You Let This Happen?

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Laurs P.O.V

Scrambling to Video tape Lilly Doing something stupid I sighed as my dads named flashed across the screen.  Sliding it to ignore he could wait. Pressing play I let out an annoyed sound as His name flashed again. Opening the call I presses the phone to my ear "Yes Dad?" I asked hearing a chuckle I perked up it was uncle Mikey.  "Whats up?" I asked "Well Your dad refuses to call you so I thought I would, Justin got in a bad fight and your dad aressted him hes at thw holding House with the other guy your dads keeping them in a room its bad" sighing I nodded "And you let this happen?" I asked and hung up. "Lil I have to go!" Looking over she frowned and nodded ok. Making my way to my car I sighed why couldnt he not get in troble.

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