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Yes, I'm still in love with her. I was in love with her, I'm in love with her, and I will always love her. Nothing could change that fact. The only thing that could change, is that if she ever realizes her love for me.

She's with the wrong guy, and she still hasn't realized it. I'm her best friend, I know when she lies to me. When ever I ask about "Rohan" her face, has a different side to it. Her happiness goes away, and fear shows.

I don't know, what Rohan does to my Naira, but Enough is enough. I can't stand my Naira in pain. Look, if she doesn't love me, okay. But I don't want her in the wrong relationship.

Even though it breaks my heart, she's with another boy.. if it makes her happy, that's all that matters to me. But she isn't happy with Rohan.

In Naira's room

Naira's heart was beating fast. She wanted to scream for help, but her voice it's gone whenever he's around.

Rohan came up behind Naira, and he got really close.

Naira felt very uncomfortable, and she just wanted to push him, off her.. but, she didn't have the courage.

Rohan touched Naira's waist, and whispers something in her ear.

Naira didn't understand what he said, because the only thing she wanted to do, was push him off, and run. But she didn't. She was scared.

Soon, someone opened the door. Rohan, let go of Naira, and went far from her.

Naira turned around, and saw Kartik. She just wanted to run to him, and hug him. But she didn't have the energy to.

"Naira!" Kartik said!

"Kartik!" She said.

"Where's Rohan? Weren't you with him?" Kartik asked.

Naira felt sick to her stomach, hearing that name. She had no clue where he ran off too.

"Oh.. well.. he.. left.." Naira managed to say.

Kartik knew she was lying. He looked around the room, to make sure he wasn't here.

He walked up to Naira, and made her sit on the bed. He touched Naira's shoulder.

Naira immediately took his hands off her shoulder. Kartik was shocked.

"Naira, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine!" She said.

"Naira, don't lie to me."

"If I said I'm fine why don't you understand!"

"Naira, tell me."

Naira couldn't control her tears anymore. She felt embarrassed enough, that she couldn't stand up for herself. Those horrid flashbacks, of Rohan touching Naira in ways,  that scare her... make Naira fall more weak.

"Naira! What's wrong!? Why are you crying??" Kartik said.

He can't stand the thought of Naira in, pain. He doesn't understand what is going on, and why she is crying. He calms her down, and she eventually tells him what happened, and what Rohan does to her.

Kartik clenched his fist together, he wanted to teach Rohan a lesson.. but he had a better idea.

Why should, he be the one to teach Rohan a lesson. Naira can teach him a lesson on her own, she just needs faith in herself.

"Naira, lets go teach Rohan a lesson! He has no right to treat any girl like that. Naira, I'm with you every step of the way, don't be scared. He can't hurt you, if I'm around. Even if he has the nerve to hurt, you I will come save you. But Naira you have it in you to fight. YOU CAN FIGHT HIM!" Kartik said.

Naira hugs Kartik immediately.

He's always by my side whenever I need him. He always gives me the best advice, he always helps me. He cares for me. Yes, I love him. I have always loved him. But this Rohan always got in the way. But no anymore! This Rohan is going to stop hurting girls once, and for all.

Naira thought.

Naira and Rohan were going on a "date" tonight. Actually, Naira was going to confront him tonight.

They went out to dinner, and Kartik kept his distance. Just in case, to protect Naira, but he knew Naira could do this on her own.

While Rohan thought no one was looking, he started touching Naira.

Naira immediately took his hands off her.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!?" She yelled.

Rohan was shocked.

"You think it's okay, to touch girls like, that because you want to? Well that's not okay? And you think girls are going to stay quiet and let that happen? Well not anymore! Rohan, I was quiet for to long, but what you are doing is wrong! You have no right to touch girls in such ways! You keep your hands to yourself!" Naira said.

Rohan was shocked. Soon many other people heard what Naira was saying, and many other people started taking Naira's side.

After Rohan was humiliated enough, he ran from there.

"Kartik." Naira said.

Kartik looked at Naira.

Naira bent down on her knees like she was going to propose.

"Kartik, I love you." She started off saying.

Kartik heard the three words, he has been waiting for her to say.

"Kartik, I loved you my whole life. I was blind, I was scared of Rohan, but you. You stood by my side.. like always. And now, I want to stand by your side. Please Kartik, will you marry me?" Naira asked, trying to hold back her tears.

Kartik falls to his knees. He holds Naira's hand.

"Yes Naira I will marry you!" He said.

"Naira I will always stand by your side no matter what!" He said.

"I love you, Naira!" He said.

Naira pulls him into a hug.

The end 💞


You are strong, you are beautiful and you are worth it. The sad thing is, that the stuff I wrote in this book, is actually true. But guys, if you ever see this happen, please do something about it! Don't just stand by and watch it happen, do something!

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