𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈: Prinexha: Asterion, my blood

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My hand dropped to the sides, terminating the stream of fire. Seeing Crypta amazingly handling his shield made my heart beat with admiration, excitement, and fear. Alongside the realization that, for a split second, I had a potential murderer.

When Crypta realized he was not under attack anymore, he unclenched his fist, dropped his hands to the side, and the blue concave forcefield vanished.

We stayed that way, staring at each other. I turned away and held the upper arm of my left hand in my right, rubbing it nervously. The vein on my left hand was throbbing, like there was a rope preventing blood flow. A liquid ran down my cheek and rested on my lower lip. Instinctively, I brought my tongue out and tasted the salty pain.

"I..." I could barely croak out. "I'm sor--"

"I will send for Herald and leave you to proceed with your training." Crypta, on the other hand, had a clear voice. It was formal and firm like his father, as though nothing had happened seconds ago. He walked confidently to the bench, grabbed his coat, and hung it on his lower arm, in a very royal-like manner. When he was at the door, he turned. "I have to admit, Emerald, I am impressed with your recent development." Then, the door slid open and he disappeared into the training room.

I stood beside the trajectory. One of the suspenders had cut in half and the pipe had fallen. The end of the pipe was a burnt black, confirming the realness of what had happened.

Tears ran freely from my eyes. I couldn't control anything. Not my tears, not my pain.

Crypta had been wrong. Merwinian stones did make a mistake; I was that mistake.


In a pair of purple pyjamas, I walked barefoot to the Nesylone Waters. It was much more admirable in the night, reflecting the skies of many crystals. I didn't get too far, having concluded that Tevessa's family had blocked me out.

I couldn't blame them. I was a potential threat, visiting them while still being a Royal's ally.

When I got to the bank, I sat beside it and ran my fingers around the water. At first, the water felt cold, but as it glowed under my touch, I could feel the temperature heating up. The waters was drawing itself to me, subtly pleading to jump inside.

It was a temptation I couldn't resist; I needed the comfort badly. Taking off the pyjama shirt and trousers, I jumped into the water. The waters' hue covered my nakedness. A rush of relief flooded me as I brought my head out and ran my hands along my hair. I felt my body loosen instantly. For a split second, I forgot all my problems.

Turning away from the bank, I stared at the water as I walked farther from the rocks, deeper into the water. The waterfall was an even better view at night, it looked like liquid crystals pouring out into the water, pouring all that comfort in.

Asterion water. It was mine too because I had grasgi-hi and nes-hi de Asterion. Asterion power and crystal. Asterion was my blood, according to Crypta.

It was supposed to be scary for me that I was tied to the Zadios in a way, yet, I wasn't scared of it. If for anything, more relief washed over me. What would have happened if I had developed a Neymen power, then?

I didn't understand anything. Not why Crypta had chosen me. Indirectly, it meant Neba had chosen me, only using Crypta as a medium. A part of me felt the choice was not dependent on what Crypta had thought of while walking through the portal the first time.

I didn't understand Neba's propaganda one tiny bit.

First, he made the people of Zadiona lose to the Royals of Neba. Then, he'd shown the people of Zadiona the perfect hiding spot. Following, he'd given Crypta rare Merwinian stones so that he could get to me.

If he was on the side of the Zadios, he could have given them the necessary equipment, stones or guide to have won the battle in the first place. And, if he was on the side of the Royals, he could have told them where he'd hidden the Asterions rather than giving Crypta stones and involving me in it.

I put my head in the water and brought it out again. Being completely naked made me feel free; I wished I could stay here forever. Earth didn't seem like a good universe to be in. An Earthian, athurhen, they were the first two labels I wanted to take out of my life.

The water caressed my breast as I swam deeper into the water. I loved swimming as much as I loved coffee, I just never had time to do both. It was always studying hard, running from bullies, pulling up with Mum's issues, handling Nora's complaints, and working at Mister Pat's.

I didn't realize until now how much things had changed. For one, I was almost trilingual, knowing English, part Spanish from my junior years and now, Cirile. I was connected to Neba in many ways than one. Herald Tessoline was right, I was more than just connected.

After the lessons with Herald Tessoline, I rushed home because I wanted to sob on my bed and think of what was wrong with me. Mum wasn't home which made me even angrier. Sure, Mum and I were never as close as Dad and I but a small assurance that there was someone to vent to would have been appreciated. But, no, she wanted to spend time with Clark and Giada, and possibly think of how to make me move into dad's new house.

I ducked my head in the water and stayed that way for a few seconds. Underneath, the water was a clear colour, the reflection from the crystals visible if you looked up. I could see the rocks; I hadn't got that far. Still holding my breath, I turned around. A gasp escaped my lips when I saw two hairy legs moving toward me.

Water rushed into my mouth and panic riled me. Putting my hands up, I slapped the water aggressively. A pair of hands wrapped me and pulled me up. I pushed the body away and swam towards the rock, coughing aggressively.

"Emery." I stopped in shock. Of course, it had to be Tevessa. I wanted to be angry but the Nesylone Waters wouldn't let me. I moved with my back, very much conscious of my state. The waters suddenly felt too hot. Tevessa could see my bareback and if I turned, he would see my breast.

Oh, who am I kidding? He had probably been watching me at a distance!

I wanted to swim out of the water so that I could properly be mad at him. But I couldn't, not with a male's eyes digging holes in my back. I stood still, not turning, not walking, not even saying anything. It was Tevessa who swam to me, keeping a good safe distance.

Tevessa wasn't wearing a shirt and although I couldn't see the parts of his body hidden under the water, I spotted a blurred picture of a pair of red underpants, thankfully. Turning my head up to him, my eyes met the trail of hair on his chest. His garnet eyes shone under the crystals, and his hair was wet and dropped down to his head.

"You've been watching me." It wasn't a question but a silent affirmation. He swam closer and painfully nodded.

"Emery Valimenati." He held my hand in his, that confident smile now appearing on his face. I yanked my hands and glared at him. How could I forget who Tevessa was?

It was even more difficult to look at him now. He was a Zadio, a member of the opposition, a flirt, and a liar.

"I know who you are," I blurted. It was intended to come out loud, harsh and spiteful. I was supposed to hate him for lying to him. Instead, I felt comfortable.

His eyes glanced down and he sucked in a breath before staring at my face. The motion had been so fast if I had blinked at that moment, I may have missed it. The water was only a few inches above my breast. I wanted to go deeper so that the water would cover more of me but doing that meant going closer to him. Walking away from him, however, would lead me to stand on the rocks. I had never felt so trapped in my entire life.

"You seem to have become familiar with the Nesylone Waters. Ah! We're all trying to heal from something and deserve a break every so often. Do you not think so?" His body was unreservedly relaxed. He swam away and stood, bobbing his head. "I was at a distance not far away when I saw a familiar silhouette. I wasn't watching you, Emery."

That one tiny sentence made me feel better. Still, a Valimenati was a Valimenati. "Tevessa, you're a member of the opposition, Zadio," I breathed out and shut my eyes, letting that fact finally sink into me. I had never admitted it out loud and now that I did, it felt different.

I heard him sigh and then I felt him close to me. It wasn't until I felt a hand creep up my waist that I flashed my eyes open. Tevessa dragged me closer to the rocks, my body exposing with each move. "Stop!" I put my hands above my chest, my cheeks heating up. "Now!"

He let go of me, but I was standing on a rock, facing him. He didn't let his eyes glance at any other place but my eyes, respectfully. His hands were on my waist, standing on another bed of rock. "Tell me, does it change your view of me?'

"You lied to me."

"For a reason."

"I don't get it." I stepped back and turned around. Yes, he was looking up, gentlemanly, but that didn't make me feel less exposed. I shouldn't have jumped into a public river naked. It reminded me of how Sandra had suggested going skinny-dipping on my birthday. "Help me with my clothes, please."

Almost immediately, I felt the cool cotton of my sleeved shirt above my shoulders. Grabbing it, I wore it before turning around. The hem, when it brushed the water, stuck to the skin on my legs. Ignoring the cold from the now-damp shirt, I swam toward Tevessa and then past him.

"Rika had warned Tujan after the incident," I heard him say. "We were supposed to block you out right away. When you came again, Rika got angry that we didn't do as he said. He hit us, Tujan especially, and then she'd fainted. I was supposed to lock the adit, it was my responsibility, and yet, anytime I grabbed the crystlock, I just couldn't do it."

"But you can now, can't you?" My voice broke before I made it to the last word.

"It wasn't me but my father."

My entire body heaved. Feeling the need to, I buried my body in the water. Tevessa's question rang in my head. Yes, it changed a lot of things about him. When I didn't view the Asterions as a threat, it was a whole lot easier to keep them hidden from Crypta's knowledge. But, he, they, were the people who wanted Crypta and his family gone. I couldn't answer his question, not now, at least.

So, after carefully circumventing my words, I said, "You say we're all trying to heal from someone? What is yours? What's your problem?"

He was quiet for a considerably long time and I had to turn to make sure he was still her. He was, his eyes fixed on the water, his hands helping him stay afloat. Moving closer, I spotted it, golden liquid rolling down and past his cheeks. They met with the water on his body and ran down together into the river. With each drop into the water, the water would beam lightly, like a fire spark.

"What's your problem?" I asked again.

He shrugged. "Nothing. Tell me, Valimenati, how has life with the Royals been for you? I bet you can't wait to defeat us. Remember when you asked me why we weren't helping the Royals defeat the people of Zadiona? You seemed very eager to get on with the war." A sad smile crept up his lips as he brought his hands up and ran his fingers along his hair.

The two tattoos on his arm suddenly rang a bell. "You lied to me about a lot of things, Tevessa."

"I don't think I've ever lied to you that much."

"You said your last battle was what got Bihak's father killed. There had been no such battle."

When Tevessa avoided my eyes, I hissed and swam to the rock. I couldn't endure not being able to hate him. Getting out, the damp cloth felt even chilly and the sand stuck to my wet legs. I should have worn slippers or something. "You should obey your father and avoid allies of the Royals like me. I don't want to have to question where my loyalty lies."

"So you've been questioning it, haven't you?" I felt footsteps toward me. Why couldn't Tevessa just leave me alone? "Ah! It's a sign from Neba that you belong to the Asterions."

The weight of his words sank in deeper than I expected. He held my hand in his and as much as I wanted to flinch away I didn't. Rather, I felt a spark at the contact. He was right, I was an Asterion. Slowly, without even realising it, I whispered, "I... I have unlocked my power, Prinexha, and I hear it's grasgi-hi de Asterion."

"It's a very simple message, Emery. Neba is calling you to join us, the Zadios, and put the Royals right where they belong. Under our feet."


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