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3 months... Has it been that long? I open my eyes to the squirming creature beside me, and tears start to fall from my eyes. Olivia... She's an angel, but every time I look at her, I feel a certain resentment I can't control. I know that makes me a horrible parent, and Sophia is frowning at me for just thinking it. I just can't help thinking that my love would still be here, if she hadn't had to bring Olivia into the world...

Sighing heavily, I pick up my squirmy child, and get off the bed. I take her to the changing table and clean her, and put a fresh diaper on. As I'm finishing, my door opens and Mom pokes her head in. "Everything ok? I heard Olivia fussing for a while." I just nod and pick up the baby. I don't talk much these days. Noone wants to hear my thoughts, so I keep them to myself.

"Jungkook... I would like you to sit down with me today. I want to talk about an arrangement for you..."

"NO! Don't even consider it. I will NOT marry! Mother, understand me please. I have my heir, I don't need a wife." I push past her to bring my daughter downstairs to have a bottle. When I walk into the kitchen, the maids scatter. I guess I've been kind of a dick lately, but whatever. Mrs. Choi isn't afraid of me though. She hands me a warm bottle for Olivia, and smiles before returning to her breakfast preparation.

I walk with Olivia to the living room. Sitting on the couch, I feed her the bottle and stare into her eyes. She likes to have eye contact with me, just like her mother did. I tell her stories every day about how brave and beautiful Sophia was. I tell her what her mother shared with me about her father and grandparents. The chicken stories are Olivia's favorite. She squirms and kicks like she's excited about the fucking chickens.

When she's finished her bottle, she belches like the lady she's going to be, I hand her off to Mrs. Choi with a kiss on her cheek. I head to take my shower, and get ready for work. I look forward to going to work lately. Not because I'm excited about the job, but because it's the only place there are no memories of my love... Well, mostly... Just regrets because I spent too much time here in the last couple weeks of her life.

Taehyung has been strange lately. I know he cared about Sophia from the time he was friends with 'Mina' in Busan, but there is something he is keeping from me. I'm too tired to pay attention to it though. If he needs me, he'll tell me... He recently went to my house to get the contractors working on fixing everything that was broken that last day. Noone really knows who tried to take Sophia that day, but we can imagine. The security guard was in critical condition, but finally pulled through. I paid him a hefty sum to spend time with his family until he's ready to return.

I went there last week to tell Taehyung what I wanted for Olivia's room, and the changes to make in mine. I ended up sitting in the luggage nook in the guest room closet, sobbing like a child. She was so scared... Is that part of what caused her to bleed out? Her blood pressure must have been high, and it was one of the warnings Hobi hyung gave us repeatedly, when he was on our side. Pre-eclampsia caused by high blood pressure...

I walked into my office to a face I never wanted to see again. I pause, but make my way to my desk and get ready to start working, ignoring her. "Hi Jungkook. How have you been?" I look at her with my best "fuck you" face and scoff... "Do you think of this shit, or is your brain not connected to your mouth?" She's startled by my response, but I don't give a fuck.

"I guess that was insensitive... I wanted to talk with you about a few things."

"I don't want to hear anything you might want to say. I never have Seo-yeon. Please leave. I have work to do." I'm biting my cheek to stop myself from going further.

"The thing is... Now that she is dead, and your arrangement with the Lee's too... My parents want to reinstate our arrangement. I could help with your child Jungkook. We could be happy..."

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING FILTHY MOUTH!! You are NEVER going to come anywhere NEAR my child. Get this through your thick fucking skull... You and me are NOT EVER GOING TO BE TOGETHER!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I stand and storm towards her, grabbing her arm hard enough to leave marks. I pull her out of my office. Standing in front of my secretary, sinking my fingers painfully into Seo-yeon's arm, I warn my worker. "This bitch is NEVER to be allowed in my office again. She is trash, and not welcome here. If she shows up again, call security and make sure they show her out. If you let her in again, you're fired. Got it?" My secretary looked terrified, but nodded eagerly.

I dragged Seo-yeon to the elevator, and when it opened Taehyung stepped out watching the situation. Grabbing both of the bitch's arms, I get in her face. "i won't hesitate to kill you if you keep pulling your bullshit. i know you threatened sophia using her disgusting mother that night in the hospital. i
would rather die alone, never having another woman, then be anywhere near your slutty ass... get it straight... never. gonna. happen... n.e.v.e.r." I threw her to the floor in the elevator and pressed the lobby button.

I took out my cell phone and called security. I told them to take a picture of the trash in the elevator, and if they let her in again, they'll be out of a job. After the call I turned to Taehyung. He is looking at me with raised brows, but doesn't say anything.

"How's the precious Olivia? Does she miss her Uncle Tae?"

"Sure Hyung... I'm sure she does. She loves you and Yeontan." Taehyung hyung is beaming thinking my 3 months daughter might actually miss him... "Maybe this weekend then? I could bring Jimin with me." I nod and then sit down and get to work.



Jungkook has changed... He's mean as a snake lately. If he doesn't like you, or something you've done, watch out. I mentioned a dinner at Jin's restaurant with all the guys, and he glared at me. "If that fucking Dr. Kim is going to be there, then I won't." I feel really bad for Namjoon hyung as he waits to be forgiven... I think it'll be a long wait.

The only time Jungkook smiles lately is with Olivia. It's really nice to see him with her, most of the time. I have noticed that occasionally, he'll be holding her, and his gaze will change. He will get a look like he's mad at Olivia. He will immediately put her down, or hand her off to someone. I know that he isn't actually angry at Olivia, but he's just plain pissed that he lost Sophia.

The scene with Seo-yeon the other day was a little scary. He definitely left marks on her from his grip on her. He hates that girl so much, and I hope his parents don't try to force anything on him. He's not ready, and he may never be. Having loved the perfect woman, the one who was put on this earth just for you... There can't be a substitute for that.

Mr. Jeon has been keeping Jungkook busy at work. I stay as close as possible, but sometimes it's difficult with my own duties. I overheard his father talking on the phone the other day, and it seems there is some pressure from the board of directors to get Jungkook a wife. I don't know why, in our culture, successful people are required to be married. He is handling his job, and having a wife won't help that. In fact, I think it'll be a distraction, since he doesn't want it.

I'm driving to pick up Jimin, so we can visit Jungkook. At the dinner the other night, there was alot of talk about taking turns to visit Kook once he moves back to his own house. Jin will be making meals for him regularly, and visiting him, and the baby, on Sundays. The rest of us will find a night every week to stop by. I asked Jungkook if he wants to hire a nanny, offering to do interviews, but he doesn't know what he wants.

Jimin says his new wife's sister is a preschool teacher. He suggested that he could see if she'd like to do the job. I think it's best to see how Jungkook deals with things once he's home first. My plan is to stay with him the first few nights he's there. The day he came to the house, he broke down completely. I'm hoping that when the damages are all fixed, and the nursery is ready, he'll be able to view it as home.



Something is up... I've felt it since the night Olivia was born. I ignored the signs when Hobi was in trouble, but I won't let it happen again. Namjoon is distancing himself from everyone... Everyone except Taehyung that is. The 2 of them have been whispering and looking at each other every time we get together.

I have already checked both of their financials, and only see a couple things that I think are suspicious. Nothing that screams in an obvious way though. Just some money transfers in and out of their accounts, to the same overseas bank. Maybe their investing in something together, and don't want to share yet...

We set our plan the other day to help Jungkook, and I'm hoping he'll accept us being around. The last time I visited him, at his parent's home, he was distracted, and rather a prick to the staff. I think part of the problem is that many of the maids all want to get his attention. One of the young staff was so brazen I actually had to pull her aside. I told her to have some respect and leave the grieving man alone. The head housekeeper, Mrs. Choi overheard everything. She thanked me, and then immediately fired the girl to set an example for the others.

I can't imagine what he is going through, without having the added pressure of having to fight off girls. Tae told me about Seo-yeon's visit to Jungkook, and I hope we've seen the last of her. I don't think so, but it would be best for her. He's only going to get more mean with her, and I worry he'd actually hurt her. I don't care about her, but Jungkook needs to keep that part of himself in check.

Back in his college days, Jungkook lost control a couple times when he was angry. One time he beat a guy so bad, he almost died. Jungkook had called me from jail, and I bailed him out. My father helped me get the victim to drop the charges, and I paid him off. The Jeon's never found out about it, and he got himself back under control. I think part of that was deciding to become a teacher, instead of being in business. Now that he's not doing what he loves, he's miserable. Even if Sophia was still here, he'd be unhappy in some way. It would be alright though, if he were coming home to her every night...

I have been keeping tabs on Ju-won and Ha-eun. I will know immediately if they get any strange ideas about Olivia. I'm sure Jungkook is also checking up, but he's distracted. Ha-eun's trial is coming up, but the prosecutors are not as confident without Sophia's testimony. Hobi and his sister will be there though, and I'm hoping they can be convincing enough to see that woman put behind bars.

Unfortunately, due to the Jeon's deal that got Ju-won released, he won't be prosecuted. Jungkook is angry about that, and I heard him ranting to Taehyung that it shouldn't matter. He also said he'd 'take care' of Ju-won if the legal system doesn't. I hate to think that he could lose himself in revenge. I rather like our soft Jungkook.


3 weeks later


"What do you mean Taehyung? For how long are you going?" My best friend, and attorney, just informed me he's making a trip to see his family. I know it's selfish, but I need him here.

"It will only be a week or two Jungkook. My Mom isn't feeling well, and I need to help out. You understand, right?"

"Of course Hyung. I'm sorry... What can I do? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No Jungkook... Thanks anyway. Olivia needs you home."

I nod because he's right. I can't just pick up and leave. The house is ready now, but I haven't been able to bring myself to stay there. I was actually hoping Taehyung would want to stay with me for a few days at first, but he's leaving. Time to grow up I guess.

"What's the matter Jungkook? You look upset... Do you want me not to go? I can" "It's fine Hyung. I was just realizing I'm moving home tonight... Home... It doesn't feel much like one anymore."

I feel myself getting emotional again. I shake my head and look out the window to try and get ahold of myself. A knock on the door brings me back to the present. "Come!"

"Kookie-ah! I wanted you to meet someone. This is my sister-in-law, Jung Aera. She's a licensed preschool teacher, but has agreed to work for you. She will take care of Olivia while you're at work."

I look up to see a cute girl next to Jimin. She's looking at me with a shy smile, but I can't muster anything except a slight head bow. "It's nice to meet you Miss Jung, but I think I'll have to refuse. I'm not going to be hiring anyone at this time."

"Jungkookie... You're going to need some help when you move home... Aera is fully qualified and ready to help you. Why would you refuse?" Jimin asks.

"Hyung... While I appreciate you're trying to be helpful, I'm not in need right now. I'll be bringing Olivia to the work daycare, and I can handle things at home by myself... I have to learn, right?"

"You really want Olivia in a daycare with all the other kids... and the germs? I think the" "HYUNG! Enough!! I said No!"

Why is this short man pushing so hard? I'm about to lose it when Taehyung pipes up.

"Hey Kook... Maybe Aera can help out in the evenings. She could get her from daycare and bring her home... You often have to stay late, so this way, you don't need to stress. She could feed her dinner, and when you get home, all that's left is the fun Dad stuff... Bath and bedtime..." Listening to him talk about bath and bedtime, I think of Sophia and how she's missing this... We were supposed to do it together... I turn to my window to clear my head and try to prevent tears...



"I guess so... We could try it. I just really don't need much help though. So if Miss Jung finds a better, full time job, she should accept it."

Jungkook looks at the poor girl with what seems like disgust. I know he's building his wall... He wants noone to try and replace his Sophia, so Aera should get no hopes that he'll ever see her as more than the help.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm happy to help in any way I can. If something comes up, I'll be sure to give you notice. Should I come by this weekend to learn where things are?"

Jungkook just nods, but keeps glaring at the poor girl. I clap my hands and try to bring the mood back. "Alright... Aera, let me show you the daycare where you'll pick Olivia up." I leave jimin and Jungkook to argue, as I'm sure they're about to, and lead the girl to the elevator.

"How long ago did you graduate Aera?"

"A few months ago... I'm sorry sir, may I know your name?" She's blushing, but doesn't seem like she lacks confidence.

"I'm so sorry... I'm Kim Taehyung. I am an attorney here, and one of Jungkook's best friends."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kim. Thank you for showing me the daycare, and helping to diffuse the tension back there. I didn't realize Jimin Oppa had not spoken to Mr. Jeon."

"It's fine Miss Aera. I wanted to speak to you anyway..."

"Ok... About what?"

"Jungkook... I want you to know he's not a bad guy. He's just" "Grieving... I'm aware of the situation."

"He won't be nice at first... I hope you can understand... If you just focus on Olivia, and don't try to be close to him, you'll be better off."

She giggles at what I said and I give her a confused look. "Mr. Kim... I don't really want to have this spread around, but Mr. Jeon is not my type..."

"Really? Most girls can't stop themselves..."

"He is handsome... But I would have been more attracted to his girlfriend if you get my meaning..."

"OH!! Oh... You're... Ok... This is perfect then!" I can't stop myself from grinning at her. A girl who will be truly immune to Jungkook. I never thought I'd see the day...



"Jimin hyung... Why would you bring her here without asking me first? I don't want some thirsty girl trying to hit on me in my home"

"Come on Jungkook. She's not like that. She really loves children, and she needs a job. You need someone at least part time... It's perfect."

"I'm not looking to replace Olivia's mother Hyung..."

"Kookie-ah... Noone is trying to do that. Nobody could ever replace Sophia. I miss her too, you know?" I see the tears in Jungkook's eyes and I pull him into a hug.

"I'm alright Hyung... I'll give this a try, but if I change my mind at any point, you can't make me feel guilty. Ok?"

He shrugs me off and it stings my heart that he won't accept my affection. I understand him, but I feel like he's changed so much that we may never see "our" Jungkook again. Tae and Aera return from the tour of the nursery, laughing together.

"Jungkook! Aera's great! There was a crying toddler, and none of the others could calm him. But, Aera got him giggling in under a minute. She also said that she cooks. She can make sure you have a hot dinner at night! This is perfect!!"

"I don't need a dinner Hyung. She shouldn't be worrying about me. I'm hiring her to care for my daughter only. Understood Miss Jung?"

"Jungkook... Stop being rude. If you're mad at me, say so."

"I'm not mad at anyone Hyung... I'm just laying out the rules. I don't want any misunderstandings."

"Mr. Jeon? I know you don't want any help. I will care for your daughter during the hours we agree to, and let you handle your own self. I'm just hoping we can be civil, if not friendly for Olivia's sake. Children sense tension, and I'm not looking to create any."

"I can do civil Miss Jung... It's best you don't expect friendly though."

"Fine... Now what time should we meet to have a chance to tour the house and learn what I need to?"

I watched Aera handle Jungkook, and I was happy she'll be able to help him out. I may not like her sister, also known as my wife, but Aera's always been a sweet girl. Her family recently started talking about arranging her, but she has refused. She wants to pursue her career first, and consider marriage later. For now, this seems to be alright with her parents.

"Jimin hyung... If you could bring Miss Jung tomorrow to my home, I'll show her around."

"Sure thing Jungkook. We'll be there at 4. Does that work?"

"Uh... Make it 5... I have to drop Taehyung at the airport in the afternoon."

My eyes widen, but I don't argue. I know he's going to keep asking questions, since I haven't mentioned my mother's illness before. He's suspicious of me, and it hurts a little... He's not wrong though... I'm not visiting my mother... I just can't tell him what I am doing... Yet.."


What's Taehyung up to? Hmmmmm...

Thanks for reading!!

babygirl_9795 I don't want you to be sad... I published early to distract you from the tears... Hang in there!

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Love you all!!










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