buy whatever I need.

"All you need now is a starter Pokemon," Cedar smiles, holding a pokeball. "Here."

I smile as I take the red and white ball. "I figured you'd want to come with me Eevee."

The Pokemon appears after I press the button on the Pokeball and open it. "We're in this together," I pick her up.

"Eevee will be a great help in the Normal District," Cedar says, handing me a Pokedex as well. "But remember you'll need to use the Pokemon tyoe of the District. Especially the leaders."

"Yes I remember," I nod. 

"Good," Cedar moves to his computer. "You should read your Pokedex file just in case a guard asks."

I read the computer screen. "Logan Cedar."

"Same last name?" I ask the Professor who has quickly made himself busy with some papers.

"Don't think too much," He waves me off. "It's the best I could do."

Whatever that means. He changed the profile picture to my face. He did me dirty by the way, he did it first thing in the morning, bedhead and all. Most of the information is pretty easy, just remembering to go by another name will take a second.

"Don't worry about going by Logan," The Professor continues. "You can just say Gold is your nickname."

"True," I nod. "So you'll just run my Pokedex in the morning and then I'm off."

"Pretty much," Cedar nods. "It's not too late to run back to Sinnoh."

"I think it's too late for that," I chuckle. "Green would come chasing after me."

"You're not wrong," Cedar laughs. "Just try not to put too much pressure on yourself Gold. Elemente is a beautiful region so try to appreciate it and enjoy it. You might have to if you're going to get through it."

"I'll try my best."

Ash's POV

"Here Serena they sent me the details," I hand her my Pokedex. It's probably better she reads them so I don't miss anything important.

May and Serena have been dragging me around Slateport, getting one last shopping trip together in before we leave. It's been a good distraction though because I can tell Serena is a little worried about going to this new region.

What could go wrong with a new adventure?

"They're sending a private plane here tomorrow," The honey blonde reads.

"Fancy," May quips. "But I guess there's no flights that go there so that's the only option."

"Then we'll arrive at The Capital and President Triton will meet us there," She continues.

"Does it say what you guys will be doing?" May asks and Serena shakes her head.

"I'm assuming he'll tell us when we get there I guess," She shrugs.

"All I know is that it'll involve battling so we'll have a great time," I assure her.

"All you think about is battling," The brunette shakes her head.

"Not true," I frown. "There's also food."

I hear Serena sigh.

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