𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈: Opponents, not enemies

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Kimberly grabbed her back from one of the benches and stormed out of the hall. She was the first to leave, until Nina, her friend and classmate, grabbed her bag and left too. I owed her an apology, Kimberly Isnaul. But it wasn't for now. Now was to show Sandra just how good I could play her game.

Luan scowled at me, got up, and left, with her hips projected and her Adidas shoes making soft thuds on the court as she walked past it. Eventually, Chloe stood up, snapped her fingers, and commanded, "Rehearsals' over, everyone!" She was the head of the cheerleading group, although Sandra was the most recognized.

Then, Chloe glanced at me. Her face was neutral. She was the best at hiding emotions. It was commendable but equally scary. She sighed, grabbed her bum bag, and walked out. Her olive legs walked elegantly, glowing under her green glittery gown. Chloe had an aura that made you respect her. I did too; she knew her lane and she maintained it. That was grand.

As soon as she left, there were murmurings as the other cheerleaders grabbed their bags and left. The basketball players didn't need that sort of instruction. The moment Bryan grabbed his jacket, gave King a meaningful tap on the shoulder and left to catch up with his girlfriend, Ashley, the other boys followed. Collins hadn't been among them. I hadn't seen him since I stepped in. Yet, this wasn't the time to be bothered.

When I retook in the surrounding that was brown wall and banners here and there, it was only me, Sandra, and King that were standing, facing one another, waiting for one to stay something. King croaked his throat. That was a headstart, a cue enough for Sandra to get closer to King and slap him. "You asked this girl out?"

King caressed his cheek. Anger burned within me. "Were you expecting him to throw the question at you instead?" I retorted.

Sandra turned to me. Her cheeks were heated. "What kind of a friend are you?"

"What kind of a friend are you?"

"All I've ever done is support you and help you in the ways that I can—"

"All that you've ever done is to make me feel like I was indebted to you in any way. All that you've ever done is show off pearl bracelets and throw yourself at people who don't need you: King, my brother, my mother, my sister. All that you've ever done is give a beautiful, wrong impression of who you are and attract love from any and every corner you find yourself in. That's all you've ever done."

"Are you jealous?"

"Of what?"

"'Of what?'? Heck, Emery, I have tried to get you into that 'circle' before. Did I not tell you to join the cheerleading group? You'd told me no because you thought you wouldn't fit in. Then, without asking you, I convinced Chloe to let you in and she agreed. When I relayed the news to you, have you forgotten your reaction? You had felt bad and said that I shouldn't do things like that, that you didn't want to get yourself involved in the way of the cheerleaders, that you didn't like their way of life.

"Remember? We had argued and decided that it was okay if I was a cheerleader as long as my friends and you guys didn't have to communicate. You had brought up the idea and I had agreed because I wanted to respect your decision.

"If it's the pearl bracelet you're jealous of, King's mother bought a pair of those and had told King to give one to me. I don't even wear it anymore because the string had caught on the rails back home and cut. I honestly don't know why that has become such a big deal. For your family, I wasn't giving any wrong impression. I love your mother and you know it. Heck you do, Emery! If you didn't want me anywhere near your family, why didn't you just tell me? All I've ever done is respect your decisions just so we'd be friends regardless of our differences.

"So you see. That's the kind of friend I am. Now tell me, what kind of a friend are you?"

"I haven't come here to explain our friendship to you, and I don't know why you've done it. I know you and what you're fond of. You're fond of embarrassing people, making them trip and fall at parties. But that's not what I've come here for. What I want to know is what rumours you've been spreading about me."

"I haven't been spreading rumours whoever's told you that." Sandra crossed her arms and leaned back. "I don't have to. Truths always find a way of revealing themselves, don't you think? Do you think I don't know what you've done to Josh Watson? It's everywhere, rumour or not. Sure, go ahead and think that you're winning the election whoever's been supporting your movement."

"Is that what this is about? You're scared that you won't win if I'm in the way."

"Heck Emery we are supposed to support each other!"

"Support? Are you freaking talking about support? I've dropped hints for you to grasp my interest in running for class president but everything you've done is to talk about yourself and how a school needs a face like yours."

"What kind of hints are we talking about here? I'd once asked you if you had ever thought about running for class president, and what had you said? I do not wish to get involved in matters that will affect my concentration in my studies and I hope you don't go behind my back and sign me up," she mimicked. "Who in the world says one thing and drops a hint for another thing and expects me to know exactly what's on your mind?"

"What's going on?"

"Not now, King!" Sandra and I said simultaneously. Sandra's eyes were wet and she was blinking more than she usually would, trying to keep her tears in check. I wasn't even trying, fire was coursing my veins like never before. I was sure my eyes were acquiring a deep red so I turned to the side and breathed in.

"King, please leave," Sandra muttered. Confused, King grabbed his things and left the room. As though we had been programmed to, we stayed quiet until we were sure King was fully out of hearing distance.

"You never told me you loved King," Sandra whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. "King and I have been really good friends and since you hadn't expressed anything to me, I had to assume that he was nothing to you. How could you have been jealous and not even bothered to tell me anything?" She shook her head. "You know, for a friend, you sure are secretive. Friends share feelings, problems, and ideas, that's what they do. I thought we were going somewhere, Emery. I thought this was real."

I shut my eyes. "If you think I'm going to fall for your manipulative, pity card game, think again. I am way above that. I am not going to support anything you do because you don't seem to do it in return. King had been right." Tevessa had been right. I wasn't going to be friends with Sandra because I felt indebted to her. By doing so, I would be getting myself back into the stupid trap.

I held the strap of my almost empty school bag. "Good luck with the election." I gave a quick nod to Sandra and left her in the hall to think about herself.

Walking to the office of The Dean of Studies and Vice Principal, Ms Jeana Smith, I spotted Griffin and Kimberly. They were walking out of the cafeteria, hand-in-hand, and talking and laughing about something. A lot I needed to talk about with Kimberly. I pressed my lips and made it to them just as they were walking in my direction.

"Hey, Griffin. Griffin." He continued to talk about ‘the book’ with Kimberly who nodded. They walked past me. "Kimberly?"

"What?" She replied and turned coldly.

"I want to—"

"Some other time. I'm busy if you don't mind." She turned and walked the rest of the distance with Griffin.

Kimberly didn't ask me if I did mind. She had just started her opinions and walked away, in her short green gown. Her shoes were sparkly baseball boots that spelt the shimmer in her. Kimberly's hazel eyes were the kind that seemed to glow. They provided me with the assurance that it was possible to be energetic and enthusiastic at all times. It was that similar feel that was present in Sandra's breeziness and cheeriness; like a sunny smile or a gay sunny room.

Now, both persons seemed to have lost their features, especially in my presence.

My entire body heaved. I turned and faced Ms Smith's office then knocked twice and waited. A few seconds later, her firm, African-accented voice told me to get in. I opened the door, walked in, and shut it.

Ms Smith was an organized person. Her office was painted the colour of walnut that matched her hair. There was a mahogany desk and three office chairs: one she was seated on and two others for visitors and students like me. She gestured for me to sit and I took off my bag, sat down, and placed my schoolbag on my laps. I stared at her expectantly. She was tapping her pen on an open file as if arranging her words.

"Ms Scother, Emerald?"

"Good morning, Ms Smith."

"Please, call me Jeana." Nope. No one called her Jeana. I sucked in a deep breath.

What did I know? Sandra had poured her desperate heart out in an attempt to save herself from my supposed misconception about her. She was playing a lost battle. As long as my mind was made up, as much as Tevessa was in it, Sandra and I were friends no more. King was my boyfriend now. Yes, I had agreed.

I clutched my bag tighter for some sort of assurance. Kingsley Isnaul was my boyfriend. I was his girlfriend. Wow!


"Jea—Ms Smith. Josh said that you called me?"


I nodded. "Joshua... Watson."

She nodded thoughtfully. "Watson is starting a movement and had come to me for a go-ahead. I had granted him that because Rose-Gold High adopts a democratic administration. Emerald Scother, you seem to have captured the hearts of many and you may eventually win the election. I do not want to be biased and make false misconceptions." She laughed. "What do you think of the movement?"

"I had heard of it a few days ago." Luan crossed my mind. "Honestly, I didn't even think campaigning was so important until... until now. I am determined to win. I feel like I've what it takes to be class president."

She smiled. "You know that you have what it takes. Confidence is a key factor in capturing the hearts of your audience. You don't feel, you believe. You don't think, you know. You make decisions, not live by chance. You may convince me, your actions already do, but remember that you are going to be convincing a group of teachers as well as the students. You are required to be smart and strategic. Especially for Lucky McMahon."

"I am aware, Ms Smith."

"Expect questions regarding your rather violent approach to solving whatever it was that had been going on between you and the Watsons. I am not in charge of any direct examination but I feel... believe that they will try to point out your weakness. Weaknesses are not used to chase you away, they are used to determine how you let them shape you to a better version of yourself." She gave me an eye that asked if her knowledge was sinking in.

I nodded.

"Your opponents are not your enemies. You are not going there to compete, Miss Emerald, you are going there to excel. Do you get that? Excel, to distinguish yourself from the rest. To stand out... transcend. Maybe, then, your friend, Sandra Khaling will be your co-president. Right?"

I didn't nod. I didn't shake my head either. I held on to my school nag, clutching the purple bag even tighter.

Sandra and I.

That was past.

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