The terrible news

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A black haired teen came downstairs grabbing some pop tarts to toast when the TV mentioned something about the Ringling Bros Circus. "What a shame that the circus is shutting down." Said a female Australian accent. The teen peered from the kitchen with her chocolate milk. "What, step-mom?" The tawny haired woman turned to her step-daugher. "Didn't you hear, Ruby? They're about to close down the Ringling Bros Circus." She nearly choked on her chocolate milk. "What?!" She pointed to the TV. "I gotta tell Rose and Joseph!" Ruby ran upstairs to get dressed to tell her two friends.

Rose was with her 11 year old sister, Lily and 6 year old brother, Jeff until the 16 year old blond heard knocking on the door. "Who can it be knocking at this ungodly hour?" Rose rolled her eyes. "It's only 9 o' clock." She went downstairs to find her mother, Heather answering the door. "Hello, Ruby how are y-" She ran to the blond teen. "Did you hear, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus is gonna close down!" The magic wand fell from her hands when her best friend said that. "Oh my gosh, for real?" She asked hoping it was another rumor. The black haired girl nodded sadly. "I remember when your father and I first saw the Ringling Bros Circus. It was the late summer of '85 and he thought it would be good idea to go to the circus. Rose can you be a dear and get the photo album?" She nodded obediently and got a dusty red photo album that dates to the mid 80's. "Here you are, mom." She pointed to a photograph of her and husband, Ray when they were younger. The picture was taken with a polaroid camera. Next to it was several notes scribbled next to it along with other pictures.

"This was the program we got when we lived in New York. Your father wanted to keep it and he was right to do so because I want to show it you and your brother and sister." Ruby was growing impatient. "Sorry to knock you off the nostalgia train but Rose, Joseph and I have a circus to save." Her bright pink fairy wings drooped down in sadness. "Ruby, it's impossible and the Feld company said that the final curtain call will be on May in Long Island, New York."
"Which is why we have 4 months to change their minds! You can help us out with your magical powers." Her wings flittered a bit. "How? We're just a couple of teenagers, there's no way they'll hear us out." Heather shook her head. "Rose, I believe you and your friends can make a huge difference."
"Let's get Joseph, 'cause we got a circus to save!"

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