Chapter 1

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Everyday I torture myself. Each step I take fills me with pain. I've tried to sleep, but the images of it- I refuse to close my eyes.

My name is Stolen. Stolen Amber. But enough about me. I have a story to tell. A story of laugh... A story of pain... A story of tears... A story of fear... A story of my life...

It all started in front of my school. It was the day of my dance. The school's dance. Seventh grade was easy. Keeping a high reputation was hard.

I stayed there in my long flowy red dress. It was my mothers. My blonde hair was buzzed about four years ago. It was up to my shoulders now. It was still warm from the curling iron.

I walked into my school. The theme was red carpet. They covered the floors.

A boy. A boy walked up to me. I knew that boy anywhere.


He looked at me, like he had something bad planned for me. And I knew what it was when he grabbed my arm.

"Let go-" My mouth was covered before I had the chance of raising my voice.

"You know I hate doing this." He whispered in my ear. "Keep quiet unless you want the worst."

His hand slid off my mouth, and he pulled me to an empty hallway. The hall was dark, but I could still see.

A tear fell down my face as he pressed a knife against my back.

"This never happened. You hear me?"

"I hate you."

He pressed the knife harder against my back. Almost breaking my skin.

"I hate doing this to you. You know that."

"No you don't. You're twisted." Another tear fell down my face. "You enjoy torturing me."

He took both my wrists and held them behind me with one hand. He took the knife and slid the flat side against my cheek.

"You're a pretty girl. You know that?"

I shook with fear.

"The cameras are down. So nobody can see us." He kissed me.

"Stop. Please."

"Why? You scared?"


He chuckled. "I love it when you're scared."

"Please. Let me go." I pleaded.

"You're funny. This is the only night we can do this. So enjoy it." He turned me around and kissed me passionately. He loosened his grip on the knife. That was my chance. I took the knife and slashed his arm, causing a giant gash. I took the opportunity to run. He screamed in pain. He chased me, and pressed me against the wall. I struggled to break free. He took the knife, and placed it in my heart.

"Aannd.... Cut! Great job everybody!" The director said.

My name is Stolen. Stolen Amber. I'm an actress. I bet I fooled you, didn't I?

"I was sweating so much!" I said. Chase took the knife away from my chest.

"Why? We've done this only a million times." Chase asked.

"I know. I was just really nervous."

Chase took his hand in mine, and grazed the plastic knife on my cheek.

It tickled a little, so I giggled. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me into a kiss. A real kiss.

I kissed him back.

"I love you, Stolen."

"I love you too, Chase."

We kissed again.

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