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Eggman happily hummed as he was finishing up the last touches of his latest invention. A human girl walked in the room and rolled her eyes at Eggman working on an invention, AGAIN.

"Are you sure that this is gonna work? Keep in mind, all your other plans have failed." The human girl stated, leaning against the wall. Eggman sighed.

"Yes. It'll work."

"Says who? You see, your plans, they always fail. And mine, well they always succeed. So why don't I make the plan this time?"

"NO!! It's going to work! And I'll finally capture that blue rat! I don't need your help!" Eggman shouted, his face steadily developing a nice hue of maroon.

"Hedgehog." She corrected him. "And you DO need my help." Eggman wasn't listening as he was lost in thought about the world falling into his iron-clad fists.  And how to best punish the girl who had just walked out, scoffing.

(Hi guys! This is written by me and Babykat222 all characters belong to SEGA unless at the end of a Chapter I say otherwise. Thanks for reading and we'll update soon!)

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