The circus is back on baby!

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Joseph looked at the laptop to find loads of comments on the live video that broadcasted the final circus show. "Please don't shut down the circus." "The United States won't be the same without you guys." "Guess I have to go back to watching politics 😢" "Stupid PETA! They can go to Hell for all I care!" "So much for taking my kids to circus :'(" "I loved the show! Too bad it's the very last one." "Those animal rights groups are idiots!" The comments kept flowing on. He wiped away some tears of both sadness and happiness. All these people actually cared about the circus. "I gotta tell someone!" He ran off to tell somebody. "Mr. Feld!" The CEO turned to find Joseph still dressed up in his ringmaster outfit.

The blue, silver and black sequins glistened in the light as he ran. "Mr. Feld, before you can tell everyone that the circus is finally over for all of us, take a look at this!" He said handing him the laptop. His eyes widened with disbelief as he read the comments. "I love the Ringling Bros! It is definitely the Greatest Show on Earth!" "I will always remember the very first time I saw the show when I was a kid." "Please look into your heart and don't shut down the circus! #SavetheRinglingBrosCircus" "Don't listen to those dumb@$$ activists!" "Ruby, Rose and Joseph are the heroes who saved the circus from ending." "Wow, look at all that feedback." Joseph's eyes were filled with hope. "Does that mean you're not closing down the circus?!"
"Of course, young man. You and your friends went to all lengths to keep the circus from shutting down. Go get them, I think they deserve our thanks for your actions and determination." The auburn haired boy ran backstage to find Ruby with her fire breathing dragon forlorn with grief and Rose crying up a storm, literally. There was a big, dark gray rain cloud pouring over her as she cried. "Guys! I spoke with Kenneth Feld and he said that he wants to speak with all of us!" The rain above her stopped making the rain cloud above slowly turn from dark gray to white making a small rainbow form above her head. Ruby stopped grieving when Fireheart gently nudged her off his green, scaly tail. "Really? He wants to speak with all of us?" Ruby said with a slight crack in her voice. He nodded extending his hand to her. "Would I ever lie to my two best friends?" Rose shook her head.

At a large press confrence the trio sat together onstage to hear what Kenneth Feld has to say. "I know I said that after almost 150 years, that the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus will close down on this very day back in January. During the farewell tour, these three teenagers hailing from Orlando, Florida made it their mission to save an American tradition from being broken." Rose wanted to cry again but stopped herself. "These kids went through a lot of hardship. From confronting animal rights activists, exposing the horrible truth about PETA and coming up with the ideas on making the circus shows unforgettable, Feld Entertainment owes them our thanks. Come on up, you three." The teens made their way to the podium making the crowd roar with excitement. "I want to personally thank the three of you for your dedication, perseverance and determination. It's with with great honor that I present you this." He placed a medal around her neck that had the symbol of the circus. "Miss McIntyre, I present to you, the Ringling Medal for your campaign that saved the circus from making a terrible mistake." The flashing lights from the cameras brightened the room as the teens waved to the crowd with big smiles on their faces. "I would also like to say that the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus will continue for years to come!" Loud cheers erupted from the press confrence with the three of them filled with joy.
"We did it! We actually did it!" Ruby pulled Joseph in for a bone-crushing hug. "We saved the circus!"

The next day, they all made the front page of the newspapers with the headline, "Floridian teenagers save the famous Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus from shutting down." The news spread like wildfire about them being the heroes that saved the Ringling Bros Circus. Rose got a call from her mom telling her on how proud she is of her, Ruby and Joseph on saving the circus from closing down. "There's a surprise waiting for me when I come home? I'll fly back home I have to say some goodbyes to the circus performers." Ruby and Rose were about to see the circus train off when all the performers were getting on the train including Joseph he stopped at the entrance to find his gal pals with mixed feelings of sadness and joy. "C'mon, Joseph!" Cried Tatiana. "You guys go on ahead, I have to say goodbye to my friends. I'll catch up with you!" The auburn haired boy went to his two gal pals. Rose wanted to cry while Ruby tried her best not to get all emotional.
"You're not coming home with us?" Rose said sadly. The auburn haired boy shook his head. "No, I going with them. I've decided to join them as their first ever teenage ringmaster." Rose had a bittersweet smile with small tears flowing down her cheeks and Ruby was trying to act aloof. "You should go with them, it's your dream after all." Ruby rubbed her eyes to avoid any tears. "Yeah, go on ahead, bud."
"The neighborhood isn't gonna the same without you." Joseph pulled them in for a hug. "I'll miss you, girls. When the circus comes to Orlando, I'll be there and I'll try to visit you girls and that's a promise I'm determined to keep."

Ruby and Rose were ready to fly back to Orlando, Florida. They heard sound of the train's horn making Joseph run inside with the other circus performers and crew members. "Goodbye and may all your days forever be Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey days!" He said entering the train waving farewell to them from the open window as the train slowly picks up speed as it pulls away from the stop. The two girls began to chase after the circus train running as fast as they can until they reached the end of the train yard waving at the performers and crew members as the the mile long train passes by them. Many of them waved back and one of them threw a framed picture that Ruby caught. It was a big group picture of all of them after the ultimate circus show in Ringling Bros history. "I'm gonna miss that dude." Ruby said watching the circus train ride away in the distance. "Me too, Ruby. Let's go home."

Ruby and Rose flew off to their home in Florida where a big surprise is waiting for them. They flew from the end of train yard to their hometown. From this experience, they learned that even teens from a tourist town like Orlando can make a really big difference in this world. They shared their stories about the adventures they had on the farewell tour some laughs, a few tears, a bit of madness and a combination of all those feelings. "I can't wait to see what surprise your mom has in store for us when we head back to the neighborhood!"
"Neither can I, Ruby, neither can I."

Joseph sat in his own room that was set up for him. It was a typical train car room with a medium sized bed with blue covers decorated with golden stars embroidered on it, with the walls being plain beige color. There was a shelf-like corner on the right side of his bed. He was holding an evelope that was written in hot pink with a sparkling unicorn sticker. He can tell that it was Rose's special way of writing and her fondness for unicorns. He opened it up and it was a bunch of letters along with a photograph of them after the spectacular circus show they put on. He felt some tears of joy and sadness when he read the letters and on the back of the photograph, it was something Ruby and Rose wrote. "May your days forever be Ringling Bros Circus days 😘✌ your best friends and partner-in-crime, Ruby McIntyre🔥and Rose Valentine❤" Joseph kept the picture close to his heart never forgetting his best friends who helped get this far in saving the circus and made his childhood dream a reality. "Don't forget about me guys. When Ringling Bros comes to town, I'll be there to see you again, I promise."

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