Chapter Two- Assassin (Edited)

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As you know, I don't hide my wings. I had to fly in the plane because crossing the Talinact is too long a flight without rest or food.

So, I walked on the plane, towing my simple carry-on suitcase behind me. I read the minds of everyone already on the plane, to make sure they weren't a threat to me. Force of habit, you know, from when I was younger. I just got curiosity from most people that saw me, and just day-to-day things from the people that didn't. One person, though, sparked my interest.

I knew then that there was a woman on the plane who was thinking about how to kill you, Your Majesty. However, I couldn't pinpoint her seat, because I had to put my suitcase up and sit down, as the plane was going to take off soon. I just knew she was further towards the back of the plane.

I kept my mind on hers, trying to figure out when she was going to do it, and where. But, when we took off, she fell asleep, and I had to leave her thoughts. Why? Because if I'm in someone's mind when they're sleeping, I get sleepy, too, and I knew I needed to keep myself alert.

We were halfway across the Talinact when she woke up. I immediately started to sift through her mind, trying to figure out when she was going to do it. The human mind is a complex thing, so this took a while.

After half an hour of searching, I got the date she was doing it. It was a week after the plane touched down, giving her -and me- plenty of time to get over jet lag. I also found that she was a hired assassin, and was only doing it for money. I didn't find who she was working for, because she didn't know. They hired her anonymously, through a third party. That third party was the place she bought her equipment from, a guns and ammunitions store in Ramecia, which is a cover for their mercenaries' operations.

For the rest of the flight, I kept my mind to myself, knowing what I needed to know.


When the plane touched down in Nodaln, I went through her mind again, and found no new information. So, I went and found a hotel to spend my previously planned week in.

Because I had a week, I managed to see some of the sights I originally came here for- I am a tourist, after all. I also researched what was happening on the date that the assassination was planned. I found out about the parade by the palace, and I knew that the assassin was going to try to kill you during the parade, from my own deduction. I've seen plenty of spy movies to know that.

On the day of the parade, I flew high above the palace, trying to figure out where the assassin was going to ground. Two hours before the parade was to start, I heard her focused mind, and kept my mind on hers. I flew several kilometers away from the palace and dove in a swooping maneuver to land on the palace roof, out of sight from the ground below.

I was waiting for her to take aim. I had to be quick, but I also had to be sure. If I jumped down too early, she wouldn't shoot until she had a clear shot, and it would look as if I was trying to harm you, Your Majesty. Too late, and, well. Let's just be happy that I wasn't too late.

Anyway, I had to wait the two hours for the parade to start, as much as she did. Once the parade started, I then had to wait another half an hour before she began to ready herself to fire.

When she was finally ready, I myself got ready to move forward on the roof and jump down onto the balcony in the nick of time. I felt her concentration as she aimed her rifle, getting the sights just so, making sure she would not miss.

Right before she was about to fire, I jumped down, as you know, and caught the bullet for you, Your Majesty.

From there, you know what happened. I ushered you to safety, and got shot twice again because our friendly neighborhood assassin was feeling spiteful. I stumbled after the third bullet because, well, that was just a bit too much for a tourist to bear. Luckily, I was dragged inside the rest of the way by our Good Samaritan here, Mr. Jared Scott. From there, it was kind of a blur, but I know that I was rushed to a hospital, and once I was in the good hands of Doctor McKay, I lost consciousness from blood loss, knowing I was safe.


Here's an edited version of Chapter Two. As a reminder, it is Crystal recounting her story to the Queen, Mr. Sawyer, and Jared while they are all at lunch.

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